Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Because the thread was dead and gone. Let it die and live your life.


Don’t be sorry for having an awesome horse!

I think you missed my point, but that’s alright!

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Yeah this was the last thing I posted. The vagaries of the FB algorithm have not yet informed me of whatever is going on in KS world right now, and I can’t be bothered going to look. I do think it’s odd for someone to bump up a thread about their propensity for drama by inviting us to all go see drama on FB, but whatever. Anyhow I think that any point I was trying to make has been substantiated enough.


Do you not even recognize that you bumped it after 17 days to report some FB drama?



Yes I posted this on March 6. It must have seemed relevant at the time. But then the thread died out and KS bumped it up yesterday ??? I think to say she was generating more drama on FB. I have no idea what that’s about and had indeed stopped thinking about the topic. I mean yeah I did start it and post in it but I figured whatever point I was making was already established and I was forgetting about it until KS tagged me yesterday or whenever.


We removed some interpersonal issues from another thread.


Wouldn’t that be swell?


I was reading a random post that came across my news feed and then I realized it involved Kate Shearer (someone congratulated the braider who did this horse for getting out from under the control of someone who was clearly Kate Shearer but they did not use her name), and then Kate Shearer proved it by posting something snarky.

Some braider was given the wrong barn number and braided a horse they were not supposed to (it happens). The owner of the horse posted on FB asking who did the amazing braid job on their horse that did not need to be braided.
The braider who did it admitted it was them, apologized. Lots of comments about what a great job they did.
And then Kate Shearer pipes up and all heck breaks loose.

That comment by Kate is so out of line. The owner of the horse and the braider were fine, people loved the braid job, blah blah blah.



And she continued on it, too - ON, and ON, and ON…




I know. Her inability to not be the center of attention would be amusing if it was not so rude of her. The person who posted the original post asked her to stop so many times and she just would not.

And then she starts in on the - I am getting a lot of support - thing. Um. Ok. Sure.


Here’s the original post, for those who don’t have facebook. It was cute and sweet, and the braids look pretty spankin’ good.


Kate also has to insist that these braids are horrible and would not be acceptable anywhere.

The owner says the mane was super short and super thick because they band it, not braid it and she does not know how anyone got braids in it, let alone such wonderful braids.

Edit to fix spelling of mane, I know it is spelled mane, but when I proof read main looked fine to my brain. Sigh. Stupid brain.


Oh my gosh, it gets worse. Kate goes on to post screen shots of old texts between them where this poor braider asked for loans.
I guess if you are Kate, it is OK to loan someone money and then hold it against them for the rest of their life that they needed the loan.

All I know is that I would never want to do business with Kate Shearer after reading this exchange on Facebook, that she entered into just to bash someone else who did a great braid job. She can’t claim she was there to defend herself.


And clearly Kate does not know when to stop.
She stole the ladies (who posted the original post about the horse being braided) photo to bash the braider on her own page.


I love this one in particular.



I’d like to also point out that the braider she is slamming has been nothing but classy and kind. What a stand-up person to not go ballistic in the face of this psycho.

Now, who wants to buy a horse from her?


I agree.
The braider who made the mistake was very classy and kind and the owner of the horse was not upset at all. Things were great until someone felt the need to bash. And then the braider (not Kate) was still classy and kind.


Her first sentence in her post of being " a forerunner for braiders not being bullied by the mafia that surrounds us" is infuriating. Pot meet kettle.


I feel sorry for the gal who’s horse was accidentally braid. All she wanted was to find her mystery braider and now the thread is full of drama.



The braids look great.

The horse looks a little bemused.

Anyone who has never seen the wrong horse get braided through an innocent mix up has not been around horse shows very long.