Dutch harness horse drama. Update major mare/ foal neglect Nov 2023 post 1782 Update Kate Shearer responds post 1930 Nov 25/23

Here we go! Drama time! Victim status - ACTIVATED.


Dude, seriously. You are digging your own grave right now. I completely understand wanting to come and clear up certain misconceptions but the petty insults are not at all flattering to your character. It would be best for you to not prove others right by coming across as unreasonable.


Awh finally found the quoting for prosperity definition in urban dictionary. Not sure you are using it right as the definition there is " Used to record a post when the OP is very unlikely to edit a post". I’m assuming what you are trying to do is show exactly what I’m saying thinking that in the end I will alter things. Nope you are all good to go. But probably should better use phrases.

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I am sorry that you think I am being unreasonable. I corrected the massive mistruths and yet still they are occuring. That is not being unreasonable. That is sharing the facts clearly and concisely. I have always asked that if someone has some sort of issue with me to just address me. I have no idea who Scribbler is or why this individual has chosen to target me. But this by far does not make me look any which way but professional and conscientous in how I respond.


Ok. If you say so. Sorry that putting the facts out there is drama. I wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavours endlessclimb.

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Lots of those posts were likely QFP.

I have my profile details locked down for days like this. So the topics I discuss can’t be searched. I realize it’s an inconvenience for legitimate posters who want to find old threads, but during some previous train wreck drama I thought it was prudent.



Quoting for prosperity. Love it.


The process is a bit different in the US. But yes generally if you graduate but aren’t barred you say you “have a JD” or “graduated from law school” but don’t represent yourself as a “lawyer.”


Maybe it’s a lack of self awareness but the original thread was created about you and what appears to be drama on FB. I have no idea what is actually going on on FB because I really don’t care to know. I’m inclined to believe something is amiss on social media, however, due to the way you are acting here. :woman_shrugging:

Anyways, you’ve made several underhanded insults and it’s just not flattering or reasonable in your defense of “setting things straight.” The insults are unnecessary and make you appear immature. Who cares if someone posts a lot on COTH? I would think in the spot light and in trying to redeem yourself you would avoid the unnecessaries.

But whatever. I don’t have a dog in this fight. I’m just saying that maybe you are coming across in a way you don’t intend and if this is your approach to rectification, maybe you should alter it.

Also, the entire, “I’m going to pass the bar and vindicate anyone suffering from online bullying” thing does read as a threat, even if you don’t see it that way.


Yes, I quote for prosperity when the OP is very unlikely to edit a post. That’s how this board runs.


I’m sorry you had previous train wreck drama. I do not know you or your name. I have had no interaction with you until now and you going through my entire life story. I just wanted to point out just how many posts you have made since it is substantial. I’m sorry that you felt it important to target me and that you did not get the responses that maybe you were looking forward to.

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Ok I guess I am confused. It means when someone is “unlikely” to edit a post. Am I reading the definition the wrong way? Wouldn’t it be “likely” to edit a post? Of which I do not edit what I write. It is there forever for you to dissect any way that you so choose ma’am.

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Dont believe everything you read in the Urban Dictionary.


I apologize. I didn’t realize that pointing out the facts of Scribbler posting was underhanded. I just do not seem to understand how my minor factual defense is immature compared to the OP attack on everything about my entire life.


Oh, I’m ok with the responses on this thread. I raised a mild question, comments on the thread confirmed my observations then went on a cheerful tangent. And now here is (apparently) the subject of the original post coming back on here to revive things in high style.


I’m sorry that is the only place that I could find any context for your QFP citation here. I do actually go research something before I speak on the topic.

You raised a very serious question about my character, my education and my breeding. You personally named me. You have continued to instigate comments about me until the thread deviated into the rideability and quality of the lines I have been breeding, then you dissapeared and did not comment once. I have been dealing with life and wanted to see how the post had transgressed rather than madly responding to your attack on me. I would assume you would only come back here to attack me more rather than mention all the falsities you stated about me. You could at least acknowledge the breeding award and education that you so clearly fought over me being essentially a lying imbecile. An apology would be appreciated and I hope you have learned some things on the lines and breeding directions that many are now going towards here. Maybe you might seek out some of these lines one day. Have a nice night.



All questions I had about your character and life after reading your FB posts (before the public feed was locked down) have been amply answered by your participation here.


Glad to hear that. It’s just that easy to ask someone for the truth and receive it rather than try to tarnish someone that you do not know and clearly were unable to even just open up and Google. Really wish you the best in your future posts and whatever you choose to do in life. :kissing_heart: