Electric trucks + towing

On a factual level, wind and solar are about 16% of supply. 50% of new power facilities built last year in the US are solar. I’m hoping to see more parking lots get “covered parking” made of solar panels, and advances in storage batteries. I’m also excited about nuclear fusion to that, and I think it’s coming.

Your statement about “everybody” having to charge their EVs “every night” is just ignorant. As with ICE vehicles, the need for fuel depends on use. My EV is far from top of the line, and a 2022 model, and gets 230-330 miles of range from a full charge (done at home, where we have solar, and the lower figure is for winter.) Most get at least that or more.

I don’t think EV trucks are at a point of being practical for most hauling just yet; the OPs truck is one that is, but there aren’t a lot out there. I talked DH out of switching to an EV truck last year. Our current truck is a 2019 model and it will be 5-10 years before we replace it, and will go with another ICE truck if the electric ones aren’t there yet. I don’t, in fact, think EVs are the answer for everyone’s needs.

I do hope you aren’t one of those people ICEing EV chargers with a giant truck. As far as I know, EV supporters aren’t going around vandalizing gas pumps.


This is kind of a rude leap just because someone posted their thoughts on some of the problems they see with EVs. Wow.


ICEing is real and problematic, especially with EV infrastructure underdeveloped. I mostly charge at home - but not everyone can. I have seen - in Massachusetts which has a lot of EVs - 4 out of 6 EV chargers at a Walmart blocked by ICE vehicles, 3 out of 4 vandalized at another location, etc. In general places that offer chargers have to put them far from the store to avoid vandalism and ICEing as much as possible.

The person I responded to was misinformed towards EVs, and rude about it. I’m just sick of people grabbing ahold of right wing talking points to try to discourage others from getting EVs. If you don’t like EVs - don’t buy one!


LOL, and this comment from you was based on FACTS? I have not seen this at any of the charging stations I drive by constantly.


Towing is stressful enough without the worry of constant charging. EV have come along way but have a long way to go to be able to tow horses.


Just for grins, I went to Ford’s site. They have charging location search. The dealership north of us has charging stations (about 15 miles away). The dealership south of us (12 miles away) does not. They show Tesla charging stations (I guess you could use them) but the closest one of those is 12 miles away.

I followed my route from my house to Aiken and there are long stretches with no charging stations.


Me either.

So weird that @quietann is having this much trouble where they are. And I am sorry that the trouble you are having where you are is making you assume that everyone who does not think an EV works for their needs is out vandalizing and blocking the use of the chargers. Clearly the people where Quietann lives are jerks.

I mainly see them sitting unused. No vandalism, no one blocking them. Just there. (I now dive by two malls/shopping centers that have a charging set-up, complete with big ugly transformers and such, in the middle of their parking lots.)

It was still rude to assume that someone discussing the topic of the thread who had a different opinion on EV’s than you do was someone who would vandalize (illegal) chargers or block the chargers for others.

BTW, I did block a charger once.
I was staying at a small hotel with a small parking lot. No street parking options and really nothing else near by. The small hotel was fully booked, all with horse people going to the same show we were at, most of them with trucks.
We were clearly the last people parking for the night and all that was left was two EV spots. We took one of the EV spots.


They have a monster bank of them at the grocery store I shop at. Maybe 8 of them? I’ve only ever seen one in use, ever. They’re at the back of the lot because they’re huge and unwieldly and create blind spots (bad idea in a parking lot) - I am waiting for someone to complain that they want them closer so they don’t have to walk so far.

Apparently oen of the big issues with vandalism is actually theft. The charging cables are made from copper and are worth a lot. People are stealing them and selling the copper.


Oh, now that makes sense.
And that is not people who are anti-EV. Those are just criminals who take things they can get cash from.

Which makes the jump to insult someone about their comments about EVs even worse. Or maybe that poster thinks all people who do not want an EV right now are the copper stealing criminal type. :wink: Since we are jumping to conclusions and all.


Sorry y’all… I just got snappish and political when I could’ve kept my mouth shut.

Vandalism to get the copper makes sense, and given where the vandalized chargers were located, really makes sense. ICEing does not.

As for unsightly transformers at charging stations, have you ever considered how ugly gas stations can be?


They aren’t putting a gas pump in the middle of random parking lots. They’re in dedicated locations.

One is going to attract more attention than the other, just for that reason alone.


My local Sheetz is pretty great!


Well, I currently live in the epicenter of ICE vehicles - Michigan. I’ve actually never seen a single blocking situation that I can recall. The few EV charging stations I pass are empty 99% of the time.

Generalizing all IC truck drivers as “of a certain persuasion” was getting political quite early on in this thread when most of the political discussion was not really directed obnoxiously towards the GOP. That crack was, and it really was unneccessary.

I’m one that still has a fossil fuel guzzling dually. The technology and infrastructure is just not there yet for my purposes. Until the battery life is longer and can handle greater weight, I just can’t chance it. Between my giant 4horse head to head and my SO’s humongous drag racing trailer. Both of them, loaded are way more than 14k lbs. I’ve yet to see a charging location that I would not have to unhook, and frankly, the hour+ it would take to charge (or endless 30 minute top-off stops) is just not something I am willing to do with a loaded horse trailer.

And yes, other posters are correct - vandals will steal anything that they can sell, it’s not necessarily a commentary on EVs. Houses under construction or vacant have real issues in some locations getting their copper plumbing pipes getting stolen.


I respectfully differ with whether EV’s are a political divider. I live in Texas, where “californian” is code for liberal. The majority of people that post on social media, such as local neighbor groups, are very anti EV. I can guarantee you they are MAGA.


This article (that happened to show up on my Facebook feed today) brought up a good point that I had not thought of. All the people living in urban settings who do not have the ability to charge at home (street parking).


It’s a real problem, I agree. I have it easy because I’m in the burbs and we own our home. Some urban areas are installing chargers on telephone poles. I personally would just like to see fast chargers available everywhere. Wal-Mart was smart to allow the chargers in their parkimg lots, because people will go into the store while waiting for their car to charge.

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Did they allow them or did they pay for them to be installed in their parking lots?

Just saw a news bulletin that cars are lined up at Tesla charging stations - one guy has been trying to charge his car since Sunday. No juice he said. Seems they don’t work to well in very cold temps. How on earth do municipalities who have put regulations out that they will go all electric by X date. That’s great for the Mayor to run around in an EV but when you talk about first responders school buses it’s a disaster waiting to happen. We simply do not have the infrastructure for this and meanwhile the bad guys are making a ton of money selling thei


I am not sure of the business details, but the EV chargers are not owned by WalMart. They are owned by Electrify America in my area. Oddly enough, EA is a subsidiary of VW that exists because of VW’s cheating on emissions standards for its diesel cars.

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