Okay, a few years ago when I did my very first show, I got a green coat for $15 at the local tack consignment store. Since then I’ve gotten a navy blue coat and a trendier light green coat, but I have always still liked the old green coat best, for some reason. However, it’s definitely an older coat. I don’t mind wearing whatever the heck I want in most areas of my life, but in showing, I am not a good enough rider to want to stand out. Does this look exceedingly dated, or tolerable? It’s wool and almost has a bluish-green tinge to it… https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/334_35276031982_5667_n.jpg
ETA: Schooling shows are about my highest ambition. I have the Vogels and the tan TS breeches and the CO helmet and all the other generic fitting-in stuff. I am okay with generic fashion in an area of my life where I’m a not-very-good adult amateur doing maybe 2’ on my $1300 quarter pony.[/QUOTE]
Wear it! Maybe do a white shirt. Love the green with a chestnut.