Hello everyone! First time poster over here but big time watcher haha
I wanted to share a filly that I picked up from Bowie Livestock last September as an 8 month old. She arrived despising humans, suspicious and understandably so. She ended up with a massive knee, which may have happened during the sale video because she was just scared. Fast forward and she is worm free (fingers crossed, will do a spring working after sample is taken), halter broke, will have her feet trimmed in two weeks (finally! Wanted to set her up for success as she has come so far!). Every day she looks better and I can not wait for her to shed out to see what we have under there! She is SO hairy.
I’m curious if anyone is able to take a crack at potential breed(s). She string tests at 16.1 (I know that’s not always accurate but fingers crossed haha). She is a sweet sweet little mover and regardless of breeding, my hope is to keep her always.
Looking forward to hearing from all of you!