Favorite children's horse books

Kickapoo (barrel racing)
Working Trot (awesome dressage – modern – accurate)
The Thoroughbred – from a teen romance series – steamy and good
All CW Anderson! I loved Man O’ War. His illustrations are so nice.
Not just Vicki and the Black Horse – Vicki and the Brown Mare – she finds horse that ends up being a show jumper that has more talent than she can handle.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dublin:
My favorite was “Afraid to Ride”, by C.W. Anderson…good story, beautiful illustrations. I was very happy to find a copy through Bibliofind recently! I’d recommend ANY of his books… <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Me TOO!! I almost forgot about that book. Weren’t CW Anderson’s illustrations incredible?

WOW is this thread bringing back some memories! CW Anderson, Marguerite Henry, Walter Farley, all favorites of mine…Does anyone remember a book (I got it from one of those Weekly Reader school order forms when I was in about 5th grade) about a pony who was lost, and found by a brother and sister who took it to a show where it was reclaimed by its rightful owner after winning the works? The kids ended up with the pony in the end of course, and I think the pony’s name was “Top Honor.” That was one that I read and re-read when I was young, and I can remember keeping my eyes peeled for ages afterwards, looking for a “lost” pony to claim as my own.

Agree with most, especially about Walter Farley, Marguerite Henry and James Herriot.

A couple of others…

I can’t remember the author of Born to Race either, but I loved that book. Another good one was Black Gold – again don’t know the author’s name.

Another one I read as a kid was Come on Seabuscuit.

Ok, I dug into my collection and check on a few of the authors names we couldn’t remember.

For Rider by Night, the author is Karin Anckarsvard.

As for Born to Race, that is by Blanche Chenery Perrin. I have a feeling a lot of people don’t realize there is a second book to Born to Race called Hundred Horse Farm. It begins with Whickery coming home after her successful win in the Kentucky Derby!

Anyone else remember Hard Luck Horse? it was about a horse named Woody Dip that needed an operation to save his sight?

Another real old story that I loved was Star Crossed Stallion about an arabian stallion that was labeled a bad luck horse. Ring a bell with anyone?

I love talking about all these stories, it makes me feel a little bit more like a child again!!

Becca, Last Junior Year was written by Barbara Morgenroth. You can find out of print books both on Amazon and bibliofind, but be prepared to pay for them! I am waiting for a copy of A Very Young Rider, but can’t find it for less than $50!

Golden Sovereign was a NEAT book:

Girl owns fabulous Palomino stallion who she is convinced will be an amazing sire. She also rescues a sorry old mare from a slaughter sale and becomes intrigued when the horse “parks” like a Saddle Horse and decides to track the mare’s history down with the help of her stalwart boyfriend . Most of the story is about that, really. Mare turns out to be a rather succesful show horse who was sold to gypsies by an unethical trainer who told the owner the horse had died. Grateful former owner of COURSE sells the mare to the girl for a pittance, despite her obvious value as a broodmare. (maybe they made a deal about foals, I dunno!) Anyway, along the way the stallion gets out with the mares, breeds every one of them (I think five!) and the mares (blacks, bays, chestnuts) ALL produce palomino foals! LAUGH Then at the end there is a big show and a trotting under saddle race, and Golden Sovereign is so miffed that his “pet goat” has been left home that he almost blows the whole kit and kaboodle (“NO one will buy foals sired by a killer!” is a near quote, I think), but JUST IN TIME the girl figures it out, gets the goat to the fairgrounds right before the race, and the horse goes on to win and prove how wonderful and gentle he is. Real cute story, if a bit farfetched. But aren’t they all?

Anyone remember Sabre, The Horse From The Sea? It’s about a girl who finds a horse on the beach and nurses it back to health–it’s a stallion, of course–and enters a local point-to-point race, I think wins, at which point the rightful owners recognize and claim him, and she’s left with his filly out of some backyard mare who goes on to be similarly marvelous, but they just don’t have the same bond. I think it ends up that the stallion’s owners see the filly (at a race maybe?) and offer to trade her the stallion back for the filly, I don’t remember why.


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Worthy:
[B]Oh, fivensevn, if you only knew what joy your mother brought to my 3rd grade year! I took “Summer Pony” out of the library and was addicted to it. I never knew there were others. I will look for them.

My favorites: A Very Young Rider.

I too, would love to know what happened to Vivi Malloy…wonder if she had any idea what impact she would have! [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The last time I saw her she was riding a jumper in a clinic with Hans Guenther Winkler, at Morven Park. That has to be at least 10 years ago.

finensevn- its a small world. I know who you are because my mother taught at Long Ridge.

I am very sorry to hear about your mother. She has left many good memories, which is as much as we can ask of anyone.

