Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Perhaps someone is bored now that they are getting ignored elsewhere?


If only. :joy:


Bilil was my farrier for awhile when my regular farrier was recovering from a motorcycle accident. He had wonderful stories of buying DHHs from the Amish. That’s a gorgeous horse!

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Not ignored anywhere. Lol! But @Scribblerlikes to check my open to the public Facebook so I thought I would just say….go check it
Some juicy stuff was posted :kissing_heart:

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My favorite word of late that definitely applies here with tpi

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That’s what started this two years ago. They tried to throw me over the coals for my Kwpn tuigpaard. Scribbbler started this entire feed not Because she was interested in a thing I was doing but in order to bad mouth me. I have no idea who he/she is and nor do I care. I handled my things in person and directly.


Hey gotta keep the haters hating and stalking! Lol :kissing_heart:


Well no, no you don’t…….Unless you really are some kind of attention wh**e who thrives on the notoriety?
I can’t think of any other reason for repeatedly coming back on to re-open a dead thread and do do it by actually announcing you have drama?

Blimey :thinking:


I feel like it was 100’s of posts ago that I commented that she thinks “any publiciity is good publicity”. Haven’t changed my mind!

What’s the opposite of damage control @Kasheare ? It certainly isn’t repeated resuscitation attempts to keep this thread alive and “your name in lights”.


I wasn’t talking about you.

For you, wouldn’t letting this thread die be the better thing to do?


Actually scribbler keeps it alive. I check like once a month and she’s posted something else about me. So why not give her something to continue to talk about?

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Actually no you don’t, unless you are the kind of person who thrives on drama and negative attention. Most people would simply ignore it and not waste a minute of their time thinking about it.


Weird. The last time Scribbler posted (before your latest bump) was March 9th.

Then it went quiet and you bumped it back up on March 15th by commenting to several people. No one responded to you at all on March 15th.

Then 15 days later, you posted again.

Facts suck, but it is all right there.


The thread was dead and scribbler posted in march about my Facebook page. Nothing to do with my breeding, business or anything above just to comment about my fb. As I said I check in here once a month or so to see if anything new. So of course I responded March 15 when I saw scribblers new post. Why shouldn’t I? When it’s clear as day you have someone openly stalking you! Lol


Oh please, it’s so apparent that you like the attention whether it’s positive or negative. You “bumped” the thread back up, not Scribbler this time. Who’s to say that she would’ve? You’re almost gleeful that you have a “stalker” and I’m using that term loosely. It’s weird, but you do you. If you want to keep this thread alive, then rock on.

I don’t “hate” you, you’re braiding, or whatever tuigpaard things you’re up to, but if you like drama, just own it lol it honestly comes off as though you like this attention and drama, which is fine, we all have things that light our fire(s).


Oh, I get it now. Y’all dragged @Kasheare here so you have someone else to play with. She already bested her critics well and soundly here once, I’m sure she can do so as many times as she wants to play the game.

If you don’t like the “drama,” don’t engage. @Kasheare is not jumping on any posts but the one made in her honor. /s (means sarcasm) so it’s easy to avoid her if you wish.


HH, it’s just as easy for HER to avoid this thread. SHE is the one who posted to get attention.
(Very gratified that I can respond to you without having to contribut to a GFM page.)


Why would I avoid a thread where the entire thread is about every aspect of my life? Lol


Yes please I love when random people I’ve never met make a coth post about me lol! :rofl::rofl::rofl: I literally have never been on here except for this post and the other one yet again about my horses I’m breeding! Sorry I have awesome horse

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