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Ergot in ear

Hi ,
Bought a horse in August, 4 year old. At PPE, vet identified the ear growth as an ergot, and that is exactly what it looks and feels like. One month later, veterinary dentist who removed a wolf tooth, agreed, and asked to take a picture of it as it was a first for her. I cannot find any information anywhere about any other horse having something like this. So, I ask, has anybody ever seen this on any horse?
It seems harmless. I have carefully started to shorten it with dog nail clippers.

Have NOT seen an ergot in an ear before… But I have seen a second “hoof” residual of the vestigal toes on a leg. Actually heard of a second one too. Just a reminder of eohippus in every horse’s history coming through. Apparently, the extra toe situation can be surgically removed. I don’t know how common it is… not “TOO” common I think.

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I’ve heard of dental tissue/teeth in horse ears. Not ergots.

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I’m sure I’m not just speaking for myself when I say I’d love to see a photo of it


Are you sure it is not an aural plaque? They can sometimes look similar. I own a gelding with one and I think at first glance a horse person could certainly mistake it for an ergot. It’s quite big.

Take a photo of it with flash on. Is it reflective?



Previous pic is of the “thing” attached in my horses ear. Any ideas?

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After it’s trimmed down, will it regrow like a normal ergot? Is it attached to something random, or part of something else?

I don’t have any suggestions, just “ew”.

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At PPE I was told it was an ergot. The end feels like an ergot. I have tentatively trimmed it. Recently i trimmed a little more than normal and there was blood. I am now questioning what it is and plan on consulting another vet Horse does not like it being touched, particularly the base of it, which is wider She will need sedation for a good look. Was looking here for thoughts of what else it could be.
BTW, does anybody know if an ear tooth ever shows up inside ear. Found info saying it is usually at base of ear.

By “ergot” is your vet referring to the horny growth at the back of a fetlock?

Or by “ergot” is your vet referring to the fungus type of ergot?

It doesn’t look like a tooth bud/ear bud to me, based on the two I’ve had on horses I’ve owned. Those were very distinct lumps that had a drainage channel to the outside. One was at the base of the ear and the other was on the forehead, like a small horn. Both were surgically removed.

I suppose the only way to know what’s going on is to have it biopsied.

Paint Party Vet was referring to horny growth on back of fetlock. However, when horse saw vet for another reason, vet backtracked and said not sure what it is. The horse had some other issues to be dealt with and this “thing” took a temporary backseat.
Curious, were the ear buds your horses seem to be causing them pain?

The reason I am curious about ear tooth is that I was told the horse was born with it.

I will second @pony_baloney “ew” LOL

I feel like I saw something like this on a human on the Dr Pimple Popper show :grimacing: and they also described it as a horny growth. How far up did you trim where you noticed the blood? I was going to ask about trimming as I trim my guys ergots when they get long but have never had blood before.

Maybe hes a real unicorn!


So, I had been just trimming the tip, which gets skinnier. I trimmed the tip again last week, then got brave and trimmed an equal amount. Did not expect blood. Each trimming was about 2 mm. (Tiny)
Just for background, I have dealt with warts in ears and removal. I have dealt with sarcoids and removal.
I am starting to think we have an unusual “thing” here which is why I put it out there.


Nope, not at all. Although the one that had the drainage opening at the base of the ear required a big ol’ surgical incision to track back to the actual ear tooth bud. There were a lot of stitches, but once it healed it didn’t leave much of a scar on the mare’s face.

I think you have a undercover unicorn.


There was a similar post about something on the tail dock that looked a lot like this:

Not sure that was resolved either! But interesting

Thank you Looks very similiar.

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