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FAQ -- Tips for Using the Site

I tried reading COTH Forums using the Bing browser. I am not having as many problems, but just now I got a jumbled list when I hit “back”. Unfortunately, I do not have a “before” screenshot, but here are screen shots of two parts of the “after” list.

I will keep trying to get a before-after pair

I think I knew this at one point, but I don’t recall the significance of the two different colored numbers next to the thread titles.

Green is new posts that have been added to the thread since your last visit to it.

Grey is new posts you didn’t read on your last visit to the thread.

I’ve been doing some searching on the Discourse forum, and I’ve found some kinda similar sporadic issues reported with the back button being used to navigate, but not exactly what you’re experiencing @Janet.

I’m going to continue looking into it and I’ll report it to the developers, but I have a feeling this may be one that’s tough to fix as it’s hard to reproduce.

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