Electric trucks + towing

You know, back in the day, people said the same about early gas-powered cars, and the “bad guys” were there, too. “Range anxiety” was definitely a thing back then.

We will figure it out. Some of those laws will prove to be aspirational.

In the meantime, maybe the ICE fans could go back to driving … cars, instead of monster trucks and huge SUVs.


Great way to insult lots of people whose tax dollars subsidized the purchase of your personal vehicle and the infrastructure to operate it


Really? You’re going to double down on this on a bulletin board full of people that do ACTUALLY use their monster trucks huge SUVs for the purpose intended?


If we could afford to own three vehicles we would not drive the truck as a daily driver.
But we can’t afford three vehicles and the horse trailer requires a truck to pull it, so the truck gets driven to work every day.

I am sure you can understand how that works, right?


Typical holier than thou attitude most EV owners display :upside_down_face: it’s gross.
(The comment you replied to, not your comment, in case that’s not clear)


Not necessarily talking about COTH, as most of us (including my household) do use large vehicles as something other than commuter vehicles. And yes, I understand that some people use them to commute because an extra car is not an option.

But would you deny that we are in a spiral of “needing” bigger and bigger vehicles, because driving a car feels pretty unsafe when you are surrounded by big trucks and SUVs?

How many times do I have to say that I kept DH from buying an electric truck because they aren’t yet useful for us, and the charging infrastructure for long trips is just not there yet?


Hey, my tax dollars support a lot of things I don’t agree with. It’s part of the deal.

I’m done with y’all; you can go back to doom and gloom about how EVs are going to wreck the country.


Chill out Quietann but you might want to look at the broader picture for EVs and this artic blast has been an eye opener for many. Namely it’s talking much much longer to charge in cold weather. In the Kerry Biden Newsom EV utopion world they seem to have forgotten a lot more d the logistics - like Newsom passing an all EV trucks only in Ca. How on earth willl products and food get in and out of there - it takes a long time to charge an 18 wheeler a normal day ri. Could take 2-3 days under the present infrastructure. Let’s talk about emergency response vehicles - a good summer storm knocks out power how are all thise EV ambulances fire trucks and police cars going to charge up and be able to respond?
What about farming equipment?
Well this is a great way for billl gates
And China to take over the Ag business abs we get to eat lab created chicken, veggies but and real bugs. Yum. And then there’s military preparedness and forget about air travel


and then there is the manure dump truck…seriously. And the tractor to move manure, snow and drag the arena. I guess quietann can let us know how her farm gets all this done with the EV vehicles?


Not to pick on Quietann specifically but her posts highlight the rose tinted glass approach to imposing laws that have eliminated gas/diesel vehicles and requiring all EVs on the road by some Arbitrary date which is also now causing loss of road tax monies as more switch to EVs


Ok just jumping back in to say I do NOT support such laws, because the switch will have its own timeline and exceptions.

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I didn’t say you were only that your posts brought up the many issues with the federal and state laws shoving EVs down our throats when our infrastructure is clearly decades away from supporting it and the ill thought out policies to thwart US energy production.

And I don’t own a truck with a huge American flag but I do have a little one in my flower pot


Again I’m from Texas and the anti-EV sentiment is very real and not logical here. It is part of the culture wars. And yes, the roads are full of oversized trucks and SUVs that are larger than necessary. On top of all that, the drivers on the neighborhood social groups constantly complain because the 65 mph speed limits are too slow. There is no sense of sustainble energy here and a lot of backlash against it.


I want to know how one gets the super power to know if the vehicle the other people on the road are driving are oversized for their needs or not?

One of my coworkers drives this boat of an SUV.
Because him and his wife own one vehicle (she is a stay at home mother, he works out of the home) and they have four small kids, all still in booster seats or car seats. So three rows of seats are required for the whole family to go anywhere (and they are big on taking the kids to parks and playgrounds all over).
I suppose one would assume he should not be driving that vehicle when he comes to work.


I’m intrigued by the new diesel electric conversion kits that are in the prototype stage right now. They promise good mileage, and an equal if not better tow capacity with plenty of torque. DH (who is a farmer and former diesel mechanic) thinks our gas F 250 will be at about the age to retire or swap when they release the kits.


I know several people in the DC area that at one time used their trucks for towing, farm supplies, etc. and used them as a daily driver. I’m surprised that despite not having horses anymore or having only retirees that they still have the big rigs.

My truck sits unless it is towing or hauling farm supplies. Our daily driver is a Prius C. We’ve had some version of a Prius since 2003. I’d much rather get the 50+ MPG versus the 15 MPG (using eco mode) on the truck.


Could it be that they are just happy to have a paid for vehicle and don’t want to get a new car? Or that they still want the ability to get their retiree to the vet if they need to?


Yes I too know a couple of people who ended up using their truck for daily driving / usually other car died and they had truck and another car paid off. One would use the truck since they worked and did errands with 10 mile radius and husband/wife/partner to the car since they had more driving to do.


Texas here. Next time I go by the high school parking lot, I’ll take a picture of a parking lot full of trucks. And you can see how many high school kids and teachers there are that “need” them :slightly_smiling_face:


How? Does seeing them parked in the parking lot some how give you a clue what they are doing the rest of the time?

Do they have signs that only you can see?