US Rider sent a tow driver that chain-smoked the entire 5 hour drive, video called his wife while driving (he actually managed to smoke and FaceTime simultaneously), and asked me extremely inappropriate questions that made me incredibly uncomfortable (do you cuddle with your husband every night? are you going to have sex with your husband when you get home? do you know how pretty you are?). Before I got into the truck, I grabbed my stud hole tool. By the time we pulled into the farm and I let go of my grip on it, all of the wire brush bristles had become embedded in my palm - I had been clenching it that hard.
I filed a complaint with US Rider, despite being afraid of retaliation from the driver based on some stories he regaled me with (my BIL and I burned down a guy’s garage who messed with us, etc.). The US Rider rep who followed up via phone was in tears and apologizing by the time I was done re-telling the events. I was told they launched an investigated and the driver was fired. That’s funny, because he was still employed by the tow company months later - the tow company his FIL owned.
Thank goodness my trainer was able to come take my horse, as I also waited nine hours in 90 degree heat for this fabulous service. If I ever get stranded again (my transmission line failed on a recently serviced F250) I will most likely use a combination of Facebook and local police to network a solution. I will also never go on a trip more than two or three hours solo.