when a horse is trying to run out or stop
“Over, Under, or THROUGH!”
when im riding one of her greenies
“Dont fall off, the in gate isnt wheelchair accessible”
after i fall off
“i know the ring boys were cute but couldnt you have gone about getting their attention while you were on the horse”
for the beginners that dont know better
“could you tuck your shirt in so that you look like rider and not some thing off the street”
for people with no clue
“why dont you just write I dont know what im doing across your forehead”
her answer to why we dont have fancy stall curtains
“because i know you will decorate the stalls with ribbons”
pukey lesson pony
“she canters like a bag of rocks rolling uphill”
bad lesson
“so far you are consistant-youve made the same mistake 4 times try something new”
“wake me up when you learn to ride”
“have I taught you nothing?”
-or- (my personal fave)
“she couldnt ride her way out of a wet paper bag”
and my other trainer in florida when i met a cute ring boy decided my walkie-talkie call name would be ‘raker’
“raker-raker… come IN raker”
(how embarassing when I was standign next to the boy with the rake )
also when i try my ducking
“lean a-WAY”
bad course
“where did you catch this new ‘first-course-itis’?”
an my alltime fave from andy when I fell off and totally split my pants at my last show (lol)
“hey at least you were wearing underwear!”
(this got dirty looks from everyone so he turned around and was like “hey shes an adult Im aloud to say whatever I want”) haha…
“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” -Thomas Jefferson