Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

I wonder if people who sent money to the GoFundMe thing can get their money back? I’ve never done it and always wondered what happens with that if they decide they don’t want to fund after all.

ssslll, the link confused me because of all the aliases. Is the OP the one that (allegedly) starved the horses?

A contract was signed and can’t be voided just because you don’t like the home the pony (an adorable one) is going to. IMO a judge wil uphold the contract. In this day and age the Internet can be your friend. You can find the good, the bad, and the ugly there and should be utilized along with any other information from other sources that you can find. This situation doesn’t look like it’s going to have a good ending for someone.:no:

ssslll, the link confused me because of all the aliases. Is the OP the one that (allegedly) starved the horses?[/QUOTE]

Yes, and how do the aliases relate to the original complaint, which was in Arizona? Don’t tell me this thread will be served with a side of guac, too.

If the there was fraud in the inducement… The seller might have an argument

I will be very interested to see how this all works out. I hope we find out.


cute pony[/QUOTE]

Curious how you knew who the seller was?

[QUOTE=mommy peanut;8541244]
Curious how you knew who the seller was?[/QUOTE]

She posted on the scam site asking for someone to contact her about Kris Jenings. I Googled her name and up came her Facebook page, with pictures of the pony. A very cute pony and clearly loved. I have passed on the popcorn and poured a nice sipping scotch. Sadly, this will not end well for anyone.

I am not emailing everyone back I didn’t realize so many people would respond but I will try to answer any questions.[/QUOTE]

Does anyone remember when there was a poster who said “PM me for details” and then it ended up pages and pages of people requesting it? About a lease maybe?

A generous COTHer collected all the requests when the OP wasn’t able to keep up with demand.

Who wants to take one for the team? :smiley:

I think that was the other pony thread, you know, with The Pony, The Blue Saddle, and The Open Trailer.

If the there was fraud in the inducement… The seller might have an argument[/QUOTE]

Difficult. Presumably buyer has bill of sale and transfer of ownership, both the OP and houseguest seem to agree on that.

Whether a show home was a requirement of the sale, who knows. Was that written into the contract? If it was, could seller even prove it’s not a show home?

Hi, I am the one that has voided the sale of my pony. Donna Bolk is the lady that signed the papers but I have not once spoken to her, Kris Jenings or Kristen Gulino has been the only one talking. She claims Donna Bolk is her client and she is helping buy the pony for Donnas Daughter. Donna is related to Kris, I was told by other people [edit] that she is her mother/business partner. She signed the bill of sale January 19th with me thinking the pony was going to a amazing show home. She talked me down on the price after saying what a great home she would be going to and that they didn’t have money to buy a expensive pony. As a A+ show home was the only thing I had really wanted for this pony I let her talk me down to 2,200 to a great home. The pony was due for her feet to be done right around the time she bought her so after she failed to pick her up as multiple shippers “couldn’t make it” “wouldn’t call her back” or whatever I decided after almost a month over due to get the girls feet done. Not once did Kris or Donna check on the pony, call me to ask about her, get a vet check done or come meet the pony. This pony has been my pride and joy as I started her from scratch. Once everything wasn’t adding up I decided to Google Donna and Kris. First thing to pop up was a scam alert and multiple people’s bad experience with her and her multiple different names she goes by to try and keep her name clear. For my ponies safty from everything I’ve been told I am not allowing my pony to leave with her. No I have not resold the pony and I would never do that, I have asked Kris several times to give me Donna Bolk info so I can return the $2,200 but she insists to take me to court so I have to pay all the bills. I have more than enough to never let my pony go with her. I am not emailing everyone back I didn’t realize so many people would respond but I will try to answer any questions. I am not a scammer or a bad person… I am a riding instructor simply not letting my pony go to a home where she will not be safe and as any horse/pony owners I’d hope you’d fight for you horses safty too.[/QUOTE]

WOW,…, this is becoming quite the drama series :confused:
I’m definitely staying tuned for the next episode.

What a mess. I totally get why the seller might not want the pony going to this buyer but isn’t it too late? The time to do a Google search on a person who buys sight unseen with no vet check is before signing a contract and accepting funds. I believe once the seller did those two things the pony no longer belonged to her.

