Do you have a friend that could go with you? I did my first Sprinter (in Canada they call them Sprinters, not FastCat, but its the same thing) and I brought a friend to release my girl. It was my dogs and my first time doing this so it was great to go a tad early to get the idea.
Just in case your girl is a bit nervous of strangers or being left alone (as they line up early and you have to go down to the end of the track to “catch” them, so you are out of sight for a bit), if you have someone who knows her, it might make her feel a little more comfortable? And then you don’t have to rely on someone at the event. Just a thought!
But the Sprinter I went to had lots of volunteers and I’m sure anyone would have helped if I ever needed it. I even asked some random person in the crowd to use my phone to video her runs. I could have emailed the event centre ahead of time as well so they could manage and arrange for a helper
Have fun! They are really so much fun!! Lots of barking and excited dogs though as they get to know the routine! It took me one full run to get my girls attention as she couldn’t see me very well or hear me at all at the end of the run. So much noise and confusion at the top, but once she got it, she was focused and ran her heart out! ( I was also screaming as loud as I could and was jumping up and down waving my arms to get her attention. And it worked lol!)