Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

So because of this thread, I have an idea that the pony is going nowhere for a while (unless he was delivered to the OP already in the face of all this legal action and opining). Although with all the storms the last couple of days, he probably shouldn’t be going anywhere on a trailer, especially Florida.

COTH sleuths, is the pony still for sale? Seller, what happened?[/QUOTE]

So how much are you willing to ante up for the owner of the Warmbloods to go about 100 miles or more to check up on the pony? Maybe even get an interview with the seller? On video/cell phone? Well the weather is too bad today to drive there, but just maybe a trip to Monck’s Corner is in order for later this week. Hint: the owner of the WAWWs liked good red wine but has to settle for cheap wine because of ownership of warmbloods. Being disadvantaged and all. At least it’s corked cheap wine.

What part of contract law do the Cothers not know? If there is fraud in obtaining a contract for a sale of a horse, then the contract is null and void. so if the seller has proof that the OP said to her, in email or text, that the reason for wanting to pay less for said New Pony (as opposed to The Pony from the older thread) then the lower price was obtained by FRAUD, so the contract is void. And the seller could get her attorney’s fees if the OP did lie in order to lower the price. Doesn’t matter one bit that the money was wired/paid to the seller if their was fraud on the part of the buyer. So the OP and her mother-in-law or whomever the other woman is, if there are two women and it’s not just another AKA of the OP, better show up in court with a “disadvantaged” child. Well, I guess based on what we’ve learned about the OP and her old Coth name, any kid she or a relative has now might be considered “disadvantaged” in some way because of all the previous lawsuits.

I still want to know when I can put my share of The Saddle on my warmbloods? Who are probably too, uh, portly to be able to use it. But a nice Blue Saddle would be so cute.

Quoting. In case seller needs it for grounds for Libel.

Now if only the shipper would show up with their version and expressing a sign of relief for dodging a bullet.[/QUOTE]

The seller and her boyfriend were probably drinking something from the local ABC store in Monck’s Corner. Not a good selection of wines, but OK and better than the convenience store.

Bottom line: Seller sold the horse, signed a bill of sale, and accepted money. The pony no longer belongs to her. The end. Seller needs to turn the pony over to the lawful owner.[/QUOTE]

Totally wrong if the buyer lied to seller and the seller has proof of that in texts or emails. Lowering a price because of fraud by buyer means the contract is null and void.

Quoting. In case seller needs it for grounds for Libel.

Now if only the shipper would show up with their version and expressing a sign of relief for dodging a bullet.[/QUOTE]

One thing that bothered me about the OP’s post about alleging the intoxication: since when can’t a person be intoxicated on their own property, even IF that is true? The seller TOLD them not to send a shipper, according to the OP, and we have heard some of the seller’s version of events. Perhaps they were entertaining guests. I think they have a right to do whatever they please with their time on their own property. Did we ever even get an actual timeframe in the day when this shipper showed up after being told not to come?

Totally wrong if the buyer lied to seller and the seller has proof of that in texts or emails. Lowering a price because of fraud by buyer means the contract is null and void.[/QUOTE]

that’s assuming that both buyer and seller aren’t both nutters. which I’m not totally convinced of…

Seller and her boyfriend were intoxicated

This is so much third party reporting – the shipper, who was not wanted on the property and facing angry owners, asserts they were intoxicated to the OP. He then communicates the more believable information that the owner was not going to release the pony without more payment for upkeep since the contract was signed.

OK, here’s the problem – why wasn’t the OP on the phone with the owner, right then, having this conversation? Was she actually even on the phone with the seller/sheriff when all this was going on? Why not? How could the sheriff and the shipper both be having this conversation on her behalf without her being at least on the phone? Sheriff declines to intervene, clearly because there was a sales dispute, which is correct in any part of the country.

I think the entire “drunken seller” incident is made up. Or we heard just a fraction of what occurred when the shipper showed up.

I propose we open up a cyber tavern called the Blue Saddle Inn. That we we can congregate over a few kegs or boxes with popcorn and guacamole to discuss the more creative train wrecks.

It can stay open after hours too, that’s when the really good stuff hits the fan and most houseguest get active.


I think the entire “drunken seller” incident is made up. Or we heard just a fraction of what occurred when the shipper showed up.[/QUOTE]

I don’t know, if I was involved in any part of this I’d probably be drinking too.

Enjoying the thread. Just stepping in to say I wouldn’t put much stock in that Scam site. Looks like just another place to air your dirty laundry.

