Everything to know about Kissing Spine, please! (And general update of rehabbing him and his issues now!)

My money is on ulcers. All my horses live on an ulcer preventative, and I preempt stressful situations or meds with Nexium or sucralfate if I can get it into them. Also the weather has been wild here, and despite the wooly coat on my KS horse I find he’s happier bundled up if it’s chilly at all. YMMV.


Yeah he’s usually very chill but if he gets worked up he’s hard to come back down which has never seemed normal to me. It was actually like 78° yesterday but it was around dusk and the mosquitoes were starting to come out which probably factored a little too.

Yeah I should have thrown him on some nexium or something when he was getting injected but it actually was not planned that day. Kicking myself now but hopefully we can get him feeling better.

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Hey, you live and learn, it’s okay!

Also I’m sorry to hear you’ve hit a little stumbling block. Check back in after the meso! Did your vet give you an idea of when you might see results (this may have been discussed but I forgot)?

I want to say that I read just in a few weeks. But I’ll definitely ask the vet when they come. It’s not my regular vet, So I’m not able to just text them casually :slight_smile:

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Well, he’s not any more lame than usual to me. Sigh, hopefully the mesotherapy helps but if not I think we need to keep investigating.


Fingers crossed. FWIW my guy was witnessed tearing around and rearing/cavorting/carrying on trying to get the pony to play with him. My BO notes that he usually has a morning gallop but this was… energetic even for him :roll_eyes: “Hey horse maybe this is why you’re sore???”

Goobers. Hopefully it’s just the weather.

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Yep, surely good for the back to tear around like lunatics lol.

Well the good news is he wasn’t very back sore at all today even in the cold, misty weather.

So he got his mesotherapy. Fingers crossed that it continues to make him feel good although now if he is still off I think we need to look at the stifles or hocks or SI or something. But fingers crossed to this makes the significant difference.


He’s all wet from getting his mesotherapy. But I do see some improvement in his back, imo, just from the injections, massage, and groundwork. Hopefully the mesotherapy just helps that even more. Crossing my fingers. Progress is slow but I do think there is progress to all around.


It’s hard to tell because I think the earlier photo and this one are slightly different angles, but I’d almost put money on slight improvment - The hollow right in front of his pelvis looks ever so slightly diminished in the mesotherapy picture.

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Agree on all accounts. I’ll continue with everything!

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Not to derail (again), but in an attempt to determine whether the KS is our problem or if it’s something else, I just ordered omeprazole and sucralfate from Abler. I’ve been doing Nexium but my vet thinks his issues are ulcer related based on a description of symptoms (I’m not scoping him at this time).

Anyways, I figure I can do one month of these meds and see if there’s a difference in his attitude. From there I’ll be pretty much at a loss (and needing a break from spending money).

Keep us updated @Lunabear1988 with your guy! I’m curious how the meso works.


Hoping to hope on him this weekend ( or get more consistent with long lining. ) I will update!
Same to you, please.

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He’s completely back pain free today. We did another long line session and he is slowly figuring it out. It takes some time for him to figure out what the heck we’re asking him.

I think I’m going to get on him this weekend and see how he does.

I do unfortunately I think he either needs his stifles re-injected or his hocks to be 100%. My vet comes in 2 weeks to do his teeth and a recheck.

But as far as back pain, the steroid injection, mesotherapy and a massage have really helped so trying to scrape together all my money to get him 100%. A little bit bummed that the back was probably actually a small piece of the puzzle and not a significant as first thought…


Don’t beat yourself up. These things often go together. If he altered his posture and way of going due to the back pain, that doesn’t help the joints in the legs, and vice versa. That is great that his back has responded to treatment!


FWIW, I just finished a course of Adequan. This time around I am seeing a pretty marked improvement in how mine is going.
I’ve used it approximately every 6 mos since I got her, but this is the first time I’ve seen an obvious change.
It might help you?


He’s had adequan. actually I think it’s been 5 months though.

Vet check today. His stifles need to be injected. Mind you this wasn’t a super comprehensive exam, But we have already know the stifles are an issue. So we are going to do Prostride in both stifles. And then really focus on getting him very fit.

Back is looking great still. No Roboxin at the moment.

Fingers crossed.


And bless my vet. She knows we’ve been through some incredibly hard family stuff this year and finances are tough… I asked her if I could split the Prostride bill into two payments. She looked at me and said, " Luna, it’s you. We could split it in to four payments or whatever."

She just thinks that prostride is the better thing to do at the moment. Versus steroids.

Fingers crossed that this boost him significantly and we can just get him fit and going with the back and stifles feeling better.


Fingers crossed for you!

(And your vet is amazing!)