General feedback on new site HERE

I am guessing that AlterWho is talking about the list you get when you hit the “latest posts” option on the forum main page. (Not to be confused with the Latest Activity tab.)
The Latest Posts list does not include the original author, how many posts, etc.

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Testing the Link to Image feature.

This is using a URL to a cover photo from the COTH Magazine Website.

Edited to Add: It works!

[B]Mods Please Remove this Post if Linking to Images on the Coth website is not permitted.

Also, please [/B][B]consider that even though this is a great feature. A troll/scammer might link to some not so nice images.

Just wanted you to be aware that this feature is active and working.[/B]

Whoa, we can hotlink images now??

Hm. Won’t work for me. Are you premium? I don’t see it to the left with your name, but maybe it’s not there anymore!


No, I’m not a premium member.

In the post editor at the bottom of the page, there’s a symbol that looks like this: A
Click on the A and the advanced editor tools should appear at the top of the post editor.

Hover your mouse over each of the items in the advanced editor toolbar to see what they do. In the bottom row you should find the buttons that add images, and movies, among a bunch of other features as well.

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Huh. Yeah, I tried that. Didn’t work. Wonder why. I just get a torn paper icon. :confused:

Wait, now I can get it to work! I swear I did this exactly the same way last time…


What else works, ![]( wonder?

Image tags?



<a href=“” target="_blank"><img src=“” border=“0” alt=“Celia photo IMG_0177.jpg”/></a>

Whoa. We have working image tags!! Holy cow!

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@Simkie Are those images hosted somewhere or are they just on your computer?


I wonder if the upload image will work too?

Hope the mods will let us keep this feature.
Lots of added expressive potential for forum members. :slight_smile:

From dropbox??


Front page of COTH, photobucket and dropbox. In order :slight_smile:

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And uploaded from my computer…

NOPE. I do get a “you are not authorized” on that one.

The site is ungodly slow. Switching between forums can takes minutes… on an ISP grade fiber connection. using the browser back button gives unexpected results. Who QA’d this mess?

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The site is ungodly slow. Switching between forums can takes minutes… on an ISP grade fiber connection. using the browser back button gives unexpected results. Who QA’d this mess? And did a post reply and get an error after almost 2 minutes of “empty response”
And of course it double posts. This is better how?

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Hey now. We’re less than 48 hours post launch. This is a FREE playground. The site is slow because they’re mucking about on the back end, changing things that we’ve requested. The problems you’re talking about have been acknowledged and they’re working on it.

Maybe a little bit of kindness and understanding is in order???


Good post Simkie :slight_smile: this is free. This is a HUGE and total change from one piece of software to another. It’s not even just a major release of existing software. Having been on the back end of having to transition data from one system to an entirely different one, where it’s never a 100% 1 to 1 transfer, things don’t always go as planned, no matter how carefully you do it, and when you are talking about largely free stuff (the forum is free, the subscription is not, and sure there are ads to help), AND you don’t have a playground in which to test stuff “in real life” but not really, stuff happens.

The “empty response” is new today - wasn’t here yesterday. Things are slower today than they were yesterday for me. This is how ALL these upgrades go when it’s a total changing of the guard.

It WILL get better.


My thoughts exactly Simkie… while this site is “production grade”, and don’t get me wrong please COTH, it’s at a different level of production than some of the upgrades I’ve worked on with tens of thousands of users running mission critical 24x7x365 business.

In many areas, things have gotten better. Mod1 has been on top of responding to our questions and issues as best as possible given that often, things are changing even as we type. The Forums are not the primary focus of the COTH web site, I love that COTH has offered this functionality given how much time and effort it has taken (sometimes in support and somethings in just plain refereeing :slight_smile: ).

Personally, I thought this cutover was splendid… the site was up before it was promised and overall the glitches have been in the PITA category rather than show stoppers. :smiley:


Eh no. The site is not actually free. Would be if there were no ads. It is also covered by premium members. And it drives more revenue to the mag site. And as someone in “the biz” I find the degradation of performance as black eye for those that rolled this out. There are many MANY ways to load test you new system and tune it. They have plenty of data to know what their load is and how many users they can expect.

They left the old site broken for a couple of months while they were preparing this? If they had rolled out early to cover for the old site being toast, THEN I would have more patience. But not as it was done. Had this been me, I would expect to have my head handed to me on a plate by my customer for failing to my job properly.

And lastly, no. The problems are not because of tweaking on the backend for front end looks. The underlying systems display every hint that it is underpowered and overwhelmed by the load and with too long for a return on database queries.

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I get the same ‘not authorized’ when trying to post picture. Photo appears in my reply box – but then when I hit ‘post reply’ I get the ‘not authorized’.

This forum is a free playground - Simkie didn’t say the site is free (though a great deal of it is). The forums are free for anyone who creates an account. It’s free because of ads and mag subscription fees. And it will get fixed. And it won’t take that long.

They aren’t an IT shop.

Nothing was said about frond end tweaks creating slowness issues. Perhaps they don’t have the funds for good load testing software - they aren’t cheap, and for an upgrade once every 5 or more years, totally not worth it.

The system actually works PLENTY fast for me, has from Day 1, so it’s not an actual load issue. It’s likely related to browser, and some of those issues can be really difficult to pin down. The only slowness issue for me is yesterday’s (this is my first post today so don’t know if it’s still an issue) “empty response” issue which took probably 30 seconds to get to that point. Everything else is nearly the same speed as the old system.

Companies everywhere leave things “broken” when 1) it’s not affecting fundamental usability (and really, quoting and editing is nice, not required), and 2) the system is going away in short order. I work for one of the big mobile telecom companies and can tell you that systems being sunset are not worked on for minor bugs not affecting the overall integrity of the system, the ability of anyone to get their jobs done, or customers’ overall experiences. The old site was hardly “toast”, and trust me, from what I read in the thread complaining about the loss of quote/edit functionality (for some, you could still do it on a mobile apparently) you did NOT want it rolled out early. There’s a reason it was delayed from last weekend’s “we’d hoped” date.

Just give them a bit of a break. I see you’ve had an account for a long time, but have hardly posted. Usually it’s the frequent posters who complain the loudest. Trust me - if some of these issues go on long enough, the true old timers will really start beating down doors :wink:


And now that I’ve posted, the “empty response” is gone (for me) and my post was saved lickity split.

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