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GM Clinic at Persimmon Tree Farm

Did they really just hold a George Morris clinic at Persimmon Tree Farm?

I guess someone wants to test the aiding and abetting language in the USEF SS rules, if so…


Looked like they didn’t even try to hide it. The clinic information is posted right on the farm website. For participants 12 and up…


Ugh. This is not surprising to me, but it is gross. :mad:


Their website and the announcement in horse of the delaware valley are no longer available.


No, it’s still available: https://www.persimmontreefarm.com/clinic.html

I used to ride with Carolyn and learned a lot from her. I’m seriously disappointed.


Well I screen shotted all the links on their website for the clinic Just in case, but COTH is telling me I can’t upload .png files. :sigh:


Here you go. [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“medium”,“data-attachmentid”:10724494}[/ATTACH]


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Do we know when this was put up?
because there is no mention of mask requirements or anything about keeping spectators to a minimum. Maybe it was written a while ago but just wasn’t removed?

An up-to-date website doesn’t seem to be a priority since their show schedule is from 2018. It does indicate a 2020 copyright at the bottom of each page; however, a lot has happened since the beginning of 2020.

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Yes, I wonder if they actually had it. At least in VA, we actually aren’t allowed to have spectators at any events and I believe it’s the same in MD, so I don’t know how they could have auditors.
His appeal was only last November, so I could see them scheduling before it went through and just not updating the page.

I sent USEF an email containing the link to this thread and asked them to please respond to USEF members’ concern that a former member , George Morris, permanently banned by Safe Sport and USEF, was invited to teach children and USEF members, in violation of Safe Sport and USEF rules.

I’m sure they’ll let us know if this took place or not.:yes:


It says right on the flyer Fall 2020.



2020_Clinic_Info_Fall.pdf (70.2 KB)

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I think the question is not whether it was scheduled, but that it actually occurred. It could have been put on the website a year ago or more and subsequently cancelled, but never removed from the website. Prudent business practice would have been to remove it from the website once cancelled.

My initial response when I read Stormy Day’s comments was to check that there was a year included in the date because I initially interpreted their query to mean they were wondering if it was from a prior year.

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Whether the clinic actually took place is the question. Hopefully USEF, since they have now been asked, will provide the answer.

I rather doubt that the clinic actually did go forward, not only because of the lifetime ban of George Morris, but because of the criminal charges that have been filed against him.

USEF (AHSA at the time) has been included in those charges as well, so it would behoove them to take G.M’s ban quite seriously at this point in time.

If the clinic was held and they were unaware of it, they know now that it was scheduled and can look into the matter.


Notice the web site says “this year’s fall clinic”, which implies to me that it was posted sometime in 2020. It doesn’t say “next year’s clinic” or “the 2020 clinic”.


Interesting. I’m surprised/not surprised they would hold a GM clinic since they’ve been doing this for many many years but still… seems to me to be an idiotic thing to do when you have 2 good trainers and CD working out that barn, not to mention their clients. Is having that clinic really worth risking your reputation and very possibly career on…


If they did host it, they’ve done a good job keeping it off social media. It was even once listed on the calendar of events on www.thehorseofdelawarevalley.com but has been removed.

If they cancelled it, this is a strong case for UPDATING YOUR WEBSITE regularly. Jeeze why bother even having one??? (peeve of mine, obviously)


It’s still on the Facebook page for The Horse of the Delaware Valley. Posted on August 29th.