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Frivolous spinoff of dress rule changes- what's on your shopping list?

Oh boo hiss on this reality!

I totally want to go back to rust breeches.


Hey, I consider my dove gray breeches “light” 
 and many TDs have agreed! If you get a really light silver, you can pass muster. Just ask in advance so you don’t get an unpleasant surprise while you’re warming up!

I agree and I have shown in light grey breeches with no issues. But they still aren’t flattering and I can’t keep them clean for more than a few minutes!

But I think you know what my point was.

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Montar had some light blue breeches
 last year. Might be some at some sellers. I got mine from CU@X based in Wellington.
Horze Grand Prix https://www.equinavia.com/horze-womens-grand-prix-silicone-full-seat-breeches-36291-rivb/p

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Try Jo McCracken at South East Sport horse. She made my jacket and I know she has made purple ones. Not as expensive as you think. http://sesporthorse.com/

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My hope is this change will spark the same range of fullseat breeches that you can find from someone like a tailored sportsman. I want multiple quality green, rust, champagne, etc options.

I’m actually curious to see how a pretty creamy beige plus olive green jacket and brown accents/boots would look. That’s my current vision but subject to change and not that creative compared to the options now available.


Sounds gorgeous!

My hunter princess friend pointed out how much cleaner looking the mid-tone breeches stay - too dark shows dirt/dust but also fades weirdly with wash and wear. And light shows all the stains. Makes sense!

I hadn’t really thought as much about jackets, because a dark jacket is less hateful to wear than skin tight white pants, lol. But I also hope to see more color/design options, including tasteful tweeds to match my mid-tone breeches. I don’t even know if there are tech fabrics in what looks like tweed??? Hmm
 I can’t wait to start seeing the fun, inspiring photos. And what colors look best with the different horse colors!

I do hope we don’t get all “judgy” like the bad stereotype of hunters. I don’t care what brand or trend of the moment a person wears - I just want us all to have a bit more fun outfitting ourselves! If that is purple, or French Blue, or olive, so be it!


tweed! oh yes indeed to tweed!!


Thank you for sharing! You are right, the price isn’t as bad as I thought
still a major splurge for me, but a good reward if we make it to championships!


I also think contrast looks better. I’ll probably wear light breeches unless jackets are waived. I have a navy jacket with lighter blue accents. I guess tan breeches and brown boots might look pretty good. I think breeches matching the jacket would look odd. Hopefully in the next go-round they’ll just dispense with the jacket requirement altogether. Then I think I would do hunter or navy breeches with a matching pad and a white polo shirt.

Too bad I sold my green jacket, that would have looked pretty sharp on my chestnuts with rust breeches!


Tweed–very pretty, but very hot and sweaty.

I have an unfortunate memory of ring-stewarding at a show some years ago and asking a rider if she’d like me to hold her tweed coat for her while she warmed up. She looked at me like I was some kind of tweed-thief and went off to do her thing. The next time I saw her, she pulled up next to me, slid gracelessly off her horse and threw up on my boots.

Heat stroke is a thing, folks.

I honestly can’t think of a show other that Regionals that I’ve ridden at out here in the hot, wild west where jackets have not been waived before the show started, I have several very nice coats that have been worn maybe once. My trainer would much prefer I wore a jacket. I’d much prefer to survive the experience! (She also has palpitations over my preference for beige breeches over white, but she’s not paying the entry fees and I’m older than she is, so I get to say what I’m going to wear :))


I have to say that I will stay in white breeches I think. It just feels special to me to dress in them, its the only time I get “dressed up” and I kind of like it
 I do however love cool color choices for clinics


Mary Wanless requests light breeches. Few people have the specialized skill set to teach specific body usage for riders. Mostly, trainers focus on altering the horse. I can’t quite remember but does Charles d K also require light breeches?

No, he doesn’t.

I’ll probably stick with white for recognized for now, since I just bought new ones this year :joy:

But I have a feeling a medium grey may become my color of choice–finding light grey for eventing would be great, but I love the grey Tredsteps I have, and would happily just use those for schooling shows. Most of my saddle pads have silver/grey piping or trim, so it would look pretty nice, and one of my brighter coats has silver piping on the collar, so it would all go together.

I really, really want rust though. Maybe I’ll just show in the rust kneepatch TS I have :rofl:

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I already have a stupid amount of show coats, so probably won’t buy anything until my 4yr hits FEI, and then splurge on a tailcoat. He’s a bright bay, so thinking a royal blue.

I suspect I’ll wear my whites at more then just Championships as I have them. But I’ll be keeping an eye out for Greens for my bay Connemara.:slight_smile:

I had seen folks at Pony Cup wearing a very pretty Green coat and had gone to the website, glad now I hadn’t pulled the trigger on it because I wasn’t sure the one size available was the right one for me.

I hope with these changes we get more colors but also more non-silicone seats!



I want the jacket. :heart_eyes: Maybe in black, though. I have a lot of work to do to make it to FEI level competition first, though. :grimacing:
