Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

I thought the hind end looked to functional for a halter-bred QH…


I have waded through less than half of this thread, and I could swear I hear the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull of a leaky houseboat.
Alas, I have to put a lecture on cardiovascular drus together, so the rest will have to wait.


:rofl: I will go to my grave remembering that reference. Fondly.


My last name is Shearer. And unfortunately it was in response to a post that was blasted about my business where I was directly mentioned. Fortunately the person/s that did so have crawled back under their rock and deleted everything as they were embarrassed for standing up for someone in the wrong.

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You are correct. I paid them $9760 in 5 weeks of work. Owed was $180. But I had to look at the books. I attempted to pay multiple times with no response. So yes I had to go back in the books to look what one person was owed for one week when my business bills out over 25k each week at various shows with various braiders. She asked on a Sunday and I said I would handle on a Monday(my day off). Instead a fb post was made late Sunday night and actually sent to me by my lawyer. Everything has subsequently been taken down once the truth had come out. But sure….if you would like to do my accounting and bookkeeping I am in the market to hire someone.


Glad you are still following me. Tad creepy but I can understand why you are so obsessed with my great business and breeding program.


Hey @Scribbler posted again on my fb some drama if you want to share :slight_smile:


Weird flex, but ok.


For someone who claims not to want any drama it’s weird how you bump this thread back to life every couple of weeks.


My semi-family member in the Aland Islands of Finland (located between Finland and Sweden) runs the horse park there but also is a longtime harness race driver and breeder. Standardbreds are the gold standard of harness racing, faster than the Orlov Trotters she started with since they were so much less expensive. (Standardbreds cost more due to import at that time.) It was a big deal for their track many years ago to get a starting gate so they could stop doing a volte (circle) start.

They have a “pony-trot” series that kids drive and they use actual ponies! These kids are going super fast and it’s really exciting and slightly terrifying!

Anyway, harness racing is a big deal there and well attended and bet upon. They travel to Sweden to race frequently. (Drive the horse vans onto the ferry for crossing.


Did I miss where it was confirmed that Scribbler was a specific person on Facebook?


No. She is not doxxing Scribbler. She is bringing Scribbler’s attention to more drama on Facebook about herself, not Scribbler. Since Scribbler started the post to discuss drama centering Kashear and try to shred her business including her breeding business, it’s just a rather mild poke back.

This thread turned into a good one about breeding KWPNs and braiding, very enjoyable thanks to Kashear’s patience and sense of fun.


As far as I know I have not yet been doxxed and I have certainly never posted to KS FB page. So I don’t know what this is about. I have not gone searching to look.


No one is being doxxed. It was just poor wording in a post. I got what the poster meant, some did not.


I did that one time with horses in the van on the way to Gothenburg, and it made me so nervous. I was trying to convince the parking guys to leave room to put the ramp down in case of emergency. Lol.

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Amen. This dumb thread finally died. Let it remain dead. You sure want attention on yourself, don’t you? Scribbler, for heaven’s sake, don’t look at the FB stuff.

Re the good KWPN and breeding info - start a new thread if you want to keep discussing that.


And thanks to her apparent need for attention, here everyone is discussing her again.


I think it was a fair poke back considering how the thread started. She didn’t come in here uninvited. She was brought in for other people’s entertainment. She just brought more value to the discussion than was expected.


Except twice now the thread had died a natural death, and twice she has been the one to resurrect it.


So what?