Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

This is very interesting! My guy has Renovo 4 times on his sire’s side & once on his dam’s. As well as Oregon on both sides.

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So happy for Bill!

I must admit that when I was alerted to this post by someone in the kwpn registery I immediately wanted to spout off at this “Scribbler” and gang of merry keyboard warriors, but chose not to. I wanted to see where this post would go. I have to admit that I am impressed that there are members here that took from the post the greatness of the harness and gelderlander lines. I had a vision 10 years ago, and while yes I would just represent babies for sellers, all my years of hard work have come to fruition at the keuring this year with my third round of homebreds. Yes Sic Vita Est KG went second best young jumper horse and won the futurity. Yes this foal is out of a full harness line dam! I stumbled upon the breed during law school. As a graduation from law school present to myself I bought a big clumsy awkward looking horse named Bear for very cheap. He is what made me love the breed! All the talent in the world, but so sound and sane and easy!!! He was sold as a childs horse to a family in a large A circuit barn in California. He took her from cross rails through going to college. I will never profess to breed or market the top 1% of horses for professionals, but my target market is those hard working amateurs or kids that cannot afford a 100K import and need something that is sound and sane and they can enjoy for a long time.

As to the allegations against everything from my education to my legal woes. Yes, unfortunately I finally had to file a suit against my father/stepmother as I bought a property they own in cash and they could never give me a clean title due to IRS issues on another property. This was the only recourse available so that I could then step in as a creditor in line if the property is seized. This is a large sum of money that was an investment I chose to make then sell at the end of this year. Unfortunately here we are now getting into a creditor list. As to being assaulted from behind my back at a restaurant in Ocala, yes also true and perpetrator was arrested for that (all on video). Many other victims have come forward but have been too afraid to say anything. As to unpaid bills…I always pay well in advance and have never left a single bill anywhere so not sure about that rumor. As to graduation from law school and bar passage…I graduated from Arizona State University Law School a semester early in December 2011. Very easy to google. I then sat for the UBE bar exam and passed in I believe 11 states. Unfortunately due to my identity theft (that actually was televised and helped change identity theft laws) my character and fitness was held up during the trial of Francisco Rodriguez who stole my identity. By that time my equine businesses had taken off and while I just needed to be sworn in at the end I just never did. Judge Clancy Jayne was honored I asked him to swear me in and I just never got around to it with my business flourishing. I do intend to sit for the Florida bar here in 2023 (since my scores are expired) and do pro bono for individuals targeted by an online audience such as the “Scribblers” out there. As to where my horses are…everyone knows I have a very busy travel schedule so when the farm in Arizona was moving, I had an individual who had purchased some horses from me in Oklahoma offer their empty barn. Unfortunately an absentee owner doesn’t always get the full story and my mares were very skinny. They are now based in Ocala, FL under the hands of an impeccable trainer and gentleman. Anyone is welcome at the farm at anytime! As to speaking out against people that don’t pay bills, book services and cancel last minute, grooms sleeping in tack rooms and not a hotel etc…absolutely I will continue to speak out about these things. I chose to not be a follower, but rather go down the road many are afraid to go down.

If anyone has any questions for me about my breeding vision, my personal life, or my employment and work life, I am an open book and would love to discuss it with you. If anyone feels like they are a target by someone such as the OP here, I am more than willing to help you out in anyway possible. I am glad that this post went from bashing someone to becoming incredibly educational about the lines that I love! My personal email is kathryn.a.shearer@gmail.com and my cell is 480-567-5699 if you ever need to reach me.

Side note, Here is a link about my identity theft, and that the AG and DA fought over the case. Happened during elections so I was technically a pawn and why clearing things up took longer through the court system. But as stated above my history is easily able to be googled! Also please see my very first full harness gelding that went onto be a kids horse in the video!


I was completely on board with everything you said until your post felt like a subtle threat.


I’m threatening no one here but I do speak out for online cyber bullying and anyone can reach out to me if they are feeling like they are having an issue with a cyber bully with anyone at all. It was an open invitation. But no threat here at all.


Just curious why you think there is a threat? Just as the OP and many others that included threats to my livelihood by stating falsities about my education, my breeding and my reputation….that is a viable threat. I threatened no one just let people know what I am doing since the OP is interested in my life and realized I want to do pro bono to help those that have been cyber bullied. The world has changed in the 11 years since I’ve been in law school. My externship was regarding juvenile dependency and then victims rights for those deceased children. This is just my new interest in law again speaking out for those that might not be able to speak out for themselves. Wish you a very happy holidays.


