Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Wait…. Am I missing something here? Kate Shearer actually gave the braider her dog’s drug meds?


Exactly. What about the dog? What about the implications of handing out “double digit” amounts of Tramadol?


What a completely :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: thing to do. There was absolutely no need for her to enter the conversation at all.

And by the way, Kate, giving (or selling) your dog’s prescription to someone for their personal use is ILLEGAL. It is a FELONY.


Which one would assume a supposed lawyer would know… :popcorn:


I saw the post on the FB group Overheard at the Ingate and thought it was so cute. Then I started reading the comments… and Kate’s name popped up. Of course it was her, she can’t stand not being the center of attention. I don’t think she cares whether it’s negative or positive, she just craves drama.

I once had a braider accidentally braid my horse’s tail instead of the eq horse in the stall next to her. This braider was not strung out on dog drugs, mistakes happen! Stay classy, Kate.


My popcorn is gone, and I’m down to those nasty un-popped kernels at the bottom that you try to eat anyway because they’re salty and buttery and then wonder whether you cracked a tooth on that last one.


Not me, esp after further looking into her breeding program, but that’s fine, people can make their choices and have thier opinions re which horses to buy and/or which breeders to support. It’s not personal, really.

All that aside, on a bit more of a personal level, I’m still applying the barge pole rule (or 10 foot pole). What a piece of work!


It’s more about who would want to give this crazy lady any ability to put YOU in her crosshairs? I don’t, and therefore would not buy a horse from her. Ever. One “wrong” move and you’re the subject of one of these manic tirades. No thank you, forever.


She’s on the same level as that other [edit] lady who thinks George Morris is haunting her or something.

Or the Kanareks.

It’s all great, until it’s not. And it will really not be ok, in a snap.

Crazy, crazy, crazy. Nope!


It doesn’t really matter - according to her public FB she is getting out of breeding. I don’t believe personal relationships are a strong suit.


Shearer really wants to be sued. Plus she is on record handing out dog meds to someone. That’s illegal.


I like how a braider couldn’t just have the wrong info (been given it, horses changed stalls/stables, or just made a mistake as we all can) and purely accidentally braided the wrong horse, they have to be under the influence of drugs and that’s what caused them to braid the wrong horse for sure! :roll_eyes: WTAF.

You best have solid proof, or you’re asking for a lawsuit/defamation claim…among other things.


The woman who was offended that some of us did not like it that she was braiding in flip flops has such strong rules against what anyone else might do while braiding. So weird.


This braider says somewhere in that whole conversation that she can not actually see any of Shearer’s post because Shearer has her blocked.
So big tough Shearer is all proudly slamming someone who can not defend themselves.


Da fuq?


Ahhhh, I knew I recognized that name when it came across my Facebook feed. All I have to say is yikes. That was neither the time nor place for that kind of malarkey.


And enter Bonnie Navin…LOL


Petty distincition:

Tramadol is prescribed for humans as well as dogs. It’s a human drug. Kate Shearer’s prescription might have been for her dog, but this isn’t quite on the level of taking ivermectin for Covid.

Tramadol is not actually an opiod, but is a controlled drug, by some bizarro logic I don’t understand. You can’t get high from it, or at least, I don’t get high from it. It does supposedly “potentiate other drugs.”

Which do I think is more likely? A braider at a big show with arthritis in her hands or an aching back from standing on a stool taking the Tramadol with some Advil so she can continue to work, or whatever bs Kate Shearer is peddling?

And does not realize that since she GAVE the person the drugs, she’s incriminating herself?


What I don’t understand is how Ms. Shearer justifies her posts as “opinions” and she has a right to an “opinion”. She clearly states that the braider is on drugs, etc. That’s not an opinion. That’s a misstatement of facts. An opinion, “when I knew her, she took drugs, and it’s possible that she was on drugs when this happened…”

Ms. Shearer: if you read here: you have NO basis in fact for your statements. You have no idea why the wrong horse got braided and it is patently false for you to make derogatory statements about this person. Think about that when folks start posting about you.


I think whatever business involving drugs or loans or dogs or whatever was private between Kate and the braider. Period. Positng that info on a cute FB post was WAY over the line.