General feedback on new site HERE

How quaint. Now there is Shopping below Forums in the QuickLinks on the left side :smiley:

I was getting used to going to the last QuickLink in the list :wink:

@beowulf Could you post or email me a screenshot of what the screen looks like to you when you’re not seeing the log-in option at the top of the page?


here is a post –

I can email screen shots from my home computer, as well.

essentially, no log in prompts for me until I try to view individual posts.

I find that it takes quite a long time to load, and there is a script that delays availability. Once I get the error message and the option to recover the website and end the script I can get in, but that can take up to 5 minutes…

Is anyone else having an intermittent problem with scrolling via the scroll wheel?

I use my mouse scroll wheel to navigate up and down nearly 100% of the time. Sometimes when I try to start scrolling when the page is still loading, the scroll wheel no longer works across the whole forum. It works on other tabs I have open in the browser window. If I close the COTH tab and reopen, I still can’t scroll. The only way to fix is to close the whole browser window and start fresh. I’m on chrome.

It’s a weird problem and not particularly reproducible, so I’m not real sure what exactly is triggering it. But frustrating when it happens :-/

Thanks for letting us know you’re having trouble. Can you send me a screen shot of what you’re seeing?

Also, are you accessing the site on your computer or a mobile device? What browser and version are you using to view the site?

Mod 1

How does one ‘search’ using mobile device ?
The search option does not appear in the view ?

[quote=“Zu Zu,post:429,top![](c:427272”]

How does one ‘search’ using mobile device ?
The search option does not appear in the view ?



Yes yes I click on the magnifying glass
type in words and then there is nowhere to make the search ‘go’
the view is limited

Could not quote you …
the search is apparently not workable

I click on mglass - the search blank can’t be seen any more

the keyboard covers even the words im

Apparently this is impossible on mobile device

either there is no way to send the search off
the search space is not even in view to type in words

Gosh Darn it …l:lol:

What mobile device are you using? It works fine on my phone.

“Go” is where enter usually is on your keyboard. I will get up a screen shot if that’ll help.

You can also just click advanced search. Goes to the advanced search screen.

I am using an iPhone 7

After clicking on the magnifying glass
the menu bar disappears
the search rectangle is not available
the advanced option is not available
everything is covered up with keyboard
i would hit ‘GO’ but I have nothing for it to ‘GO’ to…

this is easy on the computer as the options are available
on the iPhone there is simply nothing … nowhere to go.

  • the iPhone is fine - the ‘search’ is not working in that it’s not view able
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Can you post a screenshot to help @Moderator 1 troubleshoot? That sounds like a display issue specific to the device.

The phone has been checked out first …
as I realized it would be the first thing to be ‘blamed’ … it’s fine checked by Apple personnel .

  • this is only a problem with ‘search’
    on Coth.

as for a screen shot - I do not know how to do that.

I can search on the computer
I can’t on the iPhone due to the view and the options are not in sight to choose.

I’m posting to ask if there is a secret ‘trick’
to ‘search’ on smart phones
to see if anyone else might be experiencing this glitch.

Off on my day - thank you for your help S

I’ll just use the computer in the future.

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I’m not saying at all that there’s a problem with your phone, Zu Zu. I’m saying that there’s a problem with how the forum displays on the iPhone 7 that doesn’t exist on other devices. There are hundreds–thousands–of different phones out there. Getting a website to display as intended on all of them is tough.

Here’s how you take a screen shot.

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ZuZu, can you rotate your iPhone 90 degrees and see if your view changes?

I use an application on an iPad that does change what I can see depending on landscape vs portrait orientation.

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Seems that posting is very slow today, takes a good minute or more of that small yellow “working” tag up there and finally the page changes and it shows posted.

Don’t know if that is on my end or not, but many had that when the change first happened, then was corrected.

Edited to add, this one was posted quickly, may have self resolved, or that glitch is inconsistent?
When editing, it is still very fast.

Are we going to be able to get the thread suggestions/related threads functions added back ? I always ended up reading other threads suggested at the bottom of the page when searching for answers.

Since this thread is bumped, I will ask my ‘are we going to get’ question too. Are they going to fix the Today’s Topics so it is in chronological order?
It still looks that way but then you realize it is not when you look closer. Then you realize when you go to a forum that new posts have been happening on a thread but it has not shown on Today’s Topics anywhere near the first bunch of pages even though it is a newer time than the posts that show.
This was brought up as a problem when we started with this new format.

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