
Yeah, you didn’t hear back from me because I’ve had my hands a bit full. And by the time I looked at the thread, everyone had already given Kelsey a pretty good talking-to. So I didn’t think it was necessary.

Her comments were clearly offensive to LOTS of people. They told her so. That’s the purpose of open discussion. And she probably learned a helluva lot more from that than from me “kicking” the thread off the board.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sandstone:
I don’t think that me or Kelsey were trying to be mean or ofend anyone. She was just wondering. And I just answered the question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, Marion~ That’s right, I didn’t mean to offend anyone! I was just trying to start a discussion on your grooms… Sometimes I don’t realize it when I say bad things, i.e. the Mexicans. I’m just so used to me and my friend reffereing to them as Mexicans, that’s what everyone does and I shouldn’t have said it on here. SORRY.

Ok guys, I have read this WHOLE thread as its been developing and I must say that I am disgusted w/ some of the responses that are from ADULTS towards CHILDREN. Ok, maybe its because I’m only 14, but still… Do you really have to hide behind the anonymity offered by the internet in order to insult a junior? You people putting down Kelsey are as wrong as any of the snippy, bratty kids in my school who talk behind each others’ backs, etc etc. But whatever… I know Kelsey, in fact I met her through a BB and then met her at Devon and she is a great girl, very sweet and fun to be with. Sometimes 14 year olds don’t think. I know that I don’t sometimes. So sue me… Last time I checked 14 year olds weren’t required to be with the program, PC, socially aware, etc etc 24/7. Give her a break…

I, too, thought the initial post must have been a joke…and it’s a class issue as well as one of race/ethnicity. I’ve witnessed some shockingly crass behavior on the part of show riders towards grooms, and it was obvious to me that the relationship perfectly mirrors that between the ruling classes and their servants in any other context. My goodness, sometimes I’m grateful that I’ve always been too poor to make it to the top-rated shows, with this sort of attitude so commonplace.

Canter, I know you’re not being confrontational. Again, I was trying to point out that if we take a limited personal experience and extrapolate it to define a race of people, we can often come to erroneous conclusions.

I’ve been to a ton of horse shows in the last 10 years and now that I think about it, the majority of the grooms I saw were not Hispanic. If the question was why are there so many Hispanic grooms at the Middleburg shows (or wherever ErinB meant)that’s one thing, but to assume that all grooms are Mexicans (‘how many Mexicans do you bring?’ as Kelsy asked)is quite another assumption.

For instance, I once boarded at a barn that went through a succession of barn managers quite quickly. Each mgr did a good job as far as the horses went, which is what they were hired for, but in other matters they had a lot of problems and none of them lasted. What would you think of me if I asked, how come the majority of boarding stable managers are homeless white women with kids whose boyfriends dumped them? It would be true for my experience at that barn, but not true of barn managers in general. Asking about the Mexicans is the same as me asking how many dumped white girls with kids do you bring to a show. Assuming that every barn mgr is an unwed mother with no other recourse than to move into somebody’s basement is as silly as assuming that every Mexican I see will wipe the **it from my boots.

Now do you see?

There is nothing wrong with having grooms and barn workers who take care of your horse. This does not mean that you do not care for and love your horse or spend time with them and brush and groom them yourself. Did anyone stop to think that having a groom gives those with tight schedules actually more time to spend with their horses. Also, There is a big difference in doing a one day show and showing over several days every week or so. If you know the environment of the A ciruit shows you know that many people need some personnel attention and help to keep organized and focus on what they are doing. Obviously the trainer cannot always afford some time and it has to be someone who knows what they are doing hence the groom. In addition many barns require you spend time on yourself and let the grooms do their work( I am talking about all grooms/working students, etc. No race in particular) In fact trainers and GROOMS get angry if you start “getting in their way and doing work they are to do and do their own way within their schedule.” Another point Grooms ensure the horse gets the best immediate care after showing with someone who has a great routine and knows to get the job done.

Now, having a groom may be a sign of monetary comfort but it is not a sign of a caring person and neither is doing the work yourself.

We have a bad case of classism in this country - here we have the rich girl with horses and the money for grooms being stomped on for well, being rich (and maybe being bad at wording things!). And then we all know stories of people being treated poorly because they are well, poor or the wrong color or “uneducated”.
Can’t we all just get along? no- probably not, but we could all learn from each other. Everybody serves a purpose and is important. I’m so darn sick of seeing people snubbed for being too rich or too poor, or educated or uneducated.