Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Hard to when the entire thread is about me bahahaha

Considering everyone keeps bringing up on the posts that she probably doesn’t know better or doesn’t have the experience. I should be kinder. I have a lot less years on this planet and know to make better choices. Only thing I pointed out.

Who in the what now? Who is everyone?

Man, you keep digging. It’s not a good look.

You knowing how to make better choices is…subjective. Let’s just say that.

Your immaturity and lack of experience is showing. I would say it’s your years on this planet, but I’m not sure that’s it!


Fewer, Ms. Multiple Degrees. And you are not helping yourself at all.


The FB post shows that’s exactly what happened.

Also, just because someone is on pain medication doesn’t make them an addict. Medications can make people sleepy, I don’t think someone falling asleep at 6PM because they took their medication inherently makes them an addict. And if someone does have addiction issues and is trying their best to maintain a job, the last thing they need is some person (you) throwing them under the bus on a completely unrelated post. It takes a lot to truly shock me, but when I read what you said my jaw dropped. Who does that?!?!

Seriously, Kate, grow up. You complain about people bullying you and “stalking” you, and then you turn around and pull something like this. The post wasn’t asking for a raiding recommendations - your comment was completely rude and unnecessary. It’s wild (and concerning) you don’t see how YOU are the problem in this scenario.




Honestly, I didn’t care so much about this at first, but the behavior is just disgusting…and just the lack of… Well, the lack of!


I’m sorry but I think someone that mixes many pain medications, steroids and muscle relaxers while being the care of your animal is wrong but it is. That is leading to disaster. But heck you all seem to find me no matter where I post so please continue to follow me! :slight_smile:

What makes you think I’m trying to “help myself”?

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I love every single bit of advice here from random anonymous people that should take their own advice. Thank you very much and I will definitely closely look at what you are telling me :wink:

First of all. You’re not sorry. Stop with the lies. “Im sorry” followed by a “but” is a sure fire way to let the world know you’re not sorry for what you’re about to say.

Second of all, are you a doctor? A pharmacist? This persons physician??? No??? Then who are you to say what the individual can or cannot take simultaneously? You’re not even the owner of the horse, so decisions are not up to you.


You have. By your own admission. You owed the braider for work done. She was unpaid for four weeks.

You could’ve paid her per your records on the agreed upon pay date. You didn’t. You withheld her pay. You routinely pay out without comparing, so saying comparing is required doesn’t track–again per your own words. You also routinely pay partial payouts on the agreed upon pay date and the rest later, which is also withholding pay.

Running payroll is hard. Lots of moving parts, lots of regulations. It’s clearly beyond your scope. Hire a payroll manager. Form actual business accounts. Venmo is clearly not the appropriate vehicle for this, especially since it appears to be your personal account.

Btw, releasing medical information about an employee opens a pretty ugly can of worms. Lots of laws around that. Don’t do that.


Absolutely! [edit]. I did not think that she had such a serious problem until I witnessed it then questioned it then things added up. I am a nothing to this person except clearly their “bank”.

Simkie you continue to hound my paying out policy. I needed some form of communication from this person which she was clearly incapable of giving. The moment she asked and confirmed she was paid. It was a card she tried to hold to use but it backfired on her. And venmo is the business account that goes to the accountant. As a contract worker I’m not releasing any medical information. It is a statement of fact of what was asked when she was not in the scope of work. Please before you try to go after me like you are that you are very accurate in your statements. Thanks!

That’s an incredibly large shovel you are using. What a hateful person you are showing yourself to be.


How am I hateful? Because I am not bending over backwards to help a [edit] that screwed my business? That I was literally a “bank” for the [edit]. Explain to me how that is hateful. I am sorry but I do not help bad people.

My comment has absolutely nothing to do with the person you keep going after or your history with her. It has to do with you and your behavior on that Facebook post and on this thread.


Apparently you do not, because you routinely payout without any discussion:

You’re granting personal loans out of your business account? Oh my.

Sharing what medications this woman is on IS disclosing medical information.

Uh, this argument might have held water if you’d released her from your employment when she shared this medical history with you, but it sure as hell doesn’t after continuing to employ her and providing her with drugs.

The disconnect you have with reality is impressive, tbh.


And don’t most braiders start their day in the wee hours of the morning? I’d be also by 6pm if i had to wake up at 3 to do my job.

Edited for spelling


Wow, just wow. Man, you really are low. I have followed this thread silently since the beginning, and goodness, you somehow manage to keep this train wreck going.

Real world consequence of your actions on this thread: I am pretty much a nobody, but I do have some connections in the warmblood breeding world, and your name came up in conversation the other day. I said I wouldn’t touch your business with a ten foot pole based on the things I’ve seen you post online, and referenced this thread. I know a lot of people are telling you to stop digging your hole deeper… but I’m kind of glad you are, because you really are showing your true colors here. Now we all know to steer clear.