Online catalog:
Very sad that I can’t make it to the July sale this year, especially since we have our first homebred colt selling! Unfortunately just too many horses at home to leave for a few days. He is hip 83, St Patrick’s Day - Entice
I’m excited but also a bit nervous anticipating how “Jolly” will sell. He is an ideal physical type for this sale, and I stubbornly insisted the FT inspectors put him on their look list back in the spring. They said his female family wasn’t strong enough-- I didn’t disagree, but he has The Look of a July horse. The week before the inspection, Jolly’s half brother finished 3rd in the Rushaway Stakes, making his dam a black type producer and suddenly the FT inspectors were VERY glad to have him on the list. They loved everything about him, and completely agreed he is the perfect physical type for July (I told you so!). Now I just hope buyers love him too, and if he doesn’t run well I would GLADLY take him back as an event prospect!
There are some very nice horses in the sale, as usual. Perusing the online catalog, I like what I’ve seen by first year sires Catalina Cruiser and Copper Bullet (check out the flashy #54!). A few others that I like from available photos:
Hard Spun filly 106
Violence filly 126 (sport horse? YES PLEASE!)
Unclo Mo colt 167
Tonalist filly 194
Bolt D’oro filly 196
Hard spun colt 199
Violence colt 252 (looks huge)
Mucho Macho Man filly 292
Curlin colt 302