Equine ATTORNEYS! Seller refusing to release horse to shipper! UPDATE: Ransom refused


[hey! maybe someone could read it into an audiobook and people could listen to it while driving … with dramatic actors for the voices … ][/QUOTE]


Post #621 is very informative. It is a reply with quote, but information nonetheless. I had to read up a bit myself. Am on limited data at this time, needed the shortcut.

As for the blue saddle pony, I don’t know what in the hell that is about. I’ll catch up someday.

Aw man! I was hoping for a REAL update!

Well, I just wasted almost 2 days of my life. If I read the whole thing did I earn the right to buy myself the t-shirt?

No, you don’t get the t-shirt but there is a free bottle of wine and tin of popcorn that comes with reading the whole thing :smiley:

No, you don’t get the t-shirt but there is a free bottle of wine and tin of popcorn that comes with reading the whole thing :D[/QUOTE]

I actually was sober the whole time, but I might read it again on a rainy weekend with the wine! Now I’m on the the aforementioned Pony + Saddle + Trailer thread.

No, you don’t get the t-shirt but there is a free bottle of wine and tin of popcorn that comes with reading the whole thing :D[/QUOTE]

She can buy it, it’s alright!


Working hard to pay off the judgment against you, I see Kris. There’s more coming so keep hustling…

whoa, chill rider, odyssey farms has that horse for sale now?

If you are referring to Marscapone, that is not the horse this thread was started about.

I am well aware. This is the mare several threads have been started on by OP. Bad feet, poop eating, weight loss, unthifty, and pemphigus.


So our little internet lawyer, trainer and disadvantaged kid has been busy in the courts again…
Filing for bankruptcy and yet another judgement against her.
Accept and enter her name to keep up on the latest http://www.mypalmbeachclerk.com/officialrecords/search.aspx

And I must say this is an impressive photoshop job, was the background from on of the properties you were evicted from, Kris? Oh wait, probably not since you are low rent from north of the Wellington border. Very clever!!!

That 30K mare is certainly an asset, hope Chad and the others are paying attention!!!

So our little internet lawyer, trainer and disadvantaged kid has been busy in the courts again…
Filing for bankruptcy and yet another judgement against her.
Accept and enter her name to keep up on the latest http://www.mypalmbeachclerk.com/officialrecords/search.aspx

And I must say this is an impressive photoshop job, was the background from on of the properties you were evicted from, Kris? Oh wait, probably not since you are low rent from north of the Wellington border. Very clever!!!

That 30K mare is certainly an asset, hope Chad and the others are paying attention!!![/QUOTE]

I know there isn’t anything funny about this thread, but the photoshop image did make my laugh. I think my 8 year old could have been more convincing…

I wish chill rider would investigate some of our other Coth cases!
Good work chill rider. Now find out what’s going on with the other Pony thread and with the crazy crayola trainer too!

Very seldom does someone only do one bad act. This thread shows some of the things that one person has done in the horse business. It’s good to know who is out there and what those people are doing.
Thanks chill rider.

Sadly, she is invested in being a thief. Robbing Peter to avoid paying Paul. As long as there are more aliases to be made, she and Mom will continue to rip people off.

[QUOTE=Pennywell Bay;8773595]
I know there isn’t anything funny about this thread, but the photoshop image did make my laugh. I think my 8 year old could have been more convincing…[/QUOTE]

How about this one?


How about this one?


ok, that wins the worst photoshop job of the year award!
As I always say, if they lie about one thing, what else are they lying about?

How about this one?


I do not get the point of doing a photo shop like this. If you do not like the background pose the horse some where else, they are clearly posed photos.

How about this one?


My goodness, my face on Gisele Bündchen’s body would be more convincing.

There must be something wrong with her in the head if she thought that was a good marketing tool (and looked natural).