Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

lol, thanks. Your hired. My billing information can be found on the link to my home page with my profile. Which also has an uncorrected spelling mistake that someone pointed out a long time ago.

It also gives my contract information for anyone that would like to call and give me a piece of their mind. Or stop by my barn and do it in person.[/QUOTE]

Soory dear, even if I were so inclined, you’re outta the way. :smiley:

I think we’re all missing the real question here.

Was the trailer open?

And what about the saddle fitted exactly to that pony? Is it missing, too? And how much extra ransom needs to be paid for that?


Blind in one eye is not a significant impediment to a horse. It often isn’t apparent even under saddle or jumping.

Someone can correct this information, but I believe the USEF permits horses with one-eyed vision in jumping classes up to 3’6", maybe higher. There used to be at least one 3* event horse that was one-eyed.

Horses view the world primarily through monocular vision in any case, because of the way their eyes are located on their head. They have only a narrow range of binocular vision directly in front of and behind them. They move their long necks and probably use their keen hearing to help compensate for loss of vision in one eye.

It would be easy for even a vet to miss one-eyed vision in a horse unless they specifically did a sight test. If there was nothing showing physically that signaled a possible issue.

If the only problem is having vision in only one eye, that won’t cause a horse to tilt its head. (Being in pain from an injury might cause that behavior, though.) And if there wasn’t a cosmetic issue, it probably it wouldn’t have affected a show career. Depending on all circumstances, of course.

So all that tells nothing about what happened in the aforementioned sale. It’s simply not a significant fact that no one noticed that a horse had vision in only one eye.


Was the saddle BLUE ???

There was a horse doing GP classes here who only had 1 eye. I don’t think there is a rule about it.

the head tilt etc story sounds familiar from here …last fall or there abouts

So basically the seller has filed a complaint against the OP and says that the pony in her complaint is now the subject of a legal matter? And the OP states that the buyer has filed a suit against the seller? Sounds to me like the seller is trying to muddy the waters big time! The judges in these matters are going to have a field day!

Pot meet kettle.[/QUOTE]

It would be highly unlikely for a competent veterinarian to omit checking for vision in both eyes on a PPE.

IF, and I do say IF there are two actual transactions involved of two DIFFERENT horses, I would think those would be separate cases, if indeed the case complained about on that website has any merit at all. I too find it odd that they posted right around the time that this was, seems like they are trying to create a pissing match for people to read.

It would be highly unlikely for a competent veterinarian to omit checking for vision in both eyes on a PPE.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. It was definitely done in any PPE I’ve been around.

the head tilt etc story sounds familiar from here …last fall or there abouts[/QUOTE]

That could be several different things…I knew a horse about 18 years ago that tilted its head due to uveitis. Definitely not a unique occurence.

We removed the links to the OP’s gofundme page to comply with our policies re: fundraising (i.e., not permitted unless you’re a 501c3 organization).

Thanks and best wishes for a positive resolution ~
Mod 1

I have owned two horses that were blind in one eye (I’m a sucker). Both horses had been blind for years but both would tilt their head when they wanted to see something on the blind side. It is very likely this behavior was more pronounced when the blindness was new. However, you’d have to be a blind vet to miss a horse with one eye. In my case it was quite obvious to even a non animal person that the horses were missing vision.

With the held tilt it went away under saddle with correct riding as the horses learned to trust my judgement. It never went totally away under saddle, especially when movement was restricted such as in crossties. Once I got past various training issues both horses performed exactly the same as their two eyed friends and it wouldn’t stop me in the future from buying a one eyed horse.

However, I can tell you that I have sat quietly on a very big issue before and held it to myself for various reasons until another issue came up that finally made me come clean and say something about a situation in which I had been wronged. Although in this case I am more on the OPs side, I would not have an issue with someone reading about a untrustworthy trainer and finally coming clean about an experience they had which they had kept quiet until then.

That could be several different things…I knew a horse about 18 years ago that tilted its head due to uveitis. Definitely not a unique occurence.[/QUOTE]

I know, but the story of a horse being bought then arriving with the head tilt sounds specifically familiar from here. I could not find it on a simple search

No houseguests or outraged comeback from the seller yet?

Have an issue with that link to the NY buyer who thought they were getting a “Section A Division Pony” (whatever that is) prospect already broke and going for 3500.:ambivalence:

Guess I’ll get the popcorn out…

I have no horse in this race, but the OP does have 3 GoFundMe listings started by her. I have no idea if they are legit or not, it just seems strange to me that a single person has three started by them.

Just FYI, your tiny url links in your handle mostly go to a penis enlargement site.
The YouTube one is still okay.

Just FYI, your tiny url links in your handle mostly go to a penis enlargement site.
The YouTube one is still okay.[/QUOTE]

Oh gosh, you are right. I never looked before. Meups, change your links.