Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

:lol: Thread is getting more entertaining all the time.

I have hesitated to wade into this circus so far but one question remains which I don’t think has ever been answered. Does the OP know for certain there was ever a real live pony? Ie did she or someone she trusts ever go try it person? Knowing that would be a logical step before shelling out money for a lawyer and asking others to help pay for it. There is s much fishyness here both from the holes in the OPs story and from the buyer’s alleged behavior. No matter how disappointed the client’s kid may or may not be, all this drama does not seem worth it for a $2200 pony which may or may not exist, especially if seller volunteered to return the money.

Just FYI, your tiny url links in your handle mostly go to a penis enlargement site.
The YouTube one is still okay.[/QUOTE]

Geez, I’ve always thought horse have plenty enough size with what they are born with. Now they make supplements for this too? Does it help with ulcers also? You know because they might be embarrassed when checking out their stable or paddock mates who are better endowed and stress.

Geez, I’ve always thought horse have plenty enough size with what they are born with. Now they make supplements for this too? Does it help with ulcers also? You know because they might be embarrassed when checking out their stable or paddock mates who are better endowed and stress.[/QUOTE]


Geez, I’ve always thought horse have plenty enough size with what they are born with. Now they make supplements for this too? Does it help with ulcers also? You know because they might be embarrassed when checking out their stable or paddock mates who are better endowed and stress.[/QUOTE]

My vet did not say that my horse needed enhancement but he did suggest several years ago that my horse’s weight loss might be caused by ulcers caused by performance anxiety in my horse’s old age. A round of ulcer medication did not solve the weight loss. So my horse is still performing, although he’s lost weight in his old age.

question for the OP, Did you actually go and try the pony or was it purchased off of a video? I do have a reason for asking…

My vet did not say that my horse needed enhancement but he did suggest several years ago that my horse’s weight loss might be caused by ulcers caused by performance anxiety in my horse’s old age. A round of ulcer medication did not solve the weight loss. So my horse is still performing, although he’s lost weight in his old age.[/QUOTE]

A new study suggests this and ulcers may be caused by SWS (small willy syndrome). Which has something to do with low self-esteem caused by caretakers not grouping turnout and stall mates according to size.

The study was small in size and scope and was done by the supplement manufacture. It also advised in addition to feeding their product the horse should undergo extensive one on one therapy/counseling sessions with one of their specialist.

Seems a bit suspect to me.

I don’t have popcorn, but I have Pringles, good enough.

The thing I want to know, there IS and actual pony sized equine, has been seen and tried out? Or only a video? Confused on that part.

I had a mare years ago, she was blind on one eye. Eye looked totally normal. I got her for resale, had the vet check her eye. You could wave your hand or some sort of movement, shadows on that side, no movement of the eyelid or of the head. The other side, do the same test, the eyelid would flutter and head move away a bit. The affected eye, the lid would blink, looked totally normal. When I had people out to look at her, I told them, she may be blind in that eye, didn’t act like it other than the non-blinking or movement when tested. A girl bought her, used her in parades and gymkhanas, mare did fine.

We found some white hair and a bit of scar tissue under her jaw. We thought maybe some yahoo had used a bosal wrongly, maybe flipped her, she hit her head, eyesight lost but not cosmetic feature.

It can happen, it’s horses after all.

Just wish to reiterate, no one on our end is asking for anything. Some people expressed interest in assisting and suggested setting up a page for them to do so. As we now know, that cannot be shared on COTH. The Mod edited the post, and we respect that and the reasons why.

While we did not go see this pony in person, we felt confident enough with our specific video and photo requests being met that she did truly exist. (And I have been involved with enough video purchases and long distance transactions to be comfortable doing things that way.)

Also, to correct the false info saying there are 3 new GFM campaigns, if you actually took the time to read the dates on the first two, you would have seen they are from years ago. Also from attempts to help people.

Thank God for clear contracts and paper trails is all I’ll say. :wink:

I am curious, OP: is that a brand on the pony?

