I thought that the seller talked to the father/buyer on the phone though (unless the father thought was trying to get $2,500+/- off of a $20,000 horse while the seller wanted no less then $1,000 off of a $10,000+/- horse, and they just never gave much thought to the fact that there “starting prices” were different things?)
Only 96 more posts needed to reach the 1500 goal[/QUOTE]
How ironic if they DID have that conversation and missed the chance to catch Thing 1 and Thing 2 read handed double crossing both of them. Seems like there are victims on both sides of this story and the only “winners” are the Things.
I have a feeling by the time we all finish re-hashing and getting filled in on more gossip as it becomes available we’ll hit 1500 posts. Hey, Floriday peeps did they show this weekend?