OK so is it correct that Lisa Schoneman is also Lisa Jennings and also Lisa Bolk? And is the subject of some 2013 or 2014 whoscammedme report? (I never knew about that website till this thread.)

So Sarah the seller found out about Lisa multiplelastnamed buyer, of Florida, so she voided the contract to save the pony from going there?

If so, I’m changing my mind on this whole series of events. Sounds like the pony does not need to be going to Florida. The costs of hay and care and all at the Lisa farm apparently gets outrageous if one moves her horse. I presume that the woman who wrote the scammer alert on the Lisa Schoneman case was not anyone involved in this pony transaction since that case involved 2 paints and those horses were moving from Florida to Arizona.

Thank God I have never had anything like what I’ve read on CoTH about scams happen to me with horse buying.

Sarah, hire the best lawyer you can locally. Then present the evidence you have showing that the buyer or whomever she is has all those names and show the scammer report. Sounds like you Sarah will be suing her for defamation as an affirmative defense if she sues you.

Can someone post the links to the previous MIS-DEEDS of the buyer?
I’m not even sure what name to goggle :confused:

It all sounds weird to me. You don’t typically get “didn’t have money to afford a(n) expensive pony” and “A+ show home” in the same sentence when selling. [

ssslll, the link confused me because of all the aliases. Is the OP the one that (allegedly) starved the horses?[/QUOTE]

No. Does anyone read for comprehension anymore? This has passed the point of ridiculous. That was something posted years ago regarding a farm owner in our area who had a history of running a boarding barn, taking boarders’ money, but for whatever reason, starving the horses. Her name (Lisa) is in the title, if I remember correctly.

All I gather is that the lovely lady from NY who posted a few days ago to stir the pot also commented on that, since my name was mentioned.

Irrelevant to the matter at hand but, I worked for the woman when I was new to the area. Really short version is that she got caught trying to sell horses that didn’t belong to her. Needless to say, real owners came with ownership documentation, animal control, and police (as is allowed in FL), and I was happy to see most of them get their horses back. Of course it was my fault that she got caught. :rolleyes: When the investigators warned me that she had a history a mile long, I quit that day and made sure she knew I didn’t appreciate my name being put in jeopardy, because I was the one she had asked to list and market the horses. Once the lid blew off, people started coming out of the woodwork who had lost or almost lost their horses years prior in the same way. The scam post was from one of them. In the public eye, Lisa claimed she knew nothing of what was going on. Until all the sales contracts she’d signed claiming to be the legal owner were slapped down. On a side note, the majority of owners are still in contact with me, and some have even become dear friends.

But what that has to do with this situation is beyond me. There are no mis-deeds. Just someone who thought to stir the pot by posting a false scam report a few days ago to complicate this current issue.

Oh, and this “alias” bit. People get divorced. Families change. They use their nicknames on social media. Good lord.

Was the money wired bank to bank? If yes, would’nt your bank be able to reverse the transaction and return the money? If paid by check then your bank has the check or digital copy and it has all the info for on it, account number and routing number, that should be enough to wire money back directly to them or even cancel the check. Just make sure you have documentation that the money was returned!!!

[QUOTE=Pocket Pony;8541305]
I think that was the other pony thread, you know, with The Pony, The Blue Saddle, and The Open Trailer.[/QUOTE]

Damn you Pocket Pony! I was willfully ignoring the references to a thread I had missed (ignored?). But thanks to you I had to track it down. Now I’m 34 pages in! :eek:

Buuuuuut that wasn’t actually the thread I was thinking of.

It all sounds weird to me. You don’t typically get “didn’t have money to afford a(n) expensive pony” and “A+ show home” in the same sentence when selling. [[/QUOTE]

If everyone really must know, we run a program of sorts at our barn alongside the regular training and sales, for less fortunate kids who ordinarily wouldn’t have access to the barn and show environment. Surely you all know how many great riders came from nothing, only because someone gave them a chance.

Shame on us for trying to make someone’s dream accessible.