Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused

I believe so re Bill of Sale. Although the the 3 year SOL is for oral contracts. The 3 year SOL I referred to was to seek civil relief on grounds of fraud. At least that is my understanding from looking as SC codes for a few minutes. To be verified by locally licensed counsel :)[/QUOTE]

And if it turns out Seller sold that pony AGAIN before the pick-up attempt … ?
(for more money)
(hypothetical situation of course :winkgrin: )

Seems like the Blue Saddle Inn should sponsor (and cater) an annual COTH pro bono legal clinic.

And if it turns out Seller sold that pony AGAIN before the pick-up attempt … ?
(for more money)
(hypothetical situation of course :winkgrin: )[/QUOTE]

If seller can prevail that first contract was voidable, then probably no problems. In deciding the weight of evidence if it comes down to a he said she said then if seller resold pony for much higher price it might, maybe impact the credibility of seller’s story. Maybe. But if the facts are easy to establish via written communications, then seller’s story is verifiable so it doesn’t matter. Again remember that prevailing on a fraud in the inducement claim has the result of contract never existed. It would be like someone saying gosh, I really wish I could buy that pony, and then seller sells to someone else.

Th![](s thread needs some art. I made a tavern sign so people could find the Blue Saddle Inn more easily. I have a million other things I need to be doing, but this is more fun:


I vote that we use this as a t-shirt to find one another at Rolex.

I vote that we use this as a t-shirt to find one another at Rolex.[/QUOTE]

That would be so funny! I’ll do some looking this weekend and see if I can find a place to make it available (Zazzle?) The one I did was a “quick and dirty” Photoshop job, for fun. I’d need to do a high-res version in Illustrator and clean up the line work.

LS, I am in line, credit card in hand.:slight_smile:

LS, I am in line, credit card in hand.:)[/QUOTE]
And I just realized that would violate the no-ad policy, lol! It’s easy enough to do, just can’t post a link here.

Th![](s thread needs some art. I made a tavern sign so people could find the Blue Saddle Inn more easily. I have a million other things I need to be doing, but this is more fun:


May I suggest painting the Pony a color as well? I vote for making it a Greymino.

Blueberry pancakes & coffee while watching the pony eat his blue grain & hay !

LS what a cute logo for the sign for the tavern!

And I just realized that would violate the no-ad policy, lol! It’s easy enough to do, just can’t post a link here.[/QUOTE]

I love it! When it’s ready, let us know and we can PM you for the link. We can also notify those on the eventer thread.

Blue pony (an artist I am not :smiley: )

So…long story short, did buyer get her money back? The rest depends on whether there was/were fraud involved, right?? Lawsuits are being slung around but unless both sides have their emails and paperwork, it is only going to be expensive for both sides.

Pony can or cannot be sold till all is settled?

Getting hard to keep up with the latest. Both sides have bailed from this thread, right??

Lurve the T shirt logo, BTW.

May I suggest painting the Pony a color as well? I vote for making it a Greymino.[/QUOTE]

Greymino it is.

I will update next week. Question: Saddle ok without stirrups/girth? Or would it look better with them? From an artist’s viewpoint, simpler is better. Too many elements can be distracting. I also thought about using just the saddle. That would be a stronger design, but it seems a shame not to reference “The Pony.” All suggestions considered. :smiley:

I think your Spidey artist senses are right - the simpler the better. A pony, with blue saddle riding in a box with four wheels (the infamous open trailer)?

By COTHER for COTHERSs since 2015! The Blue Saddle Bar and Internet Cafe. Legal Counselling available within.

I think your Spidey artist senses are right - the simpler the better. A pony, with blue saddle riding in a box with four wheels (the infamous open trailer)?

By COTHER for COTHERSs since 2015! The Blue Saddle Bar and Internet Cafe. Legal Counselling available within.[/QUOTE]


I vote that we use this as a t-shirt to find one another at Rolex.[/QUOTE]

Not going to Rolex this year but I’d pick one up, you just never know when you might run into another Cother. I will say the ‘Cheese’ shirts were great identifiers at Rolex.


LS, you could always do a second version with the same graphic but with the slogan" COTH" above the pony and “Train Wreck” underneath…:slight_smile:

I would buy one of each.

LS, you could always do a second version with the same graphic but with the slogan" COTH" above the pony and “Train Wreck” underneath…:slight_smile:

I would buy one of each.[/QUOTE]

Yes!!! :slight_smile:

LS, you could always do a second version with the same graphic but with the slogan" COTH" above the pony and “Train Wreck” underneath…:slight_smile:

I would buy one of each.[/QUOTE]

Do not worry. I realized this afternoon that one design is not going to cut it! And, I laughed out loud when I googled “open trailer”. I bet this is what showed up for The Pony. Can’t you just see him balancing on there, with a “WTH” expression?

Is Rolex in April? If so, there’s plenty of time. I am looking at sources for T-shirt printer; want to make sure it’s good quality/good customer service.
PS does anyone know the title of the Blue Saddle thread? I need to refresh my memory and get some inspiration. :slight_smile: