Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

A new study suggests this and ulcers may be caused by SWS (small willy syndrome). Which has something to do with low self-esteem caused by caretakers not grouping turnout and stall mates according to size.

The study was small in size and scope and was done by the supplement manufacture. It also advised in addition to feeding their product the horse should undergo extensive one on one therapy/counseling sessions with one of their specialist.

Seems a bit suspect to me.[/QUOTE]

Oh NO!! Another thing to worry about!!! ARRRgh

It was only a matter of timeā€¦

The only thing Iā€™m finding in a Google search of those names was something just posted a few days ago. Hmmm, that sounds fishy to me.

Wow ā€¦well l hope that it gets resolved.

The only thing Iā€™m finding in a Google search of those names was something just posted a few days ago. Hmmm, that sounds fishy to me.[/QUOTE]

In the comments on the first link I see there is a mention of a Kris Jennings in 2015

If anyone would like to know why I have voided the sale of my sweet pony from this lady. Feel free to email me. I will send you all of my screen shots of reasons why I would never let my pony go to Kris Jenings and her Mother Donna Bolk who she says is her so called client. Infact just Google her name and you can see for yourself why. My email address is sarahlynnhall93@gmail.com[/QUOTE]

Houseguest, why donā€™t YOU post the links that you feel prove your case for us to see, instead of sending people on a chase???

Doing a wine run.
Anybody need anything from the store?
Beer, popcorn?


Popcorn please w/butter:D

I am so confusedā€¦am I correct in ASSuming that this ssslll is the person on SC who refused to release the purchased pony and now will not refund the buyers $$?

Really? The first 2 threads I got where about people saying those names relate to horse scammers.

True or not I have no idea, but it was not hard to find[/QUOTE]

Thank you for looking. I am computer challenged at times. I need my grandkids to do things for me. :slight_smile:

I thought she did offer to refund the money and asked for the trainerā€™s banking info to do so? Unfortunately Iā€™m not sure that she has any legal grounds for ā€œvoidingā€ the sale of she had already signed a sales agreement and accepted the payment. She clearly has reasons to not want to deal with this buyer. The buyer has reasons for not wanting to deal with the seller. If it were just a business transaction th buyer would accept a refund and walk away. Sounds like both parties are getting hung up on principle.

Seller: since your reputation is being called into question here and youā€™ve chosen to join in the discussion, why not (in a non defamatory way) just state your reasons for voiding the sale?

I thought she did offer to refund the money and asked for the trainerā€™s banking info to do so? Unfortunately Iā€™m not sure that she has any legal grounds for ā€œvoidingā€ the sale of she had already signed a sales agreement and accepted the payment. She clearly has reasons to not want to deal with this buyer. The buyer has reasons for not wanting to deal with the seller. If it were just a business transaction th buyer would accept a refund and walk away. Sounds like both parties are getting hung up on principle.

Seller: since your reputation is being called into question here and youā€™ve chosen to join in the discussion, why not (in a non defamatory way) just state your reasons for voiding the sale?[/QUOTE]

Yes, the last part. I donā€™t know how to delete the first paragraph. Seems to me, if money was accepted and BOS was signed, pony belongs to buyer and nefarious deeds have been done.

If anyone would like to know why I have voided the sale of my sweet pony from this lady. Feel free to email me. I will send you all of my screen shots of reasons why I would never let my pony go to Kris Jenings and her Mother Donna Bolk who she says is her so called client. Infact just Google her name and you can see for yourself why. My email address is sarahlynnhall93@gmail.com[/QUOTE]


Walking Dead is almost on but had to say, from my experience selling many horses over the years, there have been a few transactions where buyer and I got cross-wise and p*ssed off royally at each other. Doesnā€™t mean I am a scammer, nor the buyer was a nutjob, only poot happens and you have to work things out. Thankfully, my day was back before the internet got really revved up, otherwise Iā€™d probably be on some site, some buyer complaining about me. I truly worked to make sure the right horse went to the right buyer (or if I were buying for someone) but things happen you canā€™t control. Iā€™m not jumping down the OPā€™s throat just yet, not till I know more.

Itā€™s horses and horse people are generally crazy, yanno?

Doing a wine run.
Anybody need anything from the store?
Beer, popcorn?


raises hand Popcorn please, white cheddar. Thanks :slight_smile:

Oh, and if it turns out this situation is as OP has written, in my book, seller has sold her reputation for whatever amount, backing out on a sold pony with paperwork attached.

When selling, you have to think of things like that, whether you like it or not, you made a deal, you must stick with it.

Oh, and if it turns out this situation is as OP has written, in my book, seller has sold her reputation for whatever amount, backing out on a sold pony with paperwork attached.

