Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

I have no advice, but I think you’re doing the right thing OP. What slimeballs. I really hope this has a good outcome for you and your client.

Pot meet kettle.

I see this from a practical perspective. You are a young trainer, advising people with a very? limited budget to buy an underpriced pony three states away. You think you found a great bargain – who knows, these drunken people, who seem to be able to convince law enforcement that they are in the right in a small Southern town may actually have done this before. Wouldn’t it be better to let this go and find another pony?

It’s a family farm, which probably means the actual seller has no assets. This entire thing isn’t even your money, so it won’t be you going into debt to try to finish this dubious deal.

You are young, but I do not believe you are advising your clients correctly in this situation. Take the money, and use all that attorney money and bail and all the rest to buy a better pony!

Don’t let your ego get in the way of practical financial advice. Yes, they deserve to be punished. Post it on RateMyHorsePro, out them to the world, shame them. But spending your client’s money, on your advisement, is really not good business judgement to me. I doubt the pony is that great, really, is it?

I know I am in the minority here.

Edit: and I agree with js, sometimes things don’t go as you planned, no matter how obvious it seems to you. What happens if the pony is gone now? They just spent thousands of dollars and get exactly nothing, now they can’t afford any pony, at all.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Kwill;8539383]It’s not her money. It’s the clients – and from the sound of it, they aren’t made of money. It is a luxury item. My husband and I are small business owners, of course we have been in this position, and in point of fact, it hasn’t always worked out the way we wanted it to, despite being in the right. Devious people have ways of getting out of paying for their crimes. They just do, that’s what makes them scummy.

But again, I didn’t expect many to agree with me.[/QUOTE]

I don’t know all the facts so I can’t say what they should do. Suing “for the principle of it” is what causes me to tell my clients I will need an additional $5k in their retainer - or perhaps they would prefer to take that money to the casino - either way it’s a gamble and the casino is more fun.

What does that mean? Really, I’m not understanding.

As for the rest of it, rethinking this, maybe not suing if it is a family affair (short aside here…neighbor has a big horse set up, all the trimmings, the whole enchilada…her mother owns the whole thing, a shadow owner. No one would ever know except she told me one day when WE were talking about a potential problem and I said to tread carefully because she could get sued into next year.) So, now, I am of the opinion, not suing, because you don’t know who owns what, but outing them on social media and all the other internet places, as long as you have the back up in hand, no hear-say, you can say “Yep, we bought X for Y, Z wouldn’t let us have the pony and we don’t want to sit back and take it anymore.”

Pot meet kettle.[/QUOTE]

Are you saying the person in the link who did a shady business deal is the OP? How do you know?

What does that mean? Really, I’m not understanding.

As for the rest of it, rethinking this, maybe not suing if it is a family affair (short aside here…neighbor has a big horse set up, all the trimmings, the whole enchilada…her mother owns the whole thing, a shadow owner. No one would ever know except she told me one day when WE were talking about a potential problem and I said to tread carefully because she could get sued into next year.) So, now, I am of the opinion, not suing, because you don’t know who owns what, but outing them on social media and all the other internet places, as long as you have the back up in hand, no hear-say, you can say “Yep, we bought X for Y, Z wouldn’t let us have the pony and we don’t want to sit back and take it anymore.”[/QUOTE]

You’d have to have looked at the Go Fund Me link before it was edited out of the thread to understand.

OP - I still think that if your owners are willing to go after the seller - it may be worth it on principle, but even if you are able to round up the bond - I would be concerned about the amount of money they are going to be out for the stabling of the pony being held by a third party while you wait for a court date and decision. Were it me, I’d probably move on from trying to acquire the pony, but keep after a full refund and other fees incurred.

You are in Florida? Can’t you find your clients a nice pony way closer to your location for that budget?

Are you saying the person in the link who did a shady business deal is the OP? How do you know?[/QUOTE]

Name of the poster on the GFM site is same as in alibi_18’s link. Ugh.

Pot meet kettle.[/QUOTE]

Plot twist.

Am I dense? Are you saying that OP is the person on that scammer site who sent a pony with an old neck fracture and blind in one eye up to New York from Florida on a sale? Without disclosure? Florida has a lemon law for horse sales, doesn’t it? Because if so, well, the seller who is the subject of this thread has posted on the scammer site, giving her name in her email addy, that she has voided the sale.

And the plot thickens. Thank God I have always been lucky to buy horses from reputable sellers. I’ve been very lucky. Or dealt with honest sellers.

I did not visit the gofundme site. Is it still on this thread?

Here you go, same name: https://www.gofundme.com/gppxxdvc

This whole thing seemed a bit off from the beginning.

Plus I thought begging for money on CoTH was not allowed.

Yeah, I just wondered why a reputable buyer wouldn’t have worked out the money issues after a delay before sending the cops with the shipper…it’s all way too much drama. It’s not normal.

How can you be in Florida & S. Carolina buying and selling horses at the same time? Going by the scam alert it was just posted on 2/15/16 . I am guessing it just happened too ?

Gives me a headache. Can those 4 people who donated their money on that go fund me thing get it back?


cute pony

Since the scammer alert was just posted on 2/15/16, I would suspect it is a false story and posted for revenge. Had the vet out 3 times for a head tilt? Why would it take three visits to do the x-rays and make the diagnosis? Seems fishy.

Gotta love internet anonymity.

No plot twist really, but lots of relevant facts being left out for the sake of creating more drama. I knew this thread had remained positive for far too long. :rolleyes: Seems like they forgot to include how they spent two days trying the pony in every possible scenario, were given free rein to vet from head to toe, and then when they got the pony out of quarantine (where it was fine for 7 days), did the ONE thing they were told not to do by putting her out with multiple other horses. A week or so later, I get the call that she is injured, and the seller should refund the purchase price. Come on people, do the math. Lucky for us, our vet saw her (for her shipping paperwork) right before she left, in perfect health. Heartbroken for the pony, that’s about it.

Back to the topic at hand, I see the Mod has removed the link, which is completely fine. I didn’t think it would be against the rules if a member suggested it, but here nor there, I will keep everyone updated on our progress.


Thanks. I wondered why the other person waited till a few days ago to post about the pony that went to NY. I’'d have notice right away if a pony was blind in one eye. Not a hard thing to notice.

OK so who on CoTH is in Monck’s Corner SC, near Charleston and knows the seller, apparently named Sara Lynn Hall? Time for a Cother to check this out for the OP.

OP, if the scam accusation against you is false, and is in retaliation for you complaining about the current seller cheating you and your client contractually, you should sue the buyer for defamation. You’ll probably have to file in NY state, unless you can file in federal court in Florida because she used the internet to defame you. Poor pony lost an eye? I cannot believe someone would be stupid enough to have a pony for days (or weeks?) and not notice that it was blind in one eye. That plus waiting to post on the scammer issue till now (feb 16 or 19?) made me wonder what that person was up to.

Since the scammer alert was just posted on 2/15/16, I would suspect it is a false story and posted for revenge. Had the vet out 3 times for a head tilt? Why would it take three visits to do the x-rays and make the diagnosis? Seems fishy.

Gotta love internet anonymity.[/QUOTE]

That was my exact thought! And why didn’t they do a PPE and find the blindness! That sounded like a bunch of BS to me!

Just a warning to COtH’s members; we don’t really know who the OP is and where the “Gofundme” money will really go… especially since it is under her name and not under her clients name…

This whole thing sounds utterly fishy to me. Who knows if this sob story is even true?!? The picture of the pony on the GFM page seems quite young and I couldn’t find any sale add about it nowhere… Does that pony even exist?!? Does this child even exist?!?

And that is why it is not allowed to post Gofundme links here… so people don’t get all emotional and give their well earned money to scam artist…

Please, keep your money or give it to a real cause you know.

I’m sorry OP, I don’t believe you at all. You are looking to get 6k… You are so wrong.

Thanks. I wondered why the other person waited till a few days ago to post about the pony that went to NY. I’'d have notice right away if a pony was blind in one eye. Not a hard thing to notice.

OK so who on CoTH is in Monck’s Corner SC, near Charleston and knows the seller, apparently named Sara Lynn Hall? Time for a Cother to check this out for the OP.

OP, if the scam accusation against you is false, and is in retaliation for you complaining about the current seller cheating you and your client contractually, you should sue the buyer for defamation. You’ll probably have to file in NY state, unless you can file in federal court in Florida because she used the internet to defame you. Poor pony lost an eye? I cannot believe someone would be stupid enough to have a pony for days (or weeks?) and not notice that it was blind in one eye. That plus waiting to post on the scammer issue till now (feb 16 or 19?) made me wonder what that person was up to.[/QUOTE]

Does not surprise me. I have seen someone let their very own longtime horse go for WEEKS without calling a vet for a corneal ulcer. They kept the horse at home and I saw it the day after they said it happened. They would NOT treat their horse even though they had the ointment, and it went completely blind in that eye as a result. So sadly, I can easily imagine such an occurrence.