From the site, bold is mine…
“Everyone you know has been Scammed! POST a Scam to Warn the Next Guy!! With the ability to remain Completely Anonymous, write freely how that Contractor, Restaurant, Ex Boss, Ex Boyfriend, Realtor, Mortgage Broker, etc., SCAMMED YOU. Remember this site is 100% FREE and Simply to Use!”

Thank goodness it’s simply to use.[/QUOTE]

This is what I get for taking a break from COTH…I miss out on a perfectly good trainwreck!

As far as scam sites go, yes sometimes it’s a load of BS, but sometimes they are right. I once bought a horse from someone in MD who is listed all over the scam websites and she is definitely a scammer. She didn’t get me, I did my due diligence, had a thorough vet check and was very happy with the horse I bought. She also was a master of the name and location change. It’s a shame, she really knows her horses and is a good trainer, but I guess she finds scamming more profitable than honesty.

hey, we can add an outdoor patio drinking area to the Blue Saddle. call it the Open Trailer…

I just picture the pony innocently eating hay with no clue all the drama that’s swirling around him right now.

I think a better story would have been, “seller met the sheriff and shipper at the gate with a shotgun, and said ‘trespassers will be shot! And tell the buyer unless she pays up for those platinum shoes, this pony is going nowhere!’”

My question now is, would a shipper even take that amount of time to fuss with getting the sheriff involved and all? Don’t they usually prefer to keep to a pretty tight schedule?

In case Seller is in need of contact info for OP and Buyer (Mom) look no further than the shuttle office right next to VIP Parking at PBIEC. Hopefully all process servers will show up too.


My question now is, would a shipper even take that amount of time to fuss with getting the sheriff involved and all? Don’t they usually prefer to keep to a pretty tight schedule?[/QUOTE]

I assumed the OP called the sheriff’s office and asked them to meet the shipper at the farm, saying there could be an altercation with getting the pony released. OP could have faxed the sales contract, etc. to show she owned the pony. However, when the sheriff realized that there was a monetary argument, he referred them to civil court. Clearly, if you believe any of this story, the “intoxicated” seller and her boyfriend convinced the sheriff that there was a dispute and money was owed, since he “erred on the side of caution.” I doubt drunken people could be that persuasive to law enforcement.

I assumed the OP called the sheriff’s office and asked them to meet the shipper at the farm, saying there could be an altercation with getting the pony released. OP could have faxed the sales contract, etc. to show she owned the pony. However, when the sheriff realized that there was a monetary argument, he referred them to civil court. Clearly, if you believe any of this story, the “intoxicated” seller and her boyfriend convinced the sheriff that there was a dispute and money was owed, since he “erred on the side of caution.” I doubt drunken people could be that persuasive to law enforcement.[/QUOTE]

I am doubting it as well.

I propose we open up a cyber tavern called the Blue Saddle Inn. That we we can congregate over a few kegs or boxes with popcorn and guacamole to discuss the more creative train wrecks.

It can stay open after hours too, that’s when the really good stuff hits the fan and most houseguest get active.[/QUOTE]

I then shall be opening the Open Trailer Bar and Grill in Wellington next winter.

Of course with free popcorn (over salted), expensive Guac, wine from a box, and saddle chairs in blue!

Chateau de Trainwreck Tasting notes
Top notes of sanctimony, wrongfully accused and daughter’s tears (well aged)
Secondary bouquet of “If you can’t sway them with facts, baffle them with…”
Tertiary bouquet of ‘Old fashioned sour grapes’

Classic Chateau de Trainwreck, more complex than apparent at the beginning, flavors develop over time requiring repeated sampling to get to the bottom of the barrel. Suitable for anytime of day or night. Best paired with cheese, popcorn and painkillers for the inevitable headache

Score: 85[/QUOTE]

Sounds like it is time to pout a bottle or 3 into the decanter. Increased exposure really lets the aroma of the secondary bouquet to develop :wink:

I then shall be opening the Open Trailer Bar and Grill in Wellington next winter.

Of course with free popcorn (over salted), expensive Guac, wine from a box, and saddle chairs in blue![/QUOTE]

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.

Menus must be written in crayola.

And to go even further back… corns must be served.

In case Seller is in need of contact info for OP and Buyer (Mom) look no further than the shuttle office right next to VIP Parking at PBIEC. Hopefully all process servers will show up too.


literally? i don’t get it. :frowning: