Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

The Buyer(s) were never going to pay all this themselves. The strategy was always to use the ‘free’ gofundme money. Based on what was posted when that all came up … so far back in this thread, I have no idea where. :slight_smile:

Although it is true that posters other than the OP suggested it rather broadly, at that time there was a more unified pov being expressed. That seems to be a typical pattern in these threads. It is usually for forerunner to the downturn …

Oh, I don’t know. The first horse I ever owned and sold ended up going from my pasture board situation to a lifetime home with a 14x14 stall he visited for meals, in between being hand-walked to and from extensive time in comfortable, tree-shaded, grassy paddocks. All this for a little bit of work carting around a junior who had no power to argue with him. Good for him! :winkgrin:

I had to figure he understood the deal, watching their rounds. He gifted her with many ribbons and a few champs, and she never understood why she had so much trouble riding any other horse. :lol:

What’s the legal definition of a ‘disadvantaged child’?

The Buyer has been very clear that it is a child who could not afford the price of a more expensive pony. I don’t know what the Seller thinks would qualify.

A lot of us readers are getting rather stuck on the price discount definition, knowing the purchase price is NOT the big horse expense. It’s upkeep, maintenance & repair, costs which escalate magnificently for ‘A’ competitors. Costs that are not different based on purchase price.

I’d think Seller would know that as well if Seller was at all aware of the ‘A’ show circuit.

Hey, I think I might be ‘disadvantaged’, too … :winkgrin:

Throw in boarding dramas and the series could go on for years! Without becoming repetitious! :lol:[/QUOTE]

I’ve had ideas that there should be a program about caring for older horses called “This Old Horse”. Maybe we have some new ideas for RFD-TV?

I see the point js is trying to make – even as adults we have to choose between life expenses and doing some horse activities. You aren’t going to show at prestigious horse shows and win, in all but a few cases, without spending a lot of money and time to do it. It’s really for the wealthy. Kids probably have a harder time understanding why they can’t show along with Susie, whose dad is a surgeon and can afford to throw 100K at their kid’s hobby.

So buying a talented amateur a great pony to show the A circuit is rather unrealistic – you might be able to get there, but couldn’t afford to actually compete every weekend at various places around the country. It’s such rare air I don’t know much about it myself.

Just for those who continue to reference the GFM page, at this point I’ve contacted them and asked that they refund everything that’s been sent. I would much rather everything be returned than have anyone feel as though they’ve been misled in the wake of all the false info being spread around. One last time, I will point out that the GFM was only set up in response to those on the forum who asked for a page to contribute to.

Uninformed sour grapes do a masterful job of painting an unbecoming picture without having any firsthand knowledge or facts, and it’s a shame that peoples’ thirst for a public hanging ceremony trumps any aspect of remembering that.[/QUOTE]

Chateau de Trainwreck Tasting notes
Top notes of sanctimony, wrongfully accused and daughter’s tears (well aged)
Secondary bouquet of “If you can’t sway them with facts, baffle them with…”
Tertiary bouquet of ‘Old fashioned sour grapes’

Classic Chateau de Trainwreck, more complex than apparent at the beginning, flavors develop over time requiring repeated sampling to get to the bottom of the barrel. Suitable for anytime of day or night. Best paired with cheese, popcorn and painkillers for the inevitable headache

Score: 85

1 Like

That would be true if there actually was a child. The OP is the child. Far too late in this case.[/QUOTE]

LOL yeah, I’m catching up :slight_smile:

I’ve had ideas that there should be a program about caring for older horses called “This Old Horse”. Maybe we have some new ideas for RFD-TV?[/QUOTE]


you could film here, yes, its exists. This Old Horse.

Most actual trainwrecks get cleaned up faster than the ones here, though.


you could film here, yes, its exists. This Old Horse.[/QUOTE]

Guess I should have gotten my idea out there when I first thought of it. Oh well! At least someone is doing something with it! :smiley: No harm no foul.

Does this mean this is out of the question??


You must be an old-ish-timer to remember that thread! Hmm…

That said, I still want a window cling thingie! Or a sticker. Or both. 'Cause iCOTH a lot.

LOL Synthesis :applause: :applause:

Chillrider is my hero. Whether or not he or she is a houseguest or an old poster with an alter.

Coth sleuths are great. While some people scream “stalking” the sleuths tell us who is up to what.

Drinking red wine now.

As for the gofundme page, the OP is supposedly a BNT or whatever right? So now she wants money? Who twisted her arm to make her start the gofundme page?

As for disadvantaged kids, I’ve boarded at barns where kids whose parents did not have the $ that the kids with well-off parents had, and those kids had to do hard manual labor with the riding programs in order to afford lessons or leases or ponies. They worked harder than anyone and did not get the value of their work in return. Disadvantaged kids are taken advantage of by a lot of BOs.

Everyone in Louisiana and Mississippi an Alabama take care. Those storms look awful! I’m glad THE PONY (from the other thread) and the pony who is the subject of this thread are in areas w/o storms tonight.

One can hardly call someone who can afford a several thousand dollar pony “disadvantaged” whether they be a child or not, and whether the pony in question is worth much more…or not. That still doesn’t make them disadvantaged.

Unless my compass is really far off, in which case, I too am disadvantaged. Can someone buy me an ‘A’ show quality pony to have a chance to show in the big leagues?

Of all the terms used to describe the OP, BNT would be the least applicable. Especially the B part.

Catch up:

No child, it’s the OP. Who freely admitted around page one she was “a young trainer”. Probably not as much of a child as you are thinking, though. And not as disadvantaged, either.

Jinx! posting as I posted.[/QUOTE]

Well OP is acting very childish. Maybe it’s her maturity level she is talking about?
Maybe we should start a gofundme to SAVE THE PONY? I’ll contribute.


Uninformed sour grapes … [/QUOTE]

Come now:

sour grapes: used to refer to an attitude in which someone adopts a negative attitude to something because they cannot have it themselves.

That would be you, my dear. You want the pony, yet the pony is what you lack.

Most of us are too old/fat/horse poor to do much with the pony. Therefore, the pony we do not seek.

it’s a shame that peoples’ thirst for a public hanging ceremony trumps any aspect of remembering that.[/QUOTE]

Woe is you. This entire thread is your doing.

Be honest; take responsibility for your own actions; try to think before you act; accept that you can’t always get what you want; learn to let go; and never stiff the vet.

Your OP should have read:

I’m a horse dealer with assorted aliases, scam reports and ongoing lawsuits. I found a person selling a pony out of state, told them I was a BNT representing a client wanting the pony for her daughter. I told them the pony was going to a good, show home. Had my mother pretend to be the client since she sometimes uses a different last name than me. I was late picking up the pony, the seller found out who and what I am and is refusing to release the pony. She wants to refund the purchase price.

What recourse do I have? And btw, is the contract valid if my mother didn’t use her legal name on it?

Ugly? You bet. But much closer to the truth. That’s the life you’re living.

[QUOTE=The Pony;8543457]
I’m every pony.[/QUOTE]

Alas, I only fit the one.

This has gotten boring. Somebody post an update of somebody getting punched/shot.

Hey seller, come back and give us an update of what’s happening.

This has gotten boring. Somebody post an update of somebody getting punched/shot.[/QUOTE]

I think I have it figured out. Pony seller got suspicious after being talked in to a lower price in the contract since the pony would allegedly be going to a needy and deserving child. So naturally, like any sensible COTH-er, she sleuthed/stalked the buyer (and buyer’s agent of course) to confirm that her pony was going to a hard luck child. PS (Pony Seller, not to be confused with PO–Pony Owner–from the other thread referencing open trailer and blue saddle) anywho, PS sleuthed and discovered that the PB (Pony Buyer) was the one the only, hard luck Classical Master NP.

Unable to locate a GP trained horse to rent for five days to refresh his memory (of so-called expert training abilities some many decades ago), Classical Master has found a way to raise the funds needed to purchase the Cute Pony of this thread. Naturally, noticing posts about GFM, NP started his own.

PS sleuthed right here on COTH and discovered the truth…the TRUTH!!..and henceforth voided the contract and cancelled the sale. PS realized that beloved Cute Pony would be used for five days, with no opportunity to observe these sessions, and rightfully had reservations about the suitability of the so-called “A+ show home”, particularly because CMNP states that he does not deign to compete in the show arena…

PS wondered: what would CMNP do with the CP (Cute Pony) after those fleeting five days? What if CMNP flipped and sold CP as a High School trained competition pony, ready for the National stage? (Oh, right, CMNP does not show…hmm, but the CP could still be sold along as a High School Pony, right?)

See thread below, particularly post #25 for the Classical Master’s only other option. (Actually, if CMNP could raise enough via GFM, he might be able to resurrect the ancient Chevy, extract DNA, and clone his decades-long-passed High School horse. Just a brief off topic thought.)


When two train wrecks collide? It COULD be coincidence, but yanno…many people say there ARE NO coincidences!

How are the refreshments holding up?

I ate all the popcorn but I saw there was some wine left. The sour grapes varietal has been all used up, though.

I think someone is bringing guacamole, but they haven’t arrived yet.

We are all meeting at the tavern they call “The Blue Saddle Pony.” Look for everyone around the open trailer.

Chateau de Trainwreck Tasting notes
Top notes of sanctimony, wrongfully accused and daughter’s tears (well aged)
Secondary bouquet of “If you can’t sway them with facts, baffle them with…”
Tertiary bouquet of ‘Old fashioned sour grapes’

Classic Chateau de Trainwreck, more complex than apparent at the beginning, flavors develop over time requiring repeated sampling to get to the bottom of the barrel. Suitable for anytime of day or night. Best paired with cheese, popcorn and painkillers for the inevitable headache

Score: 85[/QUOTE]

I love this. We need more reviews of our trainwrecks like this.