First Rated Show -- Questions

So, I am entering my very first rated dressage show in May. I am not sure exactly what I need to be a member of. I’ve only done schooling shows through my local organization. With that local membership, I do get emails from USDF. I guess this is a GMO membership. Do I need to get any other membership with USDF to show rated? My horse has a USEF number from his hunter days. Do I need to get him a USDF number? I guess I need my own USEF number?

I’m sorry, I know these are basic questions, and I am looking at the USDF site, but I’m still not totally sure.



You will need a USEF membership OR sometimes you can pay an extra fee for one show only.
The horse needs a USEF number but does not have to be a current USEF member.
Your GMO USDF works as a USDF member for the show.

It gets very confusing IMO! Good luck!


Which classes are you entering? You can do the Opportunity classes with your GMO membership, but will need to be a participating/competing USDF and USEF member if you are doing the standard classes. There is also a show pass option to pay just for that show, but it may not save you much money.

Your horse also needs a USDF & USEF number. Note that USDF has both a free option and a paid lifetime option for the HID (horse ID). You need the second if you want to qualify for regionals, etc.

There’s a nice breakdown of requirements here:

ETA - the earlier poster is correct that you can use you USDF GMO number, however be aware that you will need to upgrade to the USDF participating membership if you want your scores to count toward year end awards or regional qualification.


Before you do anything, if you are showing at training or first level, most USEF licensed shows offer USEF Opportunity classes that do not require any memberships. They won’t qualify you for the USDF regional champs. I can only speak for the CDS GMO in terms on competitions. This is a conversation to have with your coach.

To answer your question removing the Opp classes from the equation:
2025 USEF senior membership
2025 Safesport (found on the USEF website)
USEF horse #
2025 USDF participation membership # IF you are aiming to compete in the USDF regional dressage champs or the USDF Year End awards or
a 2025 USDF GMO (Group Membership Organization) which is sounds like you may have
2025 GMO membership
USDF Horse #

There’s a link on the USDF webpage under memberships called USEF/USDF Master Verification page. Once you have all of your memberships (minus the GMO, it won’t show up there), its an easy place to see your USEF & USDF memberships and your horse’s in one place.
Before you enter the show, print out all of the show releases - USEF entry agreement, USEF release, facility release, show management entry agreement - and current coggins if applicable, and inoculation record. Have your coach and trainer - may or may not be the same person as you may be the one responsible for the horse on the show grounds which means you are the trainer, assuming you’re over 18, owner, and rider sign all the releases. Then scan them so they’re available to upload with your entry. You can find all of these forms with the on-line prize list for the show you’re planning on entering.

It can all sounds daunting but once you get all the pieces, your on-line show entry will fall into place.
Your coach/trainer should be a resource for you too.
Enjoy your show season!

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Good luck!!

Thank you all so much for your kind help. I will do more checking on what I want to do. I likely will only show one or two rated shows this year. So maybe opportunity classes would be good. I see they won’t count toward regionals, what about medals (in the OFF chance I decide to pursue them)?

I don’t have a dressage trainer or coach. I am on my own. My ex-jumper trainer does help some, but it is just on occasion, and he would not be at the show.

Again, thanks, all. I truly appreciate the help.


Helpful hint :slight_smile: Make sure you sign the coach and trainer boxes on the entry form if you’re going solo. They’ll kick it back as incomplete without a signature there because someone has to be designated as responsible for those roles even if it’s “me, myself and I”.

Opportunity class scores will not count for medals. Details are here -,or%20USDF%20awards%20or%20programs.

I believe you can use scores earned with a GMO membership for rider medals, based on the USDF handbook. It’s probably worth confirming with them if it’s something you know you may want to do.


Thanks, GreyDes. :slight_smile:

You are correct. GMO membership will allow you to get scores for medals. GMO will not allow you to qualify for regionals or year end awards. I have an email from USDF stating so as I had the same question about that. The chart you showed is very helpful!


I have another question. I just registered for my horse’s HID with USDF. Does the horse get an actual number? I have his USEF number, and I have my USDF Member #, but I don’t see an actual number for my horse on the confirmation page after paying for the HID. Thanks!

One brief correction to this - you will need to sign as trainer - the best way to describe a trainer for recognized show purposes is “the person responsible for the horse on the grounds”. Any rule violation or positive drug test falls on the trainer on the entry form. It is not what we in dressage commonly use the term trainer for - the person who instructs us. That falls under “coach”. And you do not need one for a recognized show.

It stems from other disciplines where riders/owners are often VERY hands off - they are brought a saddled and often warmed up horse for the rider to get on right at the arena and then hand the horse back to a groom the moment they exit the arena. So the trainers/grooms are the ones who are feeding/handling/medicating the horses, not the owners/riders.


Yes, the horse will get an actual number. If I remember correctly, it’s not instantaneous? I got an email confirming and listing the number, but I can’t remember for sure when that came relative to when I applied.

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Thanks. My email only shows my USDF Member Number then my name and address, etc., then the horse’s name/registration info, then his USEF number. No other number. Hmm. Maybe it takes a while to process?

But a GMO (only) membership WILL let you qualify for the BLM finals.


Relatedly - does anyone know if the coach has to be a USEF or USDF member for a rated show? I assume the trainer does since that is the person responsible.

The coach needs to be an active member.


More to the point, the person signing as coach needs to be an active member. I always sign as trainer and coach on my competition entries. I consider myself entirely responsible for my horse at shows.

This is dressage shows. I don’t know the protocol in other disciplines.


Do you have a coach though, or is it just you? I would be someone’s coach but not at all responsible for their horse.

I have a coach.

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If they just asked for the “Person responsible for horse while at the show,” it would be so much easier for everyone. But that’s asking too much of the great minds at USEF. :roll_eyes: