Miserable today •
@Moderator 1
With all the SPAM that’s been popping up on all Forums it occurred to me it would be helpful if a Reported thread could somehow indicate it has been Flagged.
How hard would it be to add a Flag icon - similar to the little green tag that shows you’ve posted in a thread?
It would show on all threads that are reported and probably lead to lots of “Who reported my thread? Why did you people report my thread?” posts. I see why it would be great on the scammer threads, not so great elsewhere.
When a spammer thread is reported, the one reporting it is supposed to add a post saying just that, so the Moderator’s bin doesn’t get full of the same spam post being reported.
I do that, so does most everyone else, I see.
Even in clearly insulting posts, someone also posts they already reported it.
The CoTH site seems to be much slower than normal today. Forums are working reasonably well but trying to access articles and/or photos is glacial.
[B]extremely slow …monday … I know I know
patience … [/B]
Also, I can’t quote, error window pops up with red triangle and this:
"Error fetching quotes.
Please try again."
Patience … Bluey
Won’t quote today, getting blank page when i try to go to another part of forums. I’m guessing this has to do with the work being done behind the scenes. Had some real slow days, then it was back to speed next day or later the same day. Getting Error pop up when trying to quote.
adding … apparently many many issues …IOW …IT’s a MESS ! :yes:
Got to remember patience lots and lots of patience. :lol::lol::lol: Good grief the blank page deal is driving me crazy. Got to keep hitting back button ,till i finally get a page that’s not blank.
Anyone else getting the blank page issue?? going from topic to topic results in blank page. Or even clicking on help forum topic and i get a blank page. Having to do a lot of back button clicking to finally get the page to show up.
For me, a bit pokey but quoting, etc all working as expected (i.e., properly ).
No errors, no blank pages. Just a bit slow on loads.
I reported the errors being reported on the bug/glitch report, and hopefully they will be resolved soon. I’m not experiencing them personally at this time, but I linked the other thread to the developers so they could see what was being experienced by other users. Please feel free to weigh in there too if you have not already.
I’m playing around with a spam setting to see if it helps catch more of the recent offenders hitting the Dressage forum. Fingers crossed!
Thanks ~
Mod 1
Is it possible to get a spoiler function enabled? I tried to do a spoiler the other day [spoiler][/spoiler] and it didn’t work. It would be nice to have it for posts that are picture heavy, or ones with graphic pictures to make them optional to view.
Unless there is a spoiler option outside of the brackets that I missed?
It looks like this requires custom code, not just something that can be enabled?
Im not sure, it is on a couple of different forums I’m a part of.
@Moderator 1 not sure if this is the right place, but wanted to chime in now that it’s been a while about feedback on the login ribbon. I’ve given the changes a bit of time to adjust to them, but I still find the log-in to be way more complex than it needs to be.
The panel/ribbon (that’s the log in menu up top) takes a very long time to load for me. When viewing the forum home page, the log in ribbon does not even show at all (is it supposed to?).
in order to get the log in prompt to show up, I have to either click “Today’s Posts” or “Today’s Thread”. This loads a new page informing me I need to log in to view these pages.
I miss the old log in, which was built into the page, and showed up on the COTH Forum home page without having to click anything. You just typed www.chronofhorse.com/forum and the log in was there, waiting for you.
One other thing, that annoys me as a user – when you log out, it takes you to Chron’s home page rather than the Forum’s home page. Petition to change that back to how it was before, please?
Totally agree on the logout behavior, beowulf!
You’re getting different behavior that I’m seeing with logging in, though. Platform might help mod 1? I always get the yellow “you have to login to post” box on the main page on both computer (win 10 with chrome) and phone (android with chrome.) There’s also the login at the VERY top of the page on the computer where you can just enter your email and password without having to go anywhere or click on anything. Do you have that?
oh - I knew I forgot something.
I’m on Mozilla, Windows 7 - my home laptop is Mozilla, W8.
For me, at home it will remember my email and already populate it in the username field after I click Today’s Posts - BUT – when I enter my password it won’t work. I have to type my actual username (and not email) to log in. That’s the other thing I forgot to mention, I thought that was weird.
The log in @ the top of the page is the log in ribbon I’m talking about. It never shows up on the forum’s home page for me. I have to click TODAY’S POSTS or some other thing to get it to load (after the new page loads).