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Forest Green Show Coats in the Eq Ring (Lillie Keenan's Style)

Okay, a few years ago when I did my very first show, I got a green coat for $15 at the local tack consignment store. Since then I’ve gotten a navy blue coat and a trendier light green coat, but I have always still liked the old green coat best, for some reason. However, it’s definitely an older coat. I don’t mind wearing whatever the heck I want in most areas of my life, but in showing, I am not a good enough rider to want to stand out. Does this look exceedingly dated, or tolerable? It’s wool and almost has a bluish-green tinge to it… https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/334_35276031982_5667_n.jpg

ETA: Schooling shows are about my highest ambition. I have the Vogels and the tan TS breeches and the CO helmet and all the other generic fitting-in stuff. I am okay with generic fashion in an area of my life where I’m a not-very-good adult amateur doing maybe 2’ on my $1300 quarter pony.[/QUOTE]

Wear it! Maybe do a white shirt. Love the green with a chestnut.

Wear it! Maybe do a white shirt. Love the green with a chestnut.[/QUOTE]

Thanks… I definitely love green and chestnuts!

Sometimes I look at my picture of GM on the cover of my old “Hunter Seat Equitation” and really wish I could get away with rust breeches, brown boots and a white linen jacket…

This is fun! I am so old and out of fashion, I was just excited to get a bargain the other week on a navy Marigold show coat and mom-rise TS breeches. My friend came down to Ocala to visit me last week and was trying to educate me on fashion at the various vendor booths, but I am afraid I am a lost cause. Carry on folks!

Oohh!!! I love the hunter green color!

Do you think the browns will make a come back? I can’t seem to find any… le sigh

[QUOTE=Jane Honda;7444791]
Oohh!!! I love the hunter green color!

Do you think the browns will make a come back? I can’t seem to find any… le sigh[/QUOTE]
I just recently got a great deal on a brown marigold! Two jackets for 50 dollars :open_mouth: it’s gorgeous and I fully intend to wear it in the hunters.

Yeah noticed this popping up down here in Florida. :wink: I’m a traditionalist sigh, and I’m not looking into buying a coat anytime soon, but if I do, maybe I’ll consider the color. I’m also a fan of the gray coats… :smiley:

ETA: It doesn’t matter if the judges care what you look like. The reason we ask about fashion is to fit in.[/QUOTE]

At least you’re honest. I don’t get this attitude at all, and I never did, even when I was in high school. However, I now “get” that a lot of the people posting about coat color, helmet style, and tack fashion do so more to avoid censure of the railbirds than they do because it really matters to judges or has anything to do with rules or placings.

As long as we all are clear on this, I can accept it. I think what annoys me the most is the misinformation that is disseminated on some of the fashion threads–some posters will tell others that the brand of helmet they have, for example, actually matters.

I wore a brown coat for years in the late 70s. It was not really in fashion for some of that time, but, as I said in a previous note on this thread, it is not something that I care about. Had several other colours too, after that. Needed black for GPs, because I am not a red type of person. Had two greens, one grey, one dark seal brown with a faint stripe (which was my favourate), and blue. Then I took a hiatus from shows that required coats for about 20 years. Now, back to the horse shows again in my long term career, none of my OLD coats fit me any more. My shoulders are wider than they were. Sold all of them cheap, and went looking for a riding coat, cheap. Didn’t care what colour really, just conservative. Tried on several, none were comfortable, horrible cuts, baggy, sloppy. Finally, on the sale rack, for $35, was the very dark seal brown coat that fit perfectly. So I am back to brown again. And I don’t care. Don’t know what make it is, don’t care. I would like one of those ones you can throw in the washing machine though, that would be handy. But wont pay $600 + for one. Need one of those for $35. Any colour, as long as it fits me.

[QUOTE=Jane Honda;7444791]
Oohh!!! I love the hunter green color!

Do you think the browns will make a come back? I can’t seem to find any… le sigh[/QUOTE]

At least you’re honest. I don’t get this attitude at all, and I never did, even when I was in high school. However, I now “get” that a lot of the people posting about coat color, helmet style, and tack fashion do so more to avoid censure of the railbirds than they do because it really matters to judges or has anything to do with rules or placings.

As long as we all are clear on this, I can accept it. I think what annoys me the most is the misinformation that is disseminated on some of the fashion threads–some posters will tell others that the brand of helmet they have, for example, actually matters.[/QUOTE]

It’s not even the railbirds. Some people just like to look nice. It makes me feel good.

Check with isaria@aol.com – She did have # on sale -do not know what she has left.

Isaria@aol.com also has # other color wool show coats for sale – worth contacting her. And nssaddlery@aol.com has a big sale on many wool show coats, including some light tans and light greys…

I continue to maintain that black and navy are kind of boring and I really don’t want to wear what everyone else is wearing. I think that many colors could look nice. I love hunter green (and I have one)- I’m kind of bummed that more people are going to be wearing them now- but that’s OK. I think deep purple/plum would work too (got my last two professional jobs, for which there were many qualified applicants, wearing my dark purple suit). I could also see wearing chocolate brown, dark grey, a dark blue shade (other than navy). If I had a grey horse, I would consider wearing a dark grey coat and a lavender shirt (I think it would sharp- though purists would want a white shirt- that would look good too). I am not personally a fan of light colored coats but I am sure some folks look great in them- and it probably looks great on certain horse. I think people should care much less about what anyone else things and wear what they like.

Bevals sells the Grand Prix Tech Lite coat in Hunter Green. Its very pretty :smiley:

It’s not even the railbirds. Some people just like to look nice. It makes me feel good.[/QUOTE]

Everyone likes to look nice. I don’t think that’s the issue.

I was in Florida watching a local show and saw a rider sporting a hunter green coat. I think it looked sharp.

I’ve noticed plenty of hunter green at WEF (I get to watch the horses school all day long haha). We have a gorgeous hunter green w/ off white piping with me-- it’s by far my favorite jacket and has been a big hit here. We have brown too, but while everyone says how gorgeous it is, no one wants to buy one. YET.

I saw a beautiful one at my local consignment store, I bought it even though it’s a size too small (motivation?). Maybe I should auction it off, I do eventing anyway. :lol: