Finally read "Hot Blood" -- so where are the players now?

OK - finally read ALL of “Hot Blood” and wondered about some things:

What happened to Cellular Farms? Does Lindemann still run it, is it training jumpers, what?

The Silas Jayne mentioned from Illinois – is he any relation to the highly successful Jayne kids?

I know about Paul Valliere and Barney Ward, but are any of these other horse people who were caught back in action, or has the AHSA/USAE banned them still?

Just wondering what happened to the rest of the cast…

It also would be interesting to know if there were any new developments in the Brach case… wasn’t it still pretty sketchy in terms of evidence at the end of the book?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Erin:

The general consensus seemed to be that Lindemann believed he was above the law, pure and simple. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He sued the AHSA charging they did not have the authority to bar him from competition. He claimed it was in violation of a particular anti-trust act and took away his economic livelihood. He lost of course. The actual court case and details below which is a great read:
AHSA lawsuit

I find it amazing these can stay in business.

Taking the emotions out of it, they were convicted of fraud. Now why would anybody place an expensive animal in their care? It may not be a strictly fiduciary relationship but I depend on my trainer to protect my interests-not kill the horse and defraud the insurance company which could get me involved as an accessory. Even if I hated the horse.
Like trusting Gordon Gecko to invest with your best interests at heart.

The Horse World. 2 people, 3 opinions. That’s the way it is.

Dana Tripp, as a Vet, signed Health and other State documents on horses that weren’t who they were supposed to be, and/or on horses she never saw. What I remember is falsified Coggins tests - but I think it was signing docs not necessarily DOING anything - it is all fuzzy to me, and she is barred from practicing Vet in the US ever again, I do believe.

what I don’t understand is why she wasn’t further censured by the USAEq - or perhaps she was, and it is all over now. She is definitely competing and has been for a number of years.

Found the view, just a-lookin’ fer some $$$$

Ok, i am sure this will not be seen as it is now over a month since the last post on this string but…

George is now living in Miami. He doesn’t play polo - that was (and is) his brother Adam who has always been a serious polo player.

The situation with Graf George was this: he did NOT buy George after the indictments, he bought him before. It was NOT a ploy to continue competing - he wanted to try his hand at dressage and had the funds to buy a competitive horse. Once he was indicted yes he tried to compete in dressage, but I will say that he was good at it. If memory serves he won some major competitions before he lost to the AHSA.

Sloan Barnett, his sister, still shows regularly although she has recently had her 2nd child and put it on hold for the moment.

Marion splits her time between Mass. and Florida, Hank still works for the horseshows, i believe… Of course she was at Emerson’s funeral. She had every right to be there as she had a very long standing relationship with Em. She still runs her farm (for retired horses), Saddle River, as well.

I rode at Cellular Farm from the time I was 11 years old until I was 18. For a few years George taught me (this was way before Charisma, before the whole damn thing). Then he had Bill Cooney on board who taught me for my last 5 years.

Cellular Farm was sold last year to a family in Greenwich.

Lindemann never denied anything to his friends (a girlfriend was a supervisor of mine) and wanted to cop a plea but his lawyers disagreed. Last I heard he was into Dressage but don’t know if he can compete anywhere.

Jayne…grandfather of the current crop I believe.

PV is an active trainer with quite a few clients who think he is wonderful. Not allowed on USEQ grounds yet.

Wards still don’t get it with Barney suing for being thrown off the premises when he showed up to watch his son, then endlessly appealing the court rulings upholding the ban.

They did not go far.

The Horse World. 2 people, 3 opinions. That’s the way it is.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hopeful Hunter:

The Jayne kids I feel sorry for – from what I’ve heard (admittedly not from any personal experience) they’re nice, hardworking kids and having that family rep from the grandfather can’t be fun for them.


I don’t believe I have ever met the Jayne kids, as I left the Chicago area a long time ago. I must however mention that grandfather was not exactly the only bad apple on the tree. The kids have a LOT more to live with than Silas Jayne.