A new study suggests this and ulcers may be caused by SWS (small willy syndrome). Which has something to do with low self-esteem caused by caretakers not grouping turnout and stall mates according to size.

The study was small in size and scope and was done by the supplement manufacture. It also advised in addition to feeding their product the horse should undergo extensive one on one therapy/counseling sessions with one of their specialist.

Seems a bit suspect to me.[/QUOTE]

Fortunately my horse does not have either ulcers or SWS, he’s checked out other horses at the barns and shows. You know how guys are! And all the mares prefer my horse over other studs. But at one barn, the BO did point out that one QH had a huge one. Which made my horse unhappy. But then his is pink which seems to be the preferred color of most mares. Really.:lol: It cannot be his personality.

If and when it is necessary, he’ll get a prescription for Viagra… His arthritis requires that he get a joint supplement or only hang out with short mares. Old age has caught up with him.

So back to the issue at hand. No, not my horse’s arthritis but the OP and the seller who is in Monck’s Corner SC where someone from the Charleston/Summerville/John’s Island barns should go over and see if there really is a cute pony at that farm.

And that is a brand on the pony. I did not check it out to see if it is european.

If anyone would like to know why I have voided the sale of my sweet pony from this lady. Feel free to email me. I will send you all of my screen shots of reasons why I would never let my pony go to Kris Jenings and her Mother Donna Bolk who she says is her so called client. Infact just Google her name and you can see for yourself why. My email address is sarahlynnhall93@gmail.com

Not really.

Actually you and your attorney came up with that idea and you went ahead and begged for financial help from people here by sharing your link…

attorney is concerned for the pony’s welfare (if not already sold and gone). He has suggested that if we can post a bond at double the value/purchase price of the pony ($4400 total), we can have it immediately seized where at least we will know for sure of its safety and whereabouts until the court can address the issue. If we file the basic claim not requiring a bond, the pony remains wherever it is until resolution of the matter. In light of that, I will come up with a GFM page asap and update with the link.

Yes, this is why attorney suggested if there are people on board willing to assist, to see if we could come up with the bond to have the pony immediately seized

If anyone would like to know why I have voided the sale of my sweet pony from this lady. Feel free to email me. I will send you all of my screen shots of reasons why I would never let my pony go to Kris Jenings and her Mother Donna Bolk who she says is her so called client. Infact just Google her name and you can see for yourself why. My email address is sarahlynnhall93@gmail.com[/QUOTE]

The plot thickens.

Doing a wine run.
Anybody need anything from the store?
Beer, popcorn?


I have half a bottle of Peach Seagrams. Hubby is going to make popcorn later tonight. Will have to bow out at 6pm, Walking Dead is on, will be back after that.

Never mind.

I googled but came up with K Jenner. ??

Well, I am not having much luck finding anyone. Too many with same names.

Doing a wine run.
Anybody need anything from the store?
Beer, popcorn?


Popcorn! No butter, please! :slight_smile:

I’ll take some popcorn. I googled as suggested (and my google skills are pretty expert-level) and got nothing that was any sort of useful.

Good grief. I see we’re to the point of latching on to anyone’s uninformed word as gold. As I said before, paper trails are a beautiful thing. The bottom line is, there is a legal contract for something that’s been purchased and wrongfully withheld.

This would be a ‘Go-Fund-me’ I would contribute to help with legal expenses. Assuming your client isn’t driving a $60,000 truck and trailer and the kid isn’t sitting in a $2,000 saddle.[/QUOTE]

And this was why the page was made. All I did was post the facts for those who were interested.

I’ll take some popcorn. I googled as suggested (and my google skills are pretty expert-level) and got nothing that was any sort of useful.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=goneriding24;8540900]I have half a bottle of Peach Seagrams. Hubby is going to make popcorn later tonight. Will have to bow out at 6pm, Walking Dead is on, will be back after that.

Never mind.

I googled but came up with K Jenner. ??

Well, I am not having much luck finding anyone. Too many with same names.[/QUOTE]

Really? The first 2 threads I got where about people saying those names relate to horse scammers.

True or not I have no idea, but it was not hard to find