On a factual level, wind and solar are about 16% of supply. 50% of new power facilities built last year in the US are solar. I’m hoping to see more parking lots get “covered parking” made of solar panels, and advances in storage batteries. I’m also excited about nuclear fusion to that, and I think it’s coming.
Your statement about “everybody” having to charge their EVs “every night” is just ignorant. As with ICE vehicles, the need for fuel depends on use. My EV is far from top of the line, and a 2022 model, and gets 230-330 miles of range from a full charge (done at home, where we have solar, and the lower figure is for winter.) Most get at least that or more.
I don’t think EV trucks are at a point of being practical for most hauling just yet; the OPs truck is one that is, but there aren’t a lot out there. I talked DH out of switching to an EV truck last year. Our current truck is a 2019 model and it will be 5-10 years before we replace it, and will go with another ICE truck if the electric ones aren’t there yet. I don’t, in fact, think EVs are the answer for everyone’s needs.
I do hope you aren’t one of those people ICEing EV chargers with a giant truck. As far as I know, EV supporters aren’t going around vandalizing gas pumps.