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Forest Green Show Coats in the Eq Ring (Lillie Keenan's Style)

the Charles Ancona hunter green is just gorgeous… nice and deep and rich, dark. I loved it on the bays, that is where I saw it most last season. (and I am a dyed in the wool hunter with chestnut fan).

I dusted off my old hunter green show coat and wore it at the last show! I was actually surprised I was one of a few who wore the color. I like that they are coming back! :slight_smile:

Ask, and ye shall find!

Grand Prix 10R for $55!!! If I didn’t NEED a long, I would snatch this baby up!

What is that? Another 10R Grand Prix! This one is $94!

There is also another green herringbone 10R for $129.

I always feel that it is more important to be a trendsetter, rather than a trend follower. Use whatever colour riding jacket you like, whatever goes well with your horse, and what you think looks classy and attractive. Green is fine, always has been. Try to follow the latest trends constantly, and you wont be able to afford the entry fees at the shows.

I got 2 off ebay. First one was a cheap devon aire that Im probably going to donate, the second was a Grand Prix that is a lovely green but not an in-your-face color. I love green. Love. Love. Love.

I always feel that it is more important to be a trendsetter, rather than a trend follower. Use whatever colour riding jacket you like, whatever goes well with your horse, and what you think looks classy and attractive. Green is fine, always has been. Try to follow the latest trends constantly, and you wont be able to afford the entry fees at the shows.[/QUOTE]


Ask, and ye shall find!

Grand Prix 10R for $55!!! If I didn’t NEED a long, I would snatch this baby up!

What is that? Another 10R Grand Prix! This one is $94!

There is also another green herringbone 10R for $129.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I may just put mine on ebay.





Better hope you’re the size of an average 8 year old Italian :stuck_out_tongue:

Better hope you’re the size of an average 8 year old Italian :P[/QUOTE]

I know :frowning:



Making a comeback eh?

I have a nice one from the 90’s that has been sitting in the closet forever… if only it would fit :frowning:

I saw several at WIHS in the pony hunters… it is definitely more acceptable [/QUOTE]

Acceptable to who? Other kids? It certainly doesn’t matter to the judges — they grew up in a world of green coats and rust breeches.

I guess 99% of junior riders follow the masses “just because”. Lilly Keenan didn’t and now that she has done it, green is “acceptable” for everyone. Why don’t each of you wear what you want to wear? I am a fossil, but I can’t understand this.

I the late 70’s, early 80’s tan jackets with rust breeches were worn quite a bit. If I was still showing, I would love to wear that again. I think it was a very classy look.

You can be a lemming or a trendsetter. Be daring!

[QUOTE=Lord Helpus;7443587]
Acceptable to who? Other kids? It certainly doesn’t matter to the judges — they grew up in a world of green coats and rust breeches.

I guess 99% of junior riders follow the masses “just because”. Lilly Keenan didn’t and now that she has done it, green is “acceptable” for everyone. Why don’t each of you wear what you want to wear? I am a fossil, but I can’t understand this.

You can be a lemming or a trendsetter. Be daring![/QUOTE]
Unless you ride like Lillie, you won’t be a trendsetter, you’ll just be that weird girl who’s out of fashion. Lillie is trendsetter because of how she rides, not just because she dared to be different.

ETA: It doesn’t matter if the judges care what you look like. The reason we ask about fashion is to fit in.

Okay, a few years ago when I did my very first show, I got a green coat for $15 at the local tack consignment store. Since then I’ve gotten a navy blue coat and a trendier light green coat, but I have always still liked the old green coat best, for some reason. However, it’s definitely an older coat. I don’t mind wearing whatever the heck I want in most areas of my life, but in showing, I am not a good enough rider to want to stand out. Does this look exceedingly dated, or tolerable? It’s wool and almost has a bluish-green tinge to it… https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/334_35276031982_5667_n.jpg

ETA: Schooling shows are about my highest ambition. I have the Vogels and the tan TS breeches and the CO helmet and all the other generic fitting-in stuff. I am okay with generic fashion in an area of my life where I’m a not-very-good adult amateur doing maybe 2’ on my $1300 quarter pony.

sighs How I wish I was an 8 year old Italian…

I’m all for having some fun with this. I seriously am showing nothing but local level and I just want to have some fun with it. A little fun with fashion, a little fun riding, a little fun torturing my trainers with the offensive polos I school in. I spend too much on this hobby to not have a little fun!

SarahandSam: I like it a lot! :slight_smile:

I have been telling my boss this for MONTHS.

Seriously, if you all want green coats, call or email Middleburg Tack Exchange. We’ve been grudgingly taking them on consignment this winter and we have some. They aren’t going to be the fashionable brands, but we’ve got a few (although, we may have sold a bunch a few week ago to a beagle pack).

Thanks cuatx!

[QUOTE=Lord Helpus;7443587]
Acceptable to who? Other kids? It certainly doesn’t matter to the judges — they grew up in a world of green coats and rust breeches.

I guess 99% of junior riders follow the masses “just because”. Lilly Keenan didn’t and now that she has done it, green is “acceptable” for everyone. Why don’t each of you wear what you want to wear? I am a fossil, but I can’t understand this.

I the late 70’s, early 80’s tan jackets with rust breeches were worn quite a bit. If I was still showing, I would love to wear that again. I think it was a very classy look.

You can be a lemming or a trendsetter. Be daring![/QUOTE]

Haha well considering my 8 year old sported an absolutely gorgeous olive green/grey Grand Prix coat back in 2010-2011, I am a long supporter of green show coats. Though I know you’re not taking specifically TO me, the point is that all it took was a big name, winning junior to do it, and now even in the equitation it is not a faux pas. Kids of course are mostly concerned with fitting in and not drawing negative attention. I say this as my now 11 yr old shows in a navy CO, bucking the trend but in a subtle way.