Before you do anything, if you are showing at training or first level, most USEF licensed shows offer USEF Opportunity classes that do not require any memberships. They won’t qualify you for the USDF regional champs. I can only speak for the CDS GMO in terms on competitions. This is a conversation to have with your coach.
To answer your question removing the Opp classes from the equation:
2025 USEF senior membership
2025 Safesport (found on the USEF website)
USEF horse #
2025 USDF participation membership # IF you are aiming to compete in the USDF regional dressage champs or the USDF Year End awards or
a 2025 USDF GMO (Group Membership Organization) which is sounds like you may have
2025 GMO membership
USDF Horse #
There’s a link on the USDF webpage under memberships called USEF/USDF Master Verification page. Once you have all of your memberships (minus the GMO, it won’t show up there), its an easy place to see your USEF & USDF memberships and your horse’s in one place.
Before you enter the show, print out all of the show releases - USEF entry agreement, USEF release, facility release, show management entry agreement - and current coggins if applicable, and inoculation record. Have your coach and trainer - may or may not be the same person as you may be the one responsible for the horse on the show grounds which means you are the trainer, assuming you’re over 18, owner, and rider sign all the releases. Then scan them so they’re available to upload with your entry. You can find all of these forms with the on-line prize list for the show you’re planning on entering.
It can all sounds daunting but once you get all the pieces, your on-line show entry will fall into place.
Your coach/trainer should be a resource for you too.
Enjoy your show season!