This is a Dressage Forum, not a trail riding forum? What does that have to do with the cost of bread?
The fact that someone thinks horses who are barefoot can’t be ridden seriously is sad. “Ridden seriously” does NOT have to mean the upper levels of any discipline.
I guess everyone who comes into this forum looking for assistance on a variety of topics, from leg yield, to hoof care, to saddle fit, has to be a upper level competitor with a “seriously ridden” horse who therefore cannot possibly be barefoot?
The fact that most upper level Dressage riders have shod horses is irrelevant to this whole discussion, because the OP didn’t even say what level the horse was currently working, nor what level she was aiming for. And even if she’s aiming for FEI levels, but is only working Training, why should the likelihood of needing shoes once the horse hits, let’s say, 3rd Level, require the horse to have shoes now?
Yes, there ARE riders who chose to not shoe because of cost. If their horse is fine without shoes, why is that a problem? Why should they just “put shoes on and be done with it”? If the horse is not fine without shoes but just somehow manages, that’s wrong, and nobody here has ever said that is acceptable.
But don’t just assume that someone keeping their horse barefoot is doing it for cost reasons.