Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

Chateau de Trainwreck Tasting notes
Top notes of sanctimony, wrongfully accused and daughter’s tears (well aged)
Secondary bouquet of “If you can’t sway them with facts, baffle them with…”
Tertiary bouquet of ‘Old fashioned sour grapes’

Classic Chateau de Trainwreck, more complex than apparent at the beginning, flavors develop over time requiring repeated sampling to get to the bottom of the barrel. Suitable for anytime of day or night. Best paired with cheese, popcorn and painkillers for the inevitable headache

Score: 85[/QUOTE]

For the win. :smiley:

Now if you can rate some of the other COTH Classics … :yes:

OK time for another story derail. RFD-TV actually came out to a barn where I boarded to film, I don’t know exactly what the topic was supposed to be, but they wanted some video of people caring for their horses.

I was among those that got tapped and I said ‘fine but on MY time schedule and I am starting EARLY’ and they agreed. The other riders were also early-birds.

So on a cold morning at mostly-dark-thirty, RFD-TV was out there at the barn alright - they had set up tables with Starbucks and donuts !!! :eek: This is not how we do it! You are supposed to be stiff with cold, nose dripping from the cold while you pick out feet, leaning on the horse for warmth while warming the bit and figuring out the bridle in the mostly-dark.

The two women who I think were producers or directors or something were actually appropriately dressed in horsey-type outfits. Except - their HAIR was PERFECT !!! Coiffed and floating, clean and untangled !!! Ribbons and clips !!! Are you kidding me, in a helmet-wearing English-riding barn ??? It was going to be hard to like them after the ride. :eek: :winkgrin:

They didn’t actually film me much as they were out front eating donuts, talking and laughing, while I went through the whole pre-ride routine. They got more of other boarders who were there a bit later. Don’t know if any of it was ever aired. That’s my RFD-TV story, fwiw. :slight_smile:

How are the refreshments holding up?[/QUOTE]

Well if you’re headed out to re-stock … more of that microwaveable spinach-artichoke cheese dip ala TGIF? Wal-Mart has it … :winkgrin:

Chateau de Trainwreck Tasting notes
Top notes of sanctimony, wrongfully accused and daughter’s tears (well aged)
Secondary bouquet of “If you can’t sway them with facts, baffle them with…”
Tertiary bouquet of ‘Old fashioned sour grapes’

Classic Chateau de Trainwreck, more complex than apparent at the beginning, flavors develop over time requiring repeated sampling to get to the bottom of the barrel. Suitable for anytime of day or night. Best paired with cheese, popcorn and painkillers for the inevitable headache

Score: 85[/QUOTE]
Excellent post!!!

For the win. :smiley:

Now if you can rate some of the other COTH Classics … :yes:

OK time for another story derail. RFD-TV actually came out to a barn where I boarded to film, I don’t know exactly what the topic was supposed to be, but they wanted some video of people caring for their horses.

I was among those that got tapped and I said ‘fine but on MY time schedule and I am starting EARLY’ and they agreed. The other riders were also early-birds.

So on a cold morning at mostly-dark-thirty, RFD-TV was out there at the barn alright - they had set up tables with Starbucks and donuts !!! :eek: This is not how we do it! You are supposed to be stiff with cold, nose dripping from the cold while you pick out feet, leaning on the horse for warmth while warming the bit and figuring out the bridle in the mostly-dark.

The two women who I think were producers or directors or something were actually appropriately dressed in horsey-type outfits. Except - their HAIR was PERFECT !!! Coiffed and floating, clean and untangled !!! Ribbons and clips !!! Are you kidding me, in a helmet-wearing English-riding barn ??? It was going to be hard to like them after the ride. :eek: :winkgrin:

They didn’t actually film me much as they were out front eating donuts, talking and laughing, while I went through the whole pre-ride routine. They got more of other boarders who were there a bit later. Don’t know if any of it was ever aired. That’s my RFD-TV story, fwiw. :slight_smile:

Well if you’re headed out to re-stock … more of that microwaveable spinach-artichoke cheese dip ala TGIF? Wal-Mart has it … :winkgrin:[/QUOTE]

Bah! THEY were probably jealous of YOU for being able to ride! :smiley:

I just have one burning question.

Was or was not the “addendum” on the sales contract written in crayon?

Blue crayon ??? to match blue saddle ?

Best to take the refund if it’s red crayon.

So happy to see that The Pony and The Saddle are still around!
With the addition of the New Pony, we’ll soon have a stable of CoTH ponies from train wreck threads. And saddles. And trailers. Well in this case, the shipper’s van. Or vans.

