Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

That particular mistake is also called a “crime”. Which I’m sure you know.



I’m sorry if this is confusing to you.

Trashing your employees, ex or otherwise, is trashy. Stop doing that.


And as I said I will absolutely turn myself in if someone so deems the need to charge me and I will admit it. As well as inmplicate the individual that was on the receiving end. It was careless of me to do so. I really did not think of it as much but now looking back at the consistent behavior I was absolutely enabling [edit] and I hate that I was a part of it. I will own my part of it and will absolutely pay for the crime if need be.

Simkie unfortunately I have a 15K revolving pay out limit every 7 days. So I do blast off a ton of money early on before comparing numbers so I don’t end up hitting that limit every sunday. I’m sorry if that is confusing to you.

For the record, a lot of comments by Kate were deleted by the OP on FB including the accusation that mystery braider was taking dog pain medication.

I really wish good health upon mystery braider (they have been identified but I’m leaving their name out of this). It sounds as though they are POTENTIALLY dealing with some significant health issues that require medication and there are, unfortunately, two faced people in this world that will judge them and do everything to attempt to trash their reputation - all for no good reason. It’s very predatory.

(ETA: We don’t even know if Kate truly did illegally distribute medication and someone else took them. We don’t know if anyone has an actual drug problem either).

If an employer is this absurd, ignorant, destructive and cruel in how they treat their employees, I can only imagine how they treat the people and animals in their personal life.

I use to feel sorry for you Kate for having such a reputation and the things like this thread and more being open about you, but now I believe you truly deserve it.

I’m off now to my own drama-free existence. And maybe a shower.


Then you’re not paying out your braiders in full every Sunday.

But that is clearly confusing to you.

Venmo doesn’t sound like the appropriate vehicle for this use, since you’re unable to actually pay your employees on the schedule you state.


There are some weeks where yes the maximum is hit so I send via paypal or zelle. Would you like me to open my books up to you so that you can see what my business brings in and pays out? I’m more than willing to show you.

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You’ve already done that. It shows you’re not paying your employees in full every Sunday.

Look, “I pay in full every Sunday” and “I hit my payout limit and have to send the next day” are mutually exclusive things. You either pay your employees on the agreed payday, or you don’t. You don’t.


And this:

Are also mutually exclusive. You must compare with your employees before payout? Or you send out payments before comparing.

Withholding less than $200 owed when you’re paying out $15k+ is ridiculous. Jfc, send her what you think you owe her on the regular payday, and if there’s a discrepancy, take care of it later. Keep your private conversations private. Don’t air dirty laundry publicly.

I get that a lot of people who make their living in horses are in horses because they’re not suited to a traditional business environment. But that lack of knowledge of how business runs is harming you, on several fronts. Withholding pay is a big deal everywhere. Trashing (ex) employees is incredibly inappropriate. None of this paints you favorably.


Yeah, and one can be both open and transparent while being professional with a touch of class.


There is no withholding pay. I need to know what work was actually done as people trade out. I asked for that. I do think it was ridiculous that I could not get any response what-so-ever. And yes I send out thousands (of which are under what I do think I owe each person) to get money out. It has worked very well for everyone involved, and did for this person as well until she tried to make a big deal. It is what it is. I have never owed anyone ever! But you can continue to try to tell me that I am not paying people. As I said you are welcome to look at all my accounting and books that are given to the accountant. :slight_smile:

Yes I will remember that for next time. Guess I am human and can be semi-weak sometimes and not always classy!

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So we have a person who finds her horse braided in the dark and made a cute post about it. Then the braider is like OMG that was me so sorry the owner gave the wrong barn and stall.

Then here comes Kate, for no reason whatsoever, starting a trash fire [edit].

like who does that? Who scrolls the internet looking for ex employees to trash on random posts?

There was another post saying how proud they were of the braider from getting out from under Kate. I think that says more than enough.


Actually not the course of events but absolutely if that is what you think happened please believe it. I’m all for people and having their own opinions :slight_smile:

And one might ask why someone middle aged is working for someone that is much their junior in age and asking said junior for loans? Guess I must not being anything too wrong business wise if that is the case…and no as someone else tried to opine I am not a trust fund kid. I have been on my own since I was 17 and have built everything for myself.

Because they need money? I feel the answer is obviously because they need money and a job is a job. They didn’t suddenly stop having bills once they hit “middle-aged”. People of all ages need and take out loans, that’s not something that only happens to young people.

Yes, I hope that you’re finances stay stable and you never have reason to need a loan.

Who suggested you are a trust fund kid? You have stated multiple times that you are completely self-made and have been on your own since 17.


What does anyone’s age have to do with it?

You’ve mentioned that several times. How is that relevant to anything?

Spoiler alert. It’s not.


Here’s your training [edit]: have some compassion and be glad you aren’t walking in their shoes.
There, all trained.
Speaking of training, people need it to be able to recognize the psychopaths that walk amongst us.


Ok, I’ve seen this from other individuals (unsavory ones, at that) on this board, but what is it with putting down middle aged women? I am not yet middle aged, but what kind of petty insult is that? So what if their supervisor/boss/manager/employer is their junior?! We all take different paths in life and have different goals and aspirations.

Does it make you feel better to put someone down like that?

You best hope that you never end up in an unfortunate situation or asking something from someone that is younger than you, especially as a middle aged woman someday :roll_eyes:

So yes, one might ask that if they’re a…well, people can fill in those blanks as they wish.


What does her being older than you have to do with your despicable behavior?

Spoiler alert - nothing. [Edit]


I should be embarrassed that my boss, and the boss over my boss are both younger than me?

Darn it.
I did not know that was a bad thing.

They are both smart people who have worked hard and are a pleasure to work under.


Now I have to go tell them that I am a horrible failure at life for having a boss that is younger than I am.