I don’t have the horse for it right now. (Green TB, a senior TB, and a very large WB with a few physical issues.) I love Big South Fork. Something to consider, but I know nothing of the sport.
My GRP and me on a trail ride and as part of an online article about winter riding. The winter photo is courtesy of Shelby Agnew Photography.
I love coming back here to look at everyone’s pics
& I’ll pay a Tax:
Me & 4yo Bugs discovering he will, in fact, pony
Ntl Drive posted it on their FB page & got the comment:
“They never give you a full-size spare”
He is SO cute! And the name Skittles?
Sometimes she can look like that. lol!
Mine is an old screengrab of a video taken in 2009ish - my 14.3hh APHA mare doing a 3’6’’ course with me. I’ve had her for 23 years now, she just turned 26, and she’s my all time favorite horse to ever sit on. She suffered a stroke last fall and we were touch and go for a while, but we made it through and are now counting each day as borrowed time.
I’ve changed gears since I had to retire her and now have a barn full of western horses, so my only show pictures (while lovely) aren’t as much of a fit for the H/J sub channel. But it’s still all paint horses, all the time - and since I have almost a dozen of them, it always depends on the context of what I’m showing as to what gets shown off first.
This is a fairly old photo, but it’s one of my favorite riding horses. The horse was a very talented, quirky, hot OTTB. His previous owners had given up on making him a show hunter, shortly after this photo was taken, I sadly gave up on eventing him and showed him as a jumper.
But this photo shows my hunter princess roots; he’s relaxed, and has patted the ground in front of the fence and made a big, round effort while I float the rein.
It just took galloping several miles around a cross country course (this was the last fence) to get him to jump like this.
Wow! I love Sprinkles and her young rider!
She has been gone a while now, but, boy, did she leave a mark!
Resurrecting the thread because I finally got pro photos of my TB and I can’t help but want to share them!
beautiful! and the name of this beauty?
Oh my gosh are those terrific! This is the best thread to resurrect. Reminds me I have a couple new ones myself
I love a good resurrection!! I am benched myself…Long story short… Dermatologists that have to remove “Angry bad skin cells” are not inclined to let you sit on their handiwork and stitches and control a 1300lb animal with the flesh the sutures are on.
Soooooooooooooo I’m down for at least 2.5 weeks. LOL
Post the best pics and stories!!!
Oh, I have a new one since this has been revived. My first time showing my three year old this summer. Hoping she’ll eventually by my next fence horse, once she’s a little older and I can get her jumping:
I have enjoyed looking at all your photos and reading the memories/stories behind them. I am not a hunter-jumper rider, but in the spirit of “once upon a time I accomplished something with my horse(s)” I will share my favorite pictures of showing my old road horse. He was an off-the-track Standardbred. I got him in 2015 when he retired off the track at age 14 after 231 races.
Road Horse to Bike, 2016
Road Horse Under Saddle, 2019
That was the last time I showed him.
Greenwood farm! Miss you and shiver