I know a lot of people who bought horses online without seeing them or trying them out. I always tell everyone, go take a look. Worth it to make sure you are going to be happy with the purchase.
Bad weather is heading the way right now towards the New Pony’s farm. I hope the seller has put her and her stablemates up in a barn.

Aren’t the OP and her mother a little old and too big to claim that they want the pony? Sounds like they were going to flip pony right away to make some $. Not nice to lie to seller. They could probably have negotiated the price down without lying. But that would have taken more work. Had OP had some disputes with shippers which would be a reason for shippers not to go pick up the pony?


As for the gofundme page, the OP is supposedly a BNT or whatever right? So now she wants money? Who twisted her arm to make her start the gofundme page? [/QUOTE]
I am certainly not trying to stick up for the original poster in this thread but I just want to clarify that the OP never called herself a big name trainer. I believe she described herself as a trainer starting out.
And there was some pressure from people here suggesting the OP start the GFM page. I think people here are who even started the conversation about it (but I am too lazy to go back and find it).


Had OP had some disputes with shippers which would be a reason for shippers not to go pick up the pony?[/QUOTE]

Ding! Ding! Ding!!! We have a winner!!!

Maybe a Facebook or Google search of LG Transport/Christy Livengood and Camelot Auction will further connect the dots with the legal actions against OP.

Ding! Ding! Ding!!! We have a winner!!!

Maybe a Facebook or Google search of LG Transport/Christy Livengood and Camelot Auction will further connect the dots with the legal actions against OP.[/QUOTE]


You are the M. Night Shyamalan of COTH posters.

Now I’m off to google…

But was the trailer open or closed?

My first reaction to the thought that OP might have been buying from Camelot was bad. But then if she flipped those horses and ponies then a few were saved from slaughter.

But there’s a reason why shippers won’t work with buyers. And it usually involves non-payment or bad checks.

Now we all have to think about more things.
Chillrider is making us work to get information.

I just want a link to the open trailer and the blue saddle. I tried looking through that thread and certainly saw the OP say a couple of times “as I was about to load her on the open trailer” but I couldn’t find where those two things (the blue saddle & the open trailer) took off.

Bottom line: Seller sold the horse, signed a bill of sale, and accepted money. The pony no longer belongs to her. The end. Seller needs to turn the pony over to the lawful owner.

[QUOTE=Anne FS;8544678]
I just want a link to the open trailer and the blue saddle. I tried looking through that thread and certainly saw the OP say a couple of times “as I was about to load her on the open trailer” but I couldn’t find where those two things (the blue saddle & the open trailer) took off.[/QUOTE]

Some of that thread was heavily edited. We don’t immediately start quoting when a thread sounds mostly legit. Usually awhile before the real train wrecks derail and by then some pertinent information and statements will have gone poof.

Nevermind. I give up. If contract law was as simple as many on this thread seems to think it’d be a 1 day class in law school. Beware relying on advice from non-lawyers on the internet. I’ll leave it at that.

Thanks, findeight.

vxf111, I agree with most of the things you post, and I understand how posts on here are frustrating for you to read, but I think that you’re confusing opinions people state as to them dogmatically presenting them as legal advice.

Bottom line: Seller sold the horse, signed a bill of sale, and accepted money. The pony no longer belongs to her. The end. Seller needs to turn the pony over to the awful owner.[/QUOTE]

I edited this a little for ya.

Smashing good trainwreck, guys. It’s been a while.

The only thing I really need to know is what Meup’s face is going to look like when she clicks Tiny’s (hardy har har) link.

So because of this thread, I have an idea that the pony is going nowhere for a while (unless he was delivered to the OP already in the face of all this legal action and opining). Although with all the storms the last couple of days, he probably shouldn’t be going anywhere on a trailer, especially Florida.

COTH sleuths, is the pony still for sale? Seller, what happened?

Trailer just attempted to pick up with Sheriff. Seller and her boyfriend were intoxicated and claimed board and feed was now owed, so deputy “erred on the side of caution” and called it a civil matter. They also filed a trespassing complaint against the hauler.

Magistrate says we can file suit, but if we cannot travel to their town for the court hearing it will be thrown out. We could file an emergency claim, but would need to post double what we paid for the horse as “bond”.

Quoting. In case seller needs it for grounds for Libel.

Now if only the shipper would show up with their version and expressing a sign of relief for dodging a bullet.