I can’t believe nobody mentioned Danny, aboutthe gray pony…Morgenroth’s Last Junior Year is still a favorite as is Lucy Diggs’ Everyday Friends. I adored Doty because her portrayal of the show circuit was so real. I am sad to hear of her passing.
Here is a list of some others not mentioned that are worth picking up if you spot them:
Ride a Dark Horse, Mystery of Pony Hollow (and anything else) by Lynn Hall
Taming the Star Runner- S.E. Hinton- WONDERFUL
A horse for XYZ- Louise Moeri
The Secret Horse- Marion Holland
Not on a White Horse- Nancy Springer
Somebody’s horse- Doroth Nafus Morrison
I Don’t Want A New Horse- Marion Holland
Pretty Penny Farm- Joanne Hoppe
and also there was a neat series that they never concluded called Blue Ribbon about girls who evented…

My 1 year old grandaughter loves “Pat The Pony”! May she discover many more horse books as she grows!

I can’t believe only one person mentioned it, but I LOVED “The Secret Horse” when I was growing up… it was my absolute fantasy as a horseless little girl. It was about a girl who sees a skinny horse at the pound (because we all know neglected horses get sent to the pound!) and sneaks it out. She and a friend clear out an old, unused barn on the neighbor’s overgrown property and keep the horse there, pulling out handfuls of long grass and drying it into hay to feed him… oh the memories, I used to imagine how I could keep a horse in the woods behind my house! In the end, the owner of the house spots them, and then lets them keep the horse there…
And, other favorites were “Fritz” (always loved the illustrations), “Afraid to Ride,” “Candlelight” and Thelwell. Also, did Marguerite Henry write a book about “Exterminator” the race horse, or was that someone else. I loved that book about the skinny excercise horse that won the Kentucky Derby. OK, rambling down memory lane now.

A Pony of my Own (came across it for my kids - both love it)

Dinah and Virginia (Virginia is a talking know-it-all mare who’s also done it all! - much older book)

Debby Malloy married one of the Winklers and rides jumpers in Germany. Every once in awhile you’ll see her name in The Chronicle in the results from the European shows.

I believe someone once posted that Vivi grew up to to do the jumpers as well, with a string of AO horses?

These are all bringing back memories to me too. And, I have another that I cannot remember either the title or the author. It was another one of those weekly reader books, about a young prehistoric boy whose family hunted horses for meat. He found a young, injured horse in a box canyon and ended up barricading it in so he could cure it. Of course, in time he tried to ride it and that was (ta da) the beginning of the partnership between man and horse! I read that book until the covers fell off.

I’m so glad someone mentioned Doodlebug! I’d forgotten about that book and if you haven’t read it…run to the library now! I loved all of Jean Slaughter Doty’s books but I must say I’m addicted to CW Anderson’s Billy & Blaze series. The illustrations are just lovely. Would you believe that as a grown up I was given 2 illustrations done by Anderson?! A friend had a set of 12 that her grandfather had purchased in NYC many years ago, before the books were written. Seeing them in her house I commented on the artist and she surprised me with my two favorites as wedding gifts! Imagine my delight!!! Every time I look at them not only do I think fondly of my friend, but I remember the horseless time of my childhood and living vicariously through Billy and the forest fire, etc.

Another book that I don’t remember seeing on here is Anna Sewells Black Beauty…cliche but such a tearjerker! A Very Young Rider made a huge impression on me…I must have studied every picture down to the most minute detail…except for the picture of her going down the swimming pool slide - there weren’t any horses in that picture. does anyone know what ever became of Vivi Malloy?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by J. Turner:
A poll: What is your favorite Black Stallion book?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Black Stallion’s Filly. By far the best!!!

Thank you Fivensevn for sharing with us. Your mother has made so many children (and adults it seems) happy over the years through her gift of story telling. I know when I started my collection of childrens horse books, hers were the first ones that I HAD to find, and of course read again.

I used to dream of what it would be like to own and ride Mokey or Crumb, Cat Burglar and all the rest of the wonderful horses she wrote about!!

I loved the Sunbonnet books!! I think I read them at least 100 times! The very young rider book still brings tears to my eyes when Vivi gets rid of Penny…

AAAAAHHHHH, what about The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses . I may not be about riding show ponies or anything like that but I cried everytime I read that book, I still have a copy of it and love it dearly!!

My favorite was a book called, Can You Get Me There by Candlelight? (I think by JS Doty as well - I also enjoyed The Crumb and others). It’s been years since I’ve even looked at those old great books.

A Very Young Rider was also a FAVORITE. The author did a whole series, A Very Young Dancer, etc. along the same lines. I hope when I have kids I can still find these books at the local library.

Good Thread - now I’m getting all nostalgic…