Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Ah yes, the channel is being flipped. We are currently witnessing the Sad Sausage (self-pity) version.


Absolutely! I do share the whole truth though since so many do follow/stalk me. I have nothing to hide. I do regret that I enabled this person. At the time I didn’t realize it or what I was doing. I was just trying to be a friend. But from an outside perspective I do see I should have said no and attempted to get her help.


Yes…Bonnie is a very reputable attorney that speaks her mind as well. Are you trying to insinuate something here?

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Not an asshole at all. Honest. Why is honesty so wrong?

Yes, she is a supporter of abusers…which is why she backs you right?


If you have the capability of learning that it was wrong and you “made a mistake” in giving someone a schedule IV controlled substance, then one would think you also have the capability of learning that blasting about it on social media is wrong. Forgodssake. Do better.


You literally know nothing about Mrs. Navin then if you think she is a supporter of abusers. She has done so much good in the horse world.

Oh so she is not the safe sport denier?


Absolutely will try to do better. Yes absolutely horrible that I enabled this individual. Want to discuss the ongoing drug issue then and not my enabling or just looking for something to try to make me out to be “the worst human ever” as per above. lol

She actually has helped many people file safe sport claims if you knew better. But alas I’m sure you got some third party knowledge about things. Lets believe your knowledge for sure though! Definitely accurate!

Well that’s good to hear…maybe she should see that you are reported


What am I reported for by chance? Genuinely curious what I have violated? lol

TBF, you are full of [it]. You dragged mystery braider on FB for being older and having to borrow money. You don’t feel sorry for her. You feel superior. You also still loaned her money, didn’t mention having issues with it per your own screenshots and then used it against her publicly as a way to degrade her.


If you actually felt sorry for her for having to borrow money you would not try to destroy her reputation so she could not earn an income.

I did not want to be involved in your desperate need for attention and drama but you really are what’s wrong with the industry.

Maybe you’ll gain some perspective when the day comes that you’ll need to borrow money because of your tanking reputation and businesses.


I felt sorry for her at the time. That is the clarification. After things caught up to her and she no showed no called for work and put my business and the rest of the team in a bind, yes I absolutely will share my opinion of her. Now that I look back I can see the behavior escalating but at the time I thought nothing of it. I am sad to say I did not see the warning signs. I will be smarter and wiser moving forward though.

The jury is still out on that.
But I’d not be in such a rush to discard what might be the only, albeit weak, excuse for your execrable behavior in this poopfest.


So you’re confirming that you gave another person a controlled substance that was prescribed to you for your dog.

Is that correct?

Yes or no will be sufficient.


Weird how this person claims her braiders are paid in full every Sunday, but there are several partial payments for braiding shown in the screen grab posted as “proof” on FB.

And she couldn’t find the braider to pay her? When all payments have been via Venmo anyway? Just send payment. Wtf is the problem.

Dragging up months old requests for loans, which you’ve agreed to, trashing your (ex) employee is another level of classless.

As is popping into a light-hearted thread about a braiding mistake to drag that ex employee.

At some point, when you’re neck deep in drama all the time, you’ve got to realize the common denominator is you.


Sounds good!

We must compare numbers every sunday. She went MIA on thursday and never responded until weeks later. That is how the business is done. And yes I send partial payments out as I max out my daily sending limit. This is all before the work is even done on Sundays and numbers match up. I apologize if this is confusing to you.

I’m sorry that bringing consistent behavior to light is classless. I guess that is what I am then. Oh well. I am a sorry excuse for a human being per someone above. Shall I just go walk off the end of the earth? Oh wait its round lol

Yes. As she was to replace it the very next day. SO I will take any charge that someone wants to file against me. I will totally own up to my mistakes and ill judgments.