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Final Results Freestyle to Music WEG


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hup hup hup!

wow–too bad Anky didnt have those technicals in the other 2 rides!

but better here than not at all<g>

So am I reading this right and Steffen Peters took 2nd Place???

If so, I wish I could have seen that ride!


Salinero/Anky 86.1 Gold
Matine/ helgstrand 81.5 Silver
Satchmo/Werth 80.75 Bronze
Elvis/Capellmann 79.9
Bonaparte/kemmer 78.85
Floriano/Peters 78.6

so clash of the baby titans yet again (Anky/Isabell) plus Helgstrand for good measure!

I don’t understand the scores posted. It looked like SP got a 74. Can someone tell me how to interpret the list posted?


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the average percentage of all judges is the last column to the right, pwynn.

good for Anky and Sal to pull it all together and finish so strong…that is nice to see.

Ahh, thanks canyonoak.

I knew it was too much to hope for…:no: :wink:

YAY. What a treat to be able to finally watch it all on TV!

Once again, yeah for Denmark. Very nicely done.

I found Peters/Floriano have been shortchanged big time. Except for some stickiness during the Piaffe and one minor fault during the extended trot I didn’t see much to complain about plus they have been the only pair on the field that came with a really good walk. I know it’s a freestyle but doesn’t correctness count anything there? No way this performance should have scored lower than the argueing Elvis had to do with Nadine. Mrs. van Grunsven rode partly more standing than sitting hanging on to the curb especially during the extensions. I didn’t really like the picture. Isabell Werth’s freestyle didn’t do it for me either. I think Helgstrand/Matine should have received gold (although as a hanoverian breeder I know I shouldn’t say that :wink: ) and Peters/Floriano deserved at least Bronze.

I saw video of Floriano’s Special which was really impressive. What a lovely ride. I think only the piaffe was a little weak.

He was more tense in the freestyle but most of the others were as well.

Exactly my thoughts. Especially with all the photographing going on. Thankfully the stadium speaker asked the audience to please not use flashlights after Heike Kemmer’s ride. Bonaparte got pretty hung up again with his eyes all blue and I’d say relaxation looks different but they finished I think ok.
Altogether I think the atmosphere was fairly unique to any dressage rider no matter whether you are used to show here in Europe or in N.A. We just normally don’t see hundreds of flags waving and people screaming, singing and beginning to clap their hands while a performance is still going on.
That’s what I loved so much about Matine’s and Helgstrand’s performance. They literally inflamed the audience and for a 9yo to pull off like this after two competition days - pretty remarkable. I really like her :slight_smile:

I agree with Kareen (watched as much as I could on streaming video). Helgstrand and Matine had the most electrifying and correct performance (that pi-pa is just amazing!!!) - and what a great attitude by that mare! Van Grunsven shouldn’t have been ahead by that kind of a margin, actually she should’ve been behind Helgstrand, and I think she rode rather conservatively (for obvious reasons…). Satchmo left me underwhelmed, Elvis’ piaffe was weak (to be kind), and Floriano showed the best walk and other nice highlights.

Oh, well, politics…

Carolin Walz

I thought Matine should have won, hands down. Her performance just made my heart pound, how often can you say that about a horse? The harmony was so good, it looked like her rider was just sitting there and she was offering everything only because it was fun!!! They truly brought the house down, it was marvelous.

Anky’s “excited” response after her ride looked almost forced, and Sjef looked grim through the whole thing, as though he really didn’t think it was going well.

The overall level of excellence, for all the competitors, was jaw-dropping. What a thrill to watch. :yes:

I also saw this and I really had hoped that Helgstrand and Matine win the Gold as they have truly merritted it most seeing all the others ride. Too bad that mare’s tail is a crazy snake, I guess that is what cost him points. My favorite for Gold was this Danish Duo.

Strange that Andreas himself told that it wasn’t his best ride.

Never the less maybe the FEI :smiley: should consider to let 1 rider participate with 3 horses, because the Danes would have won GOLD.


That’s the beauty of dressage,Theo–ya see what ya wanna see–and then you TELL everyone else what they should see.

No Canyonoak, that is the burning cross people of BB’s put on your shoulder.

But looking at all the interviews and pictures during the WEG I noticed that there is always a shinny side of all this RK bashing.

Anky and Isabelle became the biggest friends. There was a time that sponsors offered 100.000 Euro for a pas de deux with Anky and Isabelle, and they refused, buth in the near future you probably can get this Pd2 for half the money;)

What’s the bottom of the pedigree on Matine? I think her sire is Summertime.