Guessing that uploading to COTH servers is still limited to premium members
It is not going to help anyone if we fill the thread with people pouncing on people for posting their issues. I am sure that Mod 1 has no problem ignoring any digs and moving on to putting stuff on the list that needs to go to the smart people who set this stuff up.
I am finding that posts are going up much more quickly today.
There is still a slow lag when I navigate around from forum area to forum area.
I seem to see some people’s signatures, but the vast majority of signatures are gone including my own. I hope they are coming back! I often find myself identifying who people are more so on their signature then memorizing user names.
Bummed about that. I got super excited for half a second that I could upload a picture and could actually see it in my reply post, but then couldn’t actually post it.
The notification thing i personally don’t like and will opt out of it on user settings, not a phone friendly site. Half the site isn’t visible on phone screen. Trying to log in from phone is next to impossible it keeps taking you back to login page after you hit login icon.
Slow posting isn’t an issue this morning it posted pronto so that’s fixed.
It is a setting in your user settings. Your signature is there, you just have to check the box to show signatures.
Read threads are still showing as unread (bold)
On the first page to pick a thread, I miss seeing how many pages are in a thread with the numbers.
In the mobil version when reading and you have the page numbers, they do not progress as you click through them.
Example: 10 page thread. You show pages 1, 2, 3, 10 when starting off, however when you get to page 3 there is no 4 to click on, you must click next. Here is a picture of what I am talking about with this thread.
Mod1, thanks so much to you and your team for the work on this.
I am glad that the white and the small font are on the list.
I am finding that I cannot spend as much time here - and you know I’m an addict - because it’s not quite as friendly to read. Here are some of my additional suggestions:
The profile space is mostly empty and it is missing the user’s location, which is pretty essential for how we respond to each other. I consider it more important than the join date, if you have to make choices.
The “Today’s Posts” link was my major browse strategy for the site. I liked the compact listing like you have within a forum. My interests aren’t confined to individual forum groups and especially during a late at night insomniac session, it’s really nice to find active threads. “Latest Activity” isn’t as good for that, IMHO, but I understand if you can’t get back that old functionality.
We need some sort of navigation to forums or threads back at the bottom of the page. Here I am back at the bottom of the page, and no where to go. I can go back to the page and click on the forum index only, starting over, which is several clicks from a list of actual threads. The content of the links at the bottom is probably less important than that they simply get you to some pile of threads to browse.
It is “free” for me… I am not paying a dime other than reading the ads.
Yes, there are many ways to load test and tune… most of them are not inexpensive. I don’t know (nor do I want to) what COTH’s IT budget is but I suspect not excessive. The reality of smaller IT shops is that they don’t always have the luxury of doing some of the fancier things a larger, mission critical 24-7-365 shop does.
Not sure if this is a glitch or not, so not sure where to post it (and I know, I already feel like I posted too many times in this thread… squeaky wheel…)
But I’ve noticed that the prompt for logging into the forums is not available for me on the forum’s home page (www.chronofhorse,com/forum). Rather, in order to log in, I have to click a sub-forum (for example, Eventing) for the prompt to appear and most of the time it just redirects me to the login page instead of just letting me log in on the ribbon up top. Once it does appear it is really laggy and I am being logged out every 15m or so despite hitting “remember me.”
Another thing I’ve noticed, after I post (including a thread) it will kick me to the home page instead of back to the thread in question.
I’m on Mozilla, Windows XP.
Not a fan of having my name in red in the upper left hand corner. Since I am certain of my identity, I don’t need to have my name up there, lest I suddenly forget it whilst logged in.
Your name there when you are logged in is pretty typical of anyplace that you log into. Be it LL Bean, Smartpak or a forum. Is it the fact that your name is there at all, or the fact that it is red that annoys you?
I find it handy having it there, so I know I am logged in.
The computer version is okay, but I really dislike the mobile version. I’m not going to be as frequent a visitor because of that.
If you click on your red name, it will take you to your main site profile page, where you can change the name that is displayed on the screen if you don’t want your actual name visible there. I put “Jane Doe” on mine in case I inadvertently screen shot it and sent it to someone. I believe that name is your username for the main site, so if you post a comment on a story, that is the name that will appear. I’ve honestly been so busy on the forums side of things, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on over on the magazine side though!
I can find out if you have any questions on that end of things though.
I’m not sure if this answers your log-in question, but they’ve totally combined the log in systems for the main site and the forums, so you can enter your forums username or your email address at the top of the screen in the “main log-in” and you’ll be signed into the whole site. Finally, universal log in!
Hmmm…I haven’t experienced that posting issue. Every time you post, you get kicked back to the home page?
Mod 1
The owner of the magazine wanted to make image posting free and available to all users, and we’re going to be issuing refunds to Premium users once we get through this transition.
I need to step away from the computer for a while, but I’ll dig into why we’re having issues uploading images later today.
Thanks for all of your feedback and patience!
Mod 1
This… ^^^^^ is VERY cool. Thank you!
Thank you!
:eek::eek::eek: That’s awesome!
AARRGGHHHHHH. I wrote a post yesterday. It was #140 ---- all on one page. It sure takes a while to scroll down 140 posts.
Problems: I still cannot get onto COTH forums directly. I have to come into the main page and then click on “forums”.
The pages are black letters on white background and are all one size. I tried to go to my personal screen and choose colors — nope.
I have also paid for COTH online. Cannot access it, either. Once again, I get an error message.
I have erased all previous links and have typed in new URLs by hand. Still get error messages.
ALL my other sites work perfectly. This is the only problem, so i have to think it is COTH and not me.
All in all, this is REALLY frustrating. Can I go back to the old forum?