I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but what was Dana Tripp’s involvement? She is Dana Waters now. Sorry to ask a repetitive question, just hadn’t seen her name mentioned with these scandals before.

I guess she didn’t take her oath too seriously huh?

I can’t even believe she’s allowed to compete - that just sickens me, well in fact, she sickens me.

Hope she reads this.

“What lamp has destiny to guide her little children stumbling in the dark?”

The Wards are truly amazing to me – Barney seems never to have understood why what he did was wrong, or why he was punished. Very interesting…

Given Lindemann’s problems show jumping, maybe dressage is better for him. But I can’t help but worrying about the horses there, too.

Paul Valliere has a lot of little kids he trains, no? I wonder if the parents even know about how he handles potential health or behavior concerns with their horses?

The Jayne kids I feel sorry for – from what I’ve heard (admittedly not from any personal experience) they’re nice, hardworking kids and having that family rep from the grandfather can’t be fun for them.

Amazing, isn’t it though how very litte outrage all of this truly generated in the horse world itself. The general public was shocked, but I can’t help but feel the equestrian community as a whole would rather it just not be spoken of and we go on as we always have. Sad.

Wild Ride : The Rise and Tragic Fall of Calumet Farm, Inc.

Friendship is Love without his wings
-Lord Byron

I know she was one of the people involved, although in Hot Blood there was no indication of her husband Buddy having any involvement in the scandal whatsoever.

Are they still married? Is she still actively riding and showing?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Everythingbutwings:
Wild Ride : The Rise and Tragic Fall of Calumet Farm, Inc.

Let’s do a moment of silence for the great Alydar.
Bred to anything female that could make it to the breeding shed in the name of keeping the farm going. Ultimately making the ultimate sacrifice, languishing with an “accidental” broken hind leg for…what? 48 hours???
His groom recently copped a plea and is in jail. More to come on this one.

You know if you hate it, humanely destroy it. All this convoluted crap that makes the animal suffer and defrauding of insurance companies does NOTHING for our sport. And some wonder why we are considered elitist and unfeeling.

These ruin all our reputations in the eye of the general public.

The Horse World. 2 people, 3 opinions. That’s the way it is.

Last month’s Chicago magazine (June 2002) did a large article on the old Jayne Feud - between Silas and George. July 10th is the sceduled retrial date for one of the associates of the famed ‘Horse Maffia’ of Chicago.

I’m new to the board and have found it to be very informative…just got a copy of “Hot Blood” from the library yesterday but haven’t started it.

However, “Stud – Adventures in Breeding” by Kevin Conley is terrific…just finished that yesterday (a quick read).

No they are not still married, that ended long ago. I don’t think she has anything to do with the horse business anymore.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Bred to anything female that could make it to the breeding shed in the name of keeping the farm going <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This situation was more like keeping their lifestyle going. The farm went from being a highly respected, premeir establishment to a cow being milked for all it had.

When J.T. Lundy had tapped every asset available, he (in my opinion) did in Alydar for the insurance money.


Friendship is Love without his wings
-Lord Byron

Paul trains very few little kids(I think he has one jr rider)Its mostly adults who know what happened and sale horses.

PV has a huge clientel. They show in Palm Beach and he gives lessons off the grounds. Getting richer… His wife competes successfully.

Barney sells a zillion horses and business is better than ever. He bought a house across the canal from the DeNemethy ring (Palm Beach) and he can watch every class (and Grand Prix) held in that ring. He isn’t on the grounds, but he might as well be.

George and sister Sloan have given some sort of giant scholarship to Brown Unviversity. I forget for what [no, wiseguys, not for animal protection ).
Cellular Farm horses are shown by Sloan.

Marian Hulick lives in Massachusetts (showed up at Emerson Burr’s service!).

I thought (grandpa) Si Jayne died. Si, his son, is alive and well.