It’s weird how so many odd things seem to happen to the same person. Like, there’s two tracks to life. Or like, someone is creating or feeding drama.

@Kasheare this is absolutely aimed at you, but not just you. Every person who ends up the center of one of these rumor mills has their hand in it, stirring the pot somehow. Why? What could you possibly gain from this? The only thing I’ve learned is to NEVER buy a horse from you, nor would I send anyone your way if they were looking.




Really? Lucky you that you’ve never had anyone spread nasty rumours about you for no apparent reason.

Note, that in no way is a defence of Kasheare or anyone else, it’s merely pointing out that saying crap like there but for the grace of god go I is a blanket that isn’t one size fits all.


I certainly have never been in a drunken scuffle with someone in a barn.

I also don’t talk crap about clients on social media. Note, that is plural.

Add to that skinny horses all over the US, identity theft, never passing the bar, vague posting…

You have to recognize that some people make their whole lives about this stuff. Perpetual victims.

Note: If you EVER feel the need to vague-book, I will immediately unfriend you. What a drama seeking behavior, that I 100% do not have time for. Grow. Up.



I was also surprised to get a PM from this poster just now saying they would “love to hear from me.” I don’t do much PM, never for train wreck threads, and anything I have to say on the subject is here on a public thread.

Anyhow, this thread trailed off into DHH anecdotes that actually reflected well on the breed. I’m not sure of the usefulness of a person reopening it in High Drama Defensive Mode. But this is the kind of behaviour I saw on FB that prompted my original post.

COTH has just had a long run of interactions with a different Lawyer Adjacent family including outright threatening PMs that were of course shared to the thread by the recipients.




Added to which, it’s often interesting how folks that shtpost on SM are the first to scream cyber bullying when their shtposting gets called out.

I suppose there is an implied threat. I’m going to take my bar exams, I’m going to pass my bar exams in multiple states, I’m going to find somewhere to article for a year, I’m going to set myself up in private practice and self-retrain for competency in libel and slander and then I’m going to launch my own lawsuit against you all for slander for reporting what I said on FB, and prove that what you reported I said was in accurate. In about 5 years. Good luck with that.

It’s really hard to pass the bar exams if you have been out of a law environment for a decade.

Actually I went back and read the long post more fully. They want to pass the bar exams to be able to work pro bono on “cyber bullying.” Which apparently means having your problematic SM posts discussed on SM.

Um, no. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.


What does QFP stand for? I’m unaware of this lingo.

There is no implied threat here at all. Scribbler I understand that you want to discount me anyway that you possibly can. I’m not sure why the animosity to me when I have no idea who you are, but I felt that my post was able to clear everything up. Clearly there are some folks that were unable to understand some of the language in my writing. To that I apologize. Everything is public record and you can look me up and see everything from graduation (BS, MS, JD, LLM) and where and when I passed the bar. If you are unaware starting in 2012 there was something instituted called the UBE. This started with just a few states being a part of it and then expanded so I was able to transfer to multiple states with my exam results. Now that I have relocated I absolutely do intend to use my education as it was intended. And yes this cyber bullying is a big deal in the equestrian world, so why would I not want to address these matters for others down the road. But I understand no matter what I say, how I act, what licesnses I obtain, certain individuals like this anonymous Scribbler will still want to attack. And at the end of the day that is fine. It tends to only come from an area of jealousy and want when someone acts this way. Hope you have a great new year Scribbler.


Quoting for Posterity.


I was actually not in a drunken scuffle. Someone attacked me from behind while I was sitting at a restaurant. And it is in on video. If you had read my post it was clearly described. And if you had read you would see I passed the bar in multiple states as the UBE was instituted in 2012 when I took the bar. In addition I am sorry that at the age of 12 my identity was stolen. It was not found out about until I graduated law school. What is vague-booking? Never heard that terminology before. Hope you have a lovely new years!


Understood. I would love to have an adult conversation with you at one point. You can stay anonymous, but I am curious why you want to look at every aspect of my life. Normally that would be seen as stalking and creepy, but I just chalk it up to you are bored with your own life so no better thing than to bring up someone else. Either way, I am always around to be contacted if you would like to actually speak with me in person to resolve any dispute or grudge you seem to hold against me.




I’m a tad confused….you have been a member here for 7 years and have created 18 thousand posts! That’s a massive amount of time and energy spent here. I mean it’s mind blowing. What is the purpose of THAT MANY POSTS!!! Wow I feel so much better that I’m just the target of one of the 18 thousand.
