Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Particularly since it’s like Shearer had some sort of notification set up when the braider who was given the wrong information was named. She didn’t appear until AFTER the mystery braider was known.


It does have some mu receptor opiate activity, but it has a complex and not entirely understood mechanism of action.
Scheduled drugs however, need not be opiods–abuse potential is one criterion for listing them.
Ketamine, for example, is a non-opiate scheduled drug.


Honest question. You thought this braider was struggling and you ENABLED them by giving said hurt person your dog’s medication? What the hell do you get from telling the world you’re an idiot for giving pain meds to someone in distress. And then you gleefully disparage the person for taking the meds. YOU GAVE THEM. This woman is cruel and gross. Airing it all out on FB after some benign post about a lovely braiding mishap just shows how petty and small and CRUEL she is. Gross gross gross


If she’s even telling the truth.



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I love a good Dutch Harness Horse, but this Kate lady is turning me off of them with her inability to be a decent human. Never ever would I ever buy one from her and she does breed nice horses.


Pretty sharp edge on both sides of that sword.

Either she did something really bad and illegal, or she invented a story about doing something really bad and illegal to make the other person look bad.


She SD she was getting out of breeding but yet a few days later was on FB posting about buying more straws. Lol. I really did try to give her the benefit of the doubt but she’s her own worst enemy. If there isn’t drama, she’s going to start some.


Oh man here we go again. I just wanted to thank everyone who has the time of day to follow my every interaction and then come on here to talk about me. I am glad that my life is more interesting than yours. Have a good day ladies and gentleman and I already have the popcorn ready for reading all the comments. :slight_smile: Can’t wait!


I thought she was just done with a certain breding venture…Arabs maybe? But not all together.


Well of course! If a Chin Chin straw fell into your lap wouldn’t you buy it? Even if to just later resell it. It’s called business my friend. lol

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Correct! I retired and stopped breeding the HA. But alas I got culled into it by a fellow breeder where we now will co-own future HA foals. But that is correct I am focusing mostly on my dutch jumpers.


You are absolutely right! I should have said no! She begged me as she said her prescription from North Carolina was running late and she would give me the meds back the next day when she got the prescription. But this was not the first occurrence of asking for “drugs”. When a person takes like 3 different pain medications a day plus muscle relaxers and steroids there is a problem. I had never witnessed the problem until winter circuit this year and things sat uneasy with me. I took all my employees out to eat every Monday and she would literally fall asleep and fall out of her chair and her husabdn would say it was because of the meds. at 6pm… I should have been wiser myself and I will take any repercussions that come my way absolutely. But the no call no show and the drugs and the constant asking for loans was enough.

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To be fair, it isn’t that you’re life is “more interesting” it is that many of us are aghast or flummoxed by your behavior. Mostly because we cannot relate or just don’t understand why one would behave that way or say certain things.


What if this person has legit medical issues but still needs to or wants to work for a living and they’re doing what they can? I know some people that stack meds, or might be done by 6pm. They’re not trying to be bad people or doing anything nefarious.

Granted, I don’t know the person you’re speaking of, but there are 2 sides to every story and the truth is often somewhere in the middle.


I also came across the thread on FB of the original person asking who the mystery braider was. You got dragged there, for sure, but I’ve had a few questions since reading it.

The person you’ve now bashed publicly allegedly asked you to loan them money. You posted screenshots of them asking for money and your response. If you don’t like being asked to loan money, why didn’t you say that to the person you loaned the money to privately? Instead of being a grown ass adult and privately telling the person you aren’t comfortable loaning money, you aired your dirty laundry online for all to see, trying your best to make mystery braider look bad.

You also said this person referred to you as the “bank of Kate.” Yet at no point in screenshots did you state you did not like to be called that to this person.

Then you disguise you “concern for the community” by making libelous statements about mystery braider taking “dog pain pills.” I get that you are ignorant and do not realize tramadol is a human drug, but if you’re so concerned, why didn’t you confront the mystery braider privately about their drug problem and actually try to help the person? Do you really think you are helping them by dragging their name through the mud, making accusations about drug use and posting it publicly on FB for everyone to see?

You have claimed to lift people up. If this is your way of lifting people up, I can see why breeding isn’t going so well for you.

Asshat comes to mind here.


Well thank you for that. I will put that in my notations that I am a disgusting person and I will look at it daily when I do good in the world. :slight_smile:


Yes sorry. Put away your shovel. You’re digging yourself to hell. And if you really thought she was in that dire of straits, why would you enable her? Why wouldn’t you help her and why would you air it all out now you are gross. Go away


I am far from ignorant. I am well aware that Tramadol is a human drug I was only mentioning I had it because it was prescribed to my dog. Secondly I did tell her multiple times when asked for loans that I would not do it. Yet I really did feel sorry for this older woman. You would be surprised how many people in our industry ask me for loans because I am concientious where and when I spend my money and do appreciate having a savings account. No I felt it wrong to correct the bank of kate as I know it was her way of breaking the ice but now I realize with someone [edit] I was only enabling the foul behavior. [edit] I do greatly apologize that I enabled her. I’m sorry that I am deemed an asshat in your mind. You can have your opinion of me and I accept it just like I am allowed to have my opinion of this other person. Gotta love the free world and the ability to do so!

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Free world doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole on social media.