Filly from Bowie Livestock

Hello everyone! First time poster over here but big time watcher haha

I wanted to share a filly that I picked up from Bowie Livestock last September as an 8 month old. She arrived despising humans, suspicious and understandably so. She ended up with a massive knee, which may have happened during the sale video because she was just scared. Fast forward and she is worm free (fingers crossed, will do a spring working after sample is taken), halter broke, will have her feet trimmed in two weeks (finally! Wanted to set her up for success as she has come so far!). Every day she looks better and I can not wait for her to shed out to see what we have under there! She is SO hairy.

I’m curious if anyone is able to take a crack at potential breed(s). She string tests at 16.1 (I know that’s not always accurate but fingers crossed haha). She is a sweet sweet little mover and regardless of breeding, my hope is to keep her always.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you!



Congratulations on your new filly! :grin:

Others who know immature breeds better can offer more on what breed. All I can say is what she is not – does not appear to be a draft or a Shetland pony. Something in between. :smile: :woozy_face:

Good luck with her! :grin:

Did you mean height in hands? I am not sure how tall she is. But going only on the background in the photos, and what I am guessing about the gate at Bowie and the trailer (seems to be a type common where I am), at the present time she’s not remotely 16.1 hands tall. But maybe that is not what you meant. She might well be a nice height for an 8 months filly, might finish out in the range of 16.1h, that’s total speculation as I’m not expert on baby heights.


She said the filly string tests — a way to determine mature height based on leg measurement— to 16.1.

She is adorable and I think she’s either TB or QH, though her hind end doesn’t scream QH.


Yes! Sorry I should have clarified that that was a guess for the height. Not her current height now haha I might faint if she was a 16.1 hand yearling :joy: Thank you for clearing that up Calvincrowe!

Thank you, Overandonward! Grateful she’s not welsh, my legs are a tish too long for a welsh.


She is adorable! Her poor cut up face at Bowie. So glad you have her! And I cannot wait to see her grow up! What is her name?


Thank you! I named her Gemma. She definitely looked rough upon arrival. Bowie was very communicative, letting me know she was a bit of a wild child. In her sale video she was hitting gates, so sweet girl did some damage. She apparently came from a “herd dispersal” but they didn’t say anything more than that haha all I can guarantee is that she’s a horse :joy:

I’m leaning with the other poster that she might have TB :thinking:


She’s gotta grow into those ears!!! Congrats, and good luck with her.


:joy: :joy: :joy: Yeah I was thinking, if she really is 16.1 at 8 months, she’s going to mature to like 22 hands or something. Owner is going to need a new taller trailer. Also she didn’t look that stout to carry that much of her. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She seems like an excellent pick out of Bowie for a youngster on track to mature to 16.1 h!

I don’t do youngsters, too hard for me !!! :crazy_face: Thanks for helping me learn something today !!! :laughing:

I celebrate all who are willing and able to take on one with that assurance, only! :grin: :grin: :grin:

Yeah, her face is intact in the Bowie promo pic. Good for you to start with her this young. This is definitely her best chance at learning what she needs to know for a good horse life in this world.


The ears are a lot! :joy:


She definitely hit the jackpot with me… she’s going to be going on tons of hand walks with me and the dogs until she’s ready to start.

I got a good laugh thinking about getting on a 22 hand horse :joy: I could be a newbie to horses riding my 21 hand Arabian :wink:


You can teach her to mount from a stepladder … :sweat_smile:

Depending on how tall or not-tall you are, you might have to do that anyway at 16.1 h. :grin:

Also hopefully you can teach her not to try to solve her problems by slamming into them with her face. Poor girl! :woozy_face:


How exciting! She’s cute and I’m thinking part thoroughbred.

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She’s cute and looks like a nice type!

I think that TB (whether partial or full) is a good guess. I love her ears and nothing beats a good bay mare!


I am right w you! What an interesting little girl you’ve got. YES handwalks! She will buddy up with you. She got scared that big gate clanging place. She will quickly bond to someone who cares.

What on earth caused those scuffles on her face? Bite marks?

Gemma is very cute!! I have no idea on breed.

A friend just got a Bowie horse and did a DNA test thru Etalon and that lead her to discovering the mare was a mustang.

Do you have any videos of her moving?

What a cutie! I’m also thinking TB or part-TB at the very least.

Pretty baby!! She already has fantastic mare ears :slight_smile:


It sounds like she was quite self destructive at the auction and likely on the trailer ride to the OP’s place.

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Here is the sale video! I had to cut it down quite a bit to send. I think they were very respectful, not pushing her too much because she was running into panels. She definitely banged herself up before loading :joy: she shipper made sure to make that aware haha

Here she is running with her QH buddy.

The beauty is that she has progressed quite a bit and opts to not use her face, knees and teeth to solve problems :joy: she’s very loyal after an initial bumpy road!

I’ve considered a DNA test but wasn’t sure how reliable they are. I’m going to look into Etalon. Thank you for the recommendation!