Maybe this is just complaining about listing horses online, because writing it out it seems more like a scam than just a clueless person. There’s been a lot of very vague inquiries, people who ask if the horse is available and then don’t respond, but my latest interaction was most frustrating. He asks a couple legit-sounding questions by text, then he wants my address to mail a check to. Doesn’t want to try the horse first at all, doesn’t provide any references when I ask, just says he has a trainer. Just wants to mail me a check (a cashier’s check at least) and then have his hauler pick up the horse (6 hours away). And then he called me and got kind of testy that I didn’t want to do that.
Am I asking too much of potential buyers to try the horse or at least provide a reference first? Is there a good response to “Hi, is this horse still available?” or some other generic inquiry from a potential buyer? how does the conversation normally go if it’s an actually interested person?