I think this idea is superb! However, I think we would need to keep the “audience” in mind - and by this, I mean who is being tested. The Pony Club “audience” is seen to be youngsters who take care of their own ponies and horses (or at least have some hand in doing so); therefore, horse CARE would be vital. The “audience” for upper level eq classes are less likely to be in a caretaking position, so the knowledge that would be important for them to know/understand might be more related to the whys and hows of riding, tack, what impacts way of going (shoeing, basic conformation), etc.
Questions also should take into consideration geography…when I had a barn in SC, several of my students rode in an Open Eq class (back in those days) and Joey Darby (judge) asked each a question. All we railbirds saw was 15 kids shaking their heads, with very puzzled expressions. My kids were Pony Clubbers, too, and I couldn’t believe that none of them would know the answer to any reasonable question. The question? “What is ‘boyum’?” “WHAT???” says I. “Boyum” says they. “I have no clue. What did he say it was?” “Something you put on the horse’s shoes to keep from slipping on ice.” “OH! BORIUM!” Like teenagers in SC (show was in Charleston) would know ICE, much less borium!!!
I think a written test (whether it be completely multiple choice or include a brief essay) is a fantastic idea!!!