When selling, you have to think of things like that, whether you like it or not, you made a deal, you must stick with it.[/QUOTE]

The time to vet a seller OR a buyer is BEFORE the transaction has occurred. We have this thing called the Internet that helps with that. Seller obviously knows how to use it. Not sure what else the seller sees, other than a couple of old posts made by other people, that makes her think she can void a contract. No matter what, if anything, she has heard about her buyer, not sure how sheā€™s going to get out of that contract.

Hi, I am the one that has voided the sale of my pony. Donna Bolk is the lady that signed the papers but I have not once spoken to her, Kris Jenings or Kristen Gulino has been the only one talking. She claims Donna Bolk is her client and she is helping buy the pony for Donnas Daughter. Donna is related to Kris, I was told by other people [edit] that she is her mother/business partner. She signed the bill of sale January 19th with me thinking the pony was going to a amazing show home. She talked me down on the price after saying what a great home she would be going to and that they didnā€™t have money to buy a expensive pony. As a A+ show home was the only thing I had really wanted for this pony I let her talk me down to 2,200 to a great home. The pony was due for her feet to be done right around the time she bought her so after she failed to pick her up as multiple shippers ā€œcouldnā€™t make itā€ ā€œwouldnā€™t call her backā€ or whatever I decided after almost a month over due to get the girls feet done. Not once did Kris or Donna check on the pony, call me to ask about her, get a vet check done or come meet the pony. This pony has been my pride and joy as I started her from scratch. Once everything wasnā€™t adding up I decided to Google Donna and Kris. First thing to pop up was a scam alert and multiple peopleā€™s bad experience with her and her multiple different names she goes by to try and keep her name clear. For my ponies safty from everything Iā€™ve been told I am not allowing my pony to leave with her. No I have not resold the pony and I would never do that, I have asked Kris several times to give me Donna Bolk info so I can return the $2,200 but she insists to take me to court so I have to pay all the bills. I have more than enough to never let my pony go with her. I am not emailing everyone back I didnā€™t realize so many people would respond but I will try to answer any questions. I am not a scammer or a bad personā€¦ I am a riding instructor simply not letting my pony go to a home where she will not be safe and as any horse/pony owners Iā€™d hope youā€™d fight for you horses safty too.

Hi, I am the one that has voided the sale of my pony. Donna Bolk is the lady that signed the papers but I have not once spoken to her, Kris Jenings or Kristen Gulino has been the only one talking. She claims Donna Bolk is her client and she is helping buy the pony for Donnas Daughter. Donna is related to Kris, I was told by other people [edit] that she is her mother/business partner. She signed the bill of sale January 19th with me thinking the pony was going to a amazing show home. She talked me down on the price after saying what a great home she would be going to and that they didnā€™t have money to buy a expensive pony. As a A+ show home was the only thing I had really wanted for this pony I let her talk me down to 2,200 to a great home. The pony was due for her feet to be done right around the time she bought her so after she failed to pick her up as multiple shippers ā€œcouldnā€™t make itā€ ā€œwouldnā€™t call her backā€ or whatever I decided after almost a month over due to get the girls feet done. Not once did Kris or Donna check on the pony, call me to ask about her, get a vet check done or come meet the pony. This pony has been my pride and joy as I started her from scratch. Once everything wasnā€™t adding up I decided to Google Donna and Kris. First thing to pop up was a scam alert and multiple peopleā€™s bad experience with her and her multiple different names she goes by to try and keep her name clear. For my ponies safty from everything Iā€™ve been told I am not allowing my pony to leave with her. No I have not resold the pony and I would never do that, I have asked Kris several times to give me Donna Bolk info so I can return the $2,200 but she insists to take me to court so I have to pay all the bills. I have more than enough to never let my pony go with her. I am not emailing everyone back I didnā€™t realize so many people would respond but I will try to answer any questions. I am not a scammer or a bad personā€¦ I am a riding instructor simply not letting my pony go to a home where she will not be safe and as any horse/pony owners Iā€™d hope youā€™d fight for you horses safty too.[/QUOTE]
Paragraphs are your friend!

Zounds. This is beginning to sound like quite the sticky wicket. Pass the popcorn and get your heels down for this ride.

Still not getting where you have a signed agreement that you decided you could just void by refusing to ship the pony and insisting on returning funds by ā€œbank information?ā€ Thatā€™s not generally how contracts work.

I didnā€™t find anything because I didnā€™t search the names together, since it said to ā€œsearch her nameā€ and didnā€™t imply that they were one person with aliases.

The two posts that I found have conflicting information and donā€™t appear to be truthful accounts.