General feedback on new site HERE

Thanks for experimenting and sharing your results. I’ll have to check that out.

@Manni01 I explained in another thread, but so nobody thinks she’s being discriminated against ;), both the new and old site would occasionally mark some posts as possible spam and move them into a queue for moderator approval before posting them to the site, which was the case with her posts.

@2BayPonies Yes, we’re working on fixing the read/unread thread differentiation. Thanks!


@Moderator 1 Thanks so much to you & the dev team for everything.


@Moderator 1 I wonder if a pinned and locked “current known issues and status” thread might help keep people updated, if they don’t want to read through every post on our trouble ticket threads? You could update with closed issues (yay!) and add new things as they pop up.

You have kept us VERY well apprised of the situation, and having it all in one central location without any additional chatter might = more visibility for those who don’t hang out all the time in the help forum :smiley:


Simkie, I am loosing my mind… I saw “pinned” and read “pin-up” and wondered how we’d gotten off in the weeds :lol:

Sure wish the new site could have some subdued colors to separate the categories/topics so they are easier to read. This whole site is hard on the eye, very glaring.

Also wish you would reinstate the state or location posters are in if they so desire. That has been so helpful for weather-related posts, requests for assistance, placing of horses or other animals and so many other topics. Would really help animals and people a lot!

The location has been reinstated already?

They have increased the font, it is larger now and have muted the white some
They said they were working on complaints, so I expect they will do more yet.

Lets keep the comments coming, so they get feedback to what else to do, what is working and what could use more tweaking.

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To see location of users go into user setting click on account icon. You will see Posts or Last Activity check Post…then save changes. You’ll then see everyone’s locations.

I went back to Last Activity not liking hunting down last post.

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I went to the next page and it wasn’t there, of course sometimes my internet is slow here. Eventually I had to log out and log back in by going to google and starting all over again. I am using Firefox, but this happens on IE also, where a certain page will not be there, and I can go back sometimes, but not TO the page with the numbered page buttons. Sometimes I will go to the last post and work my way backwards to get there if it’s a long thread, this was going on with the hacked version of the BB and I got the problem again just now.

I am on my phone, can’t get on COTH forums on laptop, the forums keep uploading again and again like mad, not stable at all.
Anyone else with that problem?
Why not on the phone access too?

No problems on a computer here. What platform are you on, Bluey?

Mac laptop, Safari.
only web site with problems is here, but pk on my phone.
That is puzzling.

Sorry Mods - you have been really busy on these questions -

Mine is: Can the type be enlarged - it is hard to read and I make way too many typos in proof reading.


Would someone please explain what, under User Setting: Privacy, the following means “Customize who can see and comment on things you started, replied, followed and following under your profile.” The three choices are: All, Subscribers, and Members. There is no choice for None.

Does this refer to Subscribers and/or Members being able to read my posts and reply to them on threads, as they come across them when reading various threads? Sort of like the opposite of Ignore?

Or to Subscribers and/or Members following me, as an individual poster (so, specifically tracking me, looking to see what I have posted on whatever threads)?

Or what?

Perhaps this feature was also on the old site, and I just never dealt with it. Thanks!

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I really miss the last day option. Really really really. I don’t enjoy clicking on separate forums. Latest activity is not the same.

I hadn’t noticed this, but if this IS a reverse Ignore, I would LOVE that. If it is, it makes sense there isn’t a None option.

I’m curious about this one too. I hope someone will explain what it is and how it works.

Have you clicked “today’s posts”? Upper left, above the home link and below the grey header bar.

I am GUESSING (guessing! ;)) that the key words there are “under your profile.” By using the privacy tools, you can control what people see on your profile page when they visit there.

I will chime in and just say I really despise the white background and small font. It has definitely affected my time on the forums: 1) frequency I am on this site (Chronicle site in general, and forums), as well as 2) duration I am on. I know I am not the only one, and I cannot imagine a decrease in site traffic/use is what they are going for…it is so, so, hard on the eyes. The dark hunter green from before was so much better.

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I just saw it!!! Hallelujah!