Favorite Natural Source Vitamin E Brand?

I am looking to add E and trying to find something that doesn’t have a lot of other ingredients. What are peoples favorites?

I just got Nano-E from KER.

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I buy Emcelle from Custom Equine Nutrition.


Ultracruz Equine Natural Vitamin E


I just buy the natural vitamin e capsules from CVS when they have B1G1free. They come in 150 capsules

They turn out to be a similar costs as horse brand and my horse eats the capsules easier than the powder or oils.


I also just by the natural capsules and my mare eats them fine. Her Vit/min supplement provides a fair bit (about 1900 units) but it is not natural so I throw in a couple capsules to make up the difference from the DL Vitamin E in the supplement.

Another Emcelle user here.

Yep, I buy 1000iu natural e gelcaps from Swansons or Amazon. Can usually get 300 capsules for around $24. My horse gets 1500iu daily in vit/min supp, but I add 2 extra capsules/day because he’s young and growing. At $24 for a 5 month supply, that’s a bargain! I toss them in his alfalfa mash to dissolve.

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They have a natural Vit E supplement in a base of stabilized ground flax. It is available with or without selenium. I had my Paint gelding on it for years mixed into his regular grain.

Ultracruz vitamin E pellets.


Unless a horse is too low, or has proven that regular natural E doesn’t keep him high enough, a horse doesn’t NEED a water-soluble or nano-dispersed form. Of those 4 - Emcelle, Elevate W.S, Nano-E, and the newest one from Smart Pack, Nano-E is by far the most $$, Elevate next, and Emcelle and the SP one are basically the same

UltraCruz Natural E is about $.13/1000IU, Emcelle/SP $.24/1000IU, I don’t remember Elevate, but Nano-E is $.49/1000IU if I remember right

There’s another one I learned about not too long ago which was < $.10/1000IU but I don’t remember what it is, unfortunately. I need more E so will try to find it, unless someone knows what it is before then.

microIngredients used to be a nice cheap capsule option, but they switched to synthetic E, in case anyone was thinking about them


I have used Herbs for Horses and have been happy with it and it is affordable. I think @jb this was the one you were looking at. Bonus as it is Canadian and the US $ is strong now!

So does it only come in the container that offers 100 day servings? I’m still recovering from a respiratory thing and am fuzzy headed, I went through the options and see the prices change but they all appear to be ~100 servings at different options (carriers) and prices. So not bigger containers? I’d love a bigger container (more servings) so I’m ordering less often. BUT if it is the same size container, that’s fine, I just ran into this with Mad Barn when I ordered when I thought was a bigger size container and got two bags of the next size down. Not what I wanted but keeps the shipping down.


They do have an 8kg for $264 but the description at the bottom of the page stays the same at 2kg = 100 servings.

I haven’t ordered the 8kg package so I’m not sure if they just send it in a huge tub or they send 4 x 2kg ones. Thats a good question!

That might be it! I’m struggling to understand something though - it says “available in a pure powder” but then the ingredients for the powder say Vit E and beet pulp. For the horses it doesn’t matter, but I use their powder for my homemade cat food lol

I’m also not clear whether the 4400IU/10gm serving applies to the powder and the pellet, because that doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t differentiate

I use the Premier 1 bulk Vitamin E, 20,000 units. It’s sort of a mineral-y powder, but my guys eat it mixed in with their food and it’s cheap compared to everything else I’ve found.

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Ooof I just went to the order page and shipping is $21. Dollars to toonies, still a better deal than even Ultra Cruz’s pellets or their powder. The only reason I was shopping around, and you can laugh at me if you want, I’m a long time Ultra Cruz vit e user but I just HATE the way the powder feels on my fingers :laughing: It gives me the ick. I can’t explain it. I even tried using the longer scoopers from the Mad Barn bags, which aren’t quite the same size but I don’t have to put my hand in as far and risk getting the power on the sides of the bag on my on hand.

I ordered the alfalfa pellets. I’ll report back.


:rofl: :rofl: Hilarious! You could’ve been using their pellets for about the same $ LOL

I HATE the Ultra Cruz bags. So I dump it in an old plastic tub from another supplement. MUCH BETTER. And I don’t touch it at all except (maybe) whatever powder is just on the handle of the scoop.

The tubs I have look like…uh…this? You know, the rectangularish ones with the tear off tabby thing and flip top lid. This exact one in the pic might be bigger but the style is the same. 4#s of SC Vit E fills up what I’ve got.

Anyway, highly recommend. Huge quality of life improvement lol.


I put the E powder into a small supplement container that holds maybe 3 cups or so, with a screw lid. The rest stays in the velcro closure bag with the air squished out as best as possible. So, the bulk isn’t exposed to air on a daily basis, and the screw lid container is big enough to not be filling it weekly, and is opaque so light isn’t